Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 36_2014 submitted on 06/04/2014 displayed on website on 09/12/2014
20 p.
pdf  Space, geophysical and geological structural interpretation data focusing the future hydrocarbonces bearing structures
The results of a complex analysis of the structural interpretation of space images and geological-geophysical data for the purpose to identify new petroleum exploration target are presented. Based on the results of researches on unexplored seismic areas, more than 30 local structures were identified. More than 64% of them are reflected in the structure of the basement and sedimentary cover. On the basis of geological and geochemical data was evaluated the presence of hydrocarbon deposits within the selected objects. The most promising structures are located on the eastern slope of the Ukhta-Izhma arch and in the area adjacent to the eastern territories of the Omra-Lyzha saddle.

Keywords: hydrocarbons, space images interpretation, local structure, criterion of petroleum.
article citation Kotik I.S. Obosnovanie strukturnyh ob#ektov dal'nejshih neftegazopoiskov po rezul'tatam kosmicheskogo deshifrirovanija i geologo-geofizicheskim dannym [Space, geophysical and geological structural interpretation data focusing the future hydrocarbonces bearing structures]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2014, vol. 9, no. 3, available at:

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