Stratigraphy and lithology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Kirichkova A.I.
Article # 44_2015 | submitted on 12/08/2014 displayed on website on 12/07/2015 |
30 p. | Belonovskaya L.G., Shibina T.D., Oknova N.S., Pestova (Kokhanova) A.N., Verzilin N.N. |
Lithological features and filtration potential capacity of subsalt Vendian complex rocks of Eastern Siberia | |
On the basis of huge amount of factual data the lithologic and petrophysical characteristics of productive deposits of the Vendian complex of south of the Siberian platform are analyzed. The schematic maps of distribution of open porosity and permeability of carbonate and clastic rocks are constructed and analyzed for individual layers and areas of improved reservoirs are distinguished. The proposed maps show differences between petrophysical features of rocks that form the hydrocarbon bearing strata, as well as their variation within the major structures of the studied region. The promising areas for hydrocarbon deposits prospecting are highlighted taking into account the reservoir properties data for the studied area. Keywords: Vendian, clastic sediments, carbonate sediments, porosity, permeability, fracture, reservoir, productive deposits, Baykit anteclise, Katanga saddle, Nepa-Botuoba anteclise, Siberian platform. |
article citation | Belonovskaya L.G., Shibina T.D., Oknova N.S., Kokhanova A.N., Verzilin N.N. Litologicheskie osobennosti i emkostno-fil'tratsionnyy potentsial porod podsolevogo vendskogo kompleksa Vostochnoy Cibiri [Lithological features and filtration potential capacity of subsalt Vendian complex rocks of Eastern Siberia]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2015, vol. 10, no. 4, available at: |
DOI | |
Belonovskaya L.G., Gmid L.P. Rol' treshchinno-porovykh karbonatnykh kollektorov v otsenke resursnogo potentsiala Nepsko-Botuobinskoy anteklizy [The role of the fractured-porous carbonate reservoirs in the evaluation of the resource potential of the Nepa-Botuoba anteclise]. Litologicheskie i geokhimicheskie osnovy prognoza neftegazonosnosti. Proceedings of International scientific-practical conference. Saint Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2008, p. 492-500.
Gubina E.A., Shibina T.D., Belonovskaya L.G. Karbonatnye kollektory Nepsko-Botuobinskoy anteklizy [Carbonate reservoirs of Nepa-Botuoba anteclise]. Litologicheskie i geokhimicheskie osnovy prognoza neftegazonosnosti: Proceedings of International scientific-practical conference. Saint Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2008, p. 406-412.
Kokhanova A.N., Shibina T.D., Dmitrieva T.V., Oknova N.S. Geologiya rezervuara na osnove litologicheskikh issledovaniy obraztsov kerna skvazhiny ? 1 Kutlinskaya [Geology of the reservoir on the basis of lithological studies of core samples from well number 1 Kutlinskaya]. Aktual'nye problemy neftegazovoy geologii XXI veka: Proceedings of III International Conference of young scientists and specialists. Saint Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2013, p. 7-15.
Metodicheskie rekomendatsii po izucheniyu i prognozu kollektorov nefti i gaza slozhnogo tipa [Guidelines for the study and forecast of oil and gas reservoirs of complex type]. Editors M.Kh. Bulach, L.G. Belonovskaya. Leningrad: VNIGRI, 1989, 103 p.
Oknova N.S., Kokhanova A.N. Litologiya i fil'tratsionnye svoystva vendskikh otlozheniy yuga Sibirskoy platformy [Lithology and filtration properties of Vendian deposits of southern Siberian platform]. Evolyutsiya osadochnykh protsessov v istorii Zemli: Proceedings of 8 All-Russian lithological meeting (Moscow, 27-30 October 2915). Moscow: RGU nefti i gaza im. I.M. Gubkina, 2015, p. 250-253.
Shemin G.G. Geologiya i perspektivy neftegazonosnosti venda i nizhnego kembriya tsentral'nykh rayonov Sibirskoy platformy (Nepsko-Botuobinskaya, Baykitskayaanteklizy i Katangskaya sedlovina) [Geology and petroleum potential of the Vendian and Lower Cambrian central regions of the Siberian Platform (Nepa-Botuoba, Baykitskaya anteclise and Katanga saddle)]. Novosibirsk: SO RAN, 2007, 460 p.
Gubina E.A., Shibina T.D., Belonovskaya L.G. Karbonatnye kollektory Nepsko-Botuobinskoy anteklizy [Carbonate reservoirs of Nepa-Botuoba anteclise]. Litologicheskie i geokhimicheskie osnovy prognoza neftegazonosnosti: Proceedings of International scientific-practical conference. Saint Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2008, p. 406-412.
Kokhanova A.N., Shibina T.D., Dmitrieva T.V., Oknova N.S. Geologiya rezervuara na osnove litologicheskikh issledovaniy obraztsov kerna skvazhiny ? 1 Kutlinskaya [Geology of the reservoir on the basis of lithological studies of core samples from well number 1 Kutlinskaya]. Aktual'nye problemy neftegazovoy geologii XXI veka: Proceedings of III International Conference of young scientists and specialists. Saint Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2013, p. 7-15.
Metodicheskie rekomendatsii po izucheniyu i prognozu kollektorov nefti i gaza slozhnogo tipa [Guidelines for the study and forecast of oil and gas reservoirs of complex type]. Editors M.Kh. Bulach, L.G. Belonovskaya. Leningrad: VNIGRI, 1989, 103 p.
Oknova N.S., Kokhanova A.N. Litologiya i fil'tratsionnye svoystva vendskikh otlozheniy yuga Sibirskoy platformy [Lithology and filtration properties of Vendian deposits of southern Siberian platform]. Evolyutsiya osadochnykh protsessov v istorii Zemli: Proceedings of 8 All-Russian lithological meeting (Moscow, 27-30 October 2915). Moscow: RGU nefti i gaza im. I.M. Gubkina, 2015, p. 250-253.
Shemin G.G. Geologiya i perspektivy neftegazonosnosti venda i nizhnego kembriya tsentral'nykh rayonov Sibirskoy platformy (Nepsko-Botuobinskaya, Baykitskayaanteklizy i Katangskaya sedlovina) [Geology and petroleum potential of the Vendian and Lower Cambrian central regions of the Siberian Platform (Nepa-Botuoba, Baykitskaya anteclise and Katanga saddle)]. Novosibirsk: SO RAN, 2007, 460 p.