Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 23_2015 submitted on 06/15/2015 displayed on website on 06/26/2015
34 p.
pdf Regional hydrocarbon potential of the Far East in the XXI century: exploration results and trends in subsoil use
The conventional object of study - the Far East - is expanded due to the adjacent waters of the territorial sea. The current state of the regional hydrocarbon potential is determined by the results of the annual monitoring of regional and exploration activities. The long-term trends in subsoil are determined according to the monitoring results of exploration carried out in this century. Surface exploration are characterized by a very low efficiency in this century. The land and water areas within the land-sea basins, including the territorial sea, have been and remain the priority areas of subsoil use in the region.

Keywords: subsoil use, licensing, hydrocarbons, oil, gas, territorial sea, regional and exploration activities, drilling, seismic surveys.
article citation Novikov Yu.N., Margulis L.S., Andieva T.A., Goma L.M., Pylina L.M., Bol'shakova N.V., Krestina O.I., Turova E.S. Territorial'nyy uglevodorodnyy potentsial Dal'nego Vostoka v XXI veke: itogi geologorazvedochnykh rabot i tendentsii nedropol'zovaniya [Regional hydrocarbon potential of the Far East in the XXI century: exploration results and trends in subsoil use]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2015, vol. 10, no. 2, available at:
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Novikov Yu.N. Istoriya, problemy i perspektivy neftegazopoiskov na Dal'nem Vostoke Rossii [History, problems and prospects of oil and gas prospecting the Russian Far East]. Neftegazogeologicheskiy prognoz i perspektivy razvitiya neftegazovogo kompleksa Vostoka Rossii: Proceedings of the conference (St. Petersburg, 22-26 November 2010). St. Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2010, p. 218-238.
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Novikov Yu.N., Andieva T.A., Bol'shakova N.V. Goma L.M., Krestina O.I., Barkinkhoev U.Ya. Sostoyanie i perspektivy nedropol'zovaniya na territoriyakh Dal'nevostochnogo regiona [State and prospects of subsoil use in the Far Eastern region]. Neftegeologicheskiy prognoz i perspektivy razvitiya neftegazovogo kompleksa vostoka Rossii: Proceedings of the conference (St. Petersburg, 17-21 June 2013). St. Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2013, p. 211-223.
Novikov Yu.N., Andieva T.A., Goma L.M. Sostoyanie i problemy nedropol'zovaniya na territoriyakh i akvatoriyakh Dal'nevostochnogo regiona [State and problems of subsoil waters in the territories and offshore of the Far Eastern region]. Problemy vosproizvodstva zapasov nefti i gaza v sovremennykh usloviyakh: Proceedings of scientific articles dedicated to the 85th anniversary of VNIGRI. St. Petersburg, VNIGRI, 2014, p. 39-54.