Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 18_2020 submitted on 05/18/2020 displayed on website on 05/29/2020
20 p.
pdf Comparative petrophysical characteristic of the Jurassic sections of the Gerasimov and Krapivin fields (in relation to pre-Jurassic petroleum potential of the Tomsk region)
On the example of the geophysical characteristics of the Gerasimov field wells logs (Jurassic and pre-Jurassic oil and gas accumulations), and Krapivin field wells logs (Jurassic oil and gas condensate accumulation), the hypothesis of anomalous petrophysical characteristics of the Jurassic section is argued, eventually related to the overlapping pre-Jurassic petroleum bearing strata. It was established that the Jurassic reservoirs geophysical data of the Gerasimov field show abnormally values, twice as high-resistive as the Jurassic reservoirs of the Krapivin field. It was shown that in the Gerasimov field in the interval of the Bazhenov Formation there are practically no variations in the readings of the method of intrinsic polarization potentials, and the level of electrical resistivity and the level of natural radioactivity are two less than in the Krapivinsky field.

Keywords: Paleozoic hydrocarbon accumulation, pre-Jurassic petroleum bearing strata, Gerasimov field, Krapivin field, Tomsk region.
article citation Aleeva A.O. Sravnitel'naya petrofizicheskaya kharakteristika yurskikh razrezov Gerasimovskogo i Krapivinskogo mestorozhdeniy (v svyazi s neftegazonosnost'yu doyurskikh otlozheniy Tomskoy oblasti) [Comparative petrophysical characteristic of the Jurassic sections of the Gerasimov and Krapivin fields (in relation to pre-Jurassic petroleum potential of the Tomsk region)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2020, vol. 15, no. 2, available at:
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