Economy, information technology, resource management
Section editor – PhD in economics Krasnov O.S.
Article # 50_2010 submitted on 11/22/2010 displayed on website on 12/06/2010
9 p.
pdf  Improvement of the legal and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation in the sphere of subsoil

Some issues of legislation of the Russian Federation in the sphere of subsoil have been considered. The complex situations have been identified and the proposals on their elimination have been developed. Recommendations for the legal and regulatory framework improvement have been given.

Key words: subsoil, licensing, legal and regulatory act, subsoil section, field.
article citation Siryk S.I. Improvement of the legal and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation in the sphere of subsoil // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2010. - V.5. - #4.-