Stratigraphy and lithology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Kirichkova A.I.
Article # 30_2016 | submitted on 07/25/2016 displayed on website on 08/29/2016 |
34 p. | Kirichkova A.I., Kostina E.I., Nosova N.V. |
Sphenobaiera Florin (Ginkgoales) genus and its importance for Jurassic deposits stratigraphy of Irkutsk coal basin | |
The results of systematic composition clarifying of Sphenobaiera Florin (Ginkgoales) genus, one of the dominant taxa in the Jurassic flora of Irkutsk basin, are given. Remains of genus leaf were found almost in all outcrops of Prisayan and Cheremkhovo suites deposits. The six species of the genus, two of which are new, were identified by the peculiarities of the leaves epidermis structure. Stratigraphic confinement of identified taxa was traced.
Keywords: Lower and Middle Jurassic, Sphenobaiera, stratigraphic region, Irkutsk coal basin. |
article citation | Kirichkova A.I., Kostina E.I., Nosova N.V. Rod Sphenobaiera Florin (Ginkgoales) i ego znachenie dlya stratigrafii yurskikh otlozheniy Irkutskogo uglenosnogo basseyna [Sphenobaiera Florin (Ginkgoales) genus and its importance for Jurassic deposits stratigraphy of Irkutsk coal basin]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2016, vol. 11, no. 3, available at: |
DOI | |
Akulov N.I., Frolov. A.O., Mashchuk I.M., Akulova V.V. Yurskie otlozheniya yuzhnoy chasti Irkutskogo osadochnogo basseyna [Jurassic deposits of the southern part of Irkutsk sedimentary basin]. Stratigrafiya. Geol. korrelyatsiya, 2015, vol. 23. no. 4, p. 40-63.
Antevs E. Die Liassische Florades Horsandsteins. Kung. SvenskaVetens. Akad. Handl., 1919. Bd 59. No 8. S 1-71.
Barbacka M. The Liassic Ginkgoales from the Mecsek Mountans, Hungary. Revie Paleobiologie, 2002. No 21. P. 697-715.
Braun C.F.W. Beitragezur Urgeschichte der Pflanzen in Munster Graf. ZurPetrefactenkunde, 1843. No 6, p. 5-25.
Bugdaeva E.V. New species of Sphenobaiera Florin (Ginkgoales) from the Lower Cretaceous of Transbaikalia. Plaeontol. Journ., 2010. Vol. 44. No 10. P. 1240-1257. DOI:
Deng Sh., Ren Sh., Chen F. Early Cretaceous flora of Hailar, Inner Mongolia, China. Geological Publishing House, Beijing, China, 1997. 116 p.
Doludenko M.P., Rasskazova E.S. Ginkgovye i chekanovskievye [Ginkgoales and Czekanowskiales]. Mezozoyskie rasteniya (ginkgovye i chekanovskievye) Vostochnoy Sibiri. Moscow: Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1972, vol. 230, p. 7-43.
Florin R. Die fossilen Ginkgophyten von Franz-Joseph-Land nebst Erorterung uber vermeintliche Cordaitales mesozoischen. Alters. I. Spezieller Teil. Palaeontographica, 1936. Abt. B. Bd 81, p. 71-173.
Harris T.M. The fossil flora of Scoresby Sound, East Greenland. Part 4: Ginkgoales, Coniferales, Lycopodiales and isolated fructifications. Medd. Gronland. 1935. Bd 112 (1). P. 1-176.
Harris T.M., Millington W., Miller J. The Yorkshire Jurassic Flora. Teil IV. Ginkgoales and Czekanowskiales. London, 1974. 146 p.
Heer O. Beitragezur Jura-Flora Ostsibiriens und des Amurlandes. Flora fossilis Arctica. Zurich, 1876. Bd 4, p. 1-122.
Heer O. Beitragezur Jura-Flora Ostsibiriens und des Amurlandes. Mem. De L'Acad. Imper. Scien., 1878.Vol. XXV. No 6. 58 S.
Heer O. Beitrage zur Jura-Flora Ostsibiriens gegrundet auf die von Herrn Richard Maak in Ust-Balei gesammelten Pflanzen. Mem. Acad. Imp. Sci. St.-Petersburg, 1880. Vol. 27. N. 10, p. 34.
Johansson N. Die Ratische Flora der Kohlengruben bei Stabbarp und Skromberga in Schonen. K. Svens. Vetens. Akad. Handl., 1922. Vol. 63. No 5. 78 S.
Khakhlov V.A. Yurskaya gruppa Ginkgoales Irkutskogo uglenosnogo basseyna [Jurassic group of Ginkgoales, Irkutsk coal-bearing basin]. Izv. Tomsk. tekhnol. in-ta 1923, vol. 64, issue. 3, p. 33-52.
Kirichkova A. I. Fitostratigrafiya i flora yurskikh i nizhnemelovykh otlozheniy Lenskogo basseyna [Phytostratigraphy and flora of the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous deposits of the Lena basin]. Leningrad: Nedra, 1985, 223 p.
Kirichkova A. I., Batyaeva S. K., Bystritskaya L.I. Fitostratigrafiya yurskikh otlozheniy yuga Zapadnoy Sibiri [Phytostratigraphy ofJurassic deposits of the south of Western Siberia]. Moscow: Nedra, 1992, 216 p.
Kirichkova A.I., Kostina E.I., Nosova N.V. O stratigrafii kontinental'noy yury Irkutskogo amfiteatra [On the stratigraphy of the Jurassic continental Irkutsk amphitheater]. Neftegazovaya geologiya. Teoriya i praktika, 2016, vol. 24, no. 1, p. 1-121. DOI:
Krishtofovich A.N. Yurskie rasteniya s r. Tyrmy Amurskoy oblasti [Jurassic plants from Tyrma River, Amur region]. Tr. geol. muzeya AN SSSR, 1914, vol. 8, issue. 2, p. 79-124.
Lundblad B. Studies in the Rhaeto-Liassic floras of Sweden. 1. Ginkgophyta from the mining district of N.W. Scania. Kungl. Sr. Vet. Acad. Handl., 1959. Bd 6. No 2. P. 1-38.
Lydon S.J., Watson J., Harrison N.A. The lectotype of Sphenobaieraikorfatensis (Seward) Florin, a ginkgophyte from the Lower Cretaceous of Western Greenland. Palaeontology, 2003. Vol. 46, part 2. P. 413-421. DOI:
Nathorst A.G. Om floran i, Skanes kolforande Bildningar. I. Floran vid Bjuf. Sverig. Geol. Unders. Alh., 1886. Stockholm (C). No 85. 131 p.
Nathorst A.G. Om nagra Ginkgo v?xtra fran Kolgrufvorna vid Stabbarp i Sk?ne. Luds. Univ. Arrskrift., 1906. No 2. P. 1-15.
Odintsov M.M., Kashik S.A., Il'yukhina A.V. et al. Yurskie kontinental'nye otlozheniya yuga Sibirskoy platform [The Jurassic continental sediments south of the Siberian platform]. Moscow: Nauka, 1967, 324 p.
Pomel A. Materiaux pour server a la fossile des terrains jurassiques de la France. Amtl. Ber. Vers. Ges. Deutsch. Naturforscher in Aachen, 1847.
Prinada V.D. Mezozoyskaya flora Vostochnoy Sibiri i Zabaykal'ya [Mesozoic flora of Eastern Siberia and Baikal]. Moscow: Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1962, 368 p.
Resheniya 3-go Mezhvedomstvennogo regional'nogo stratigraficheskogo soveshchaniya po mezozoyu i kaynozoyu Sredney Sibiri [Decisions of the 3rd Regional Interagency stratigraphic Meeting on Mesozoic and Cenozoic of Central Siberia]. Novosibirsk: SNIIGGiMS, 1981, 89 p.
Samylina V.A. Epidermal'naya struktura list'ev roda Sphenobaiera [Epidermal structure leaves kind Sphenobaiera]. Dokl. AN SSSR, 1953, no. 106, p. 538-539.
Seward A.C. The The Cretaceous plant-bearing rocks Western Greenland. Phill. Trаns Rоv. Soc. London., 1926. Ser.B. Vol. 215. P. 57-175.
Skoblo V.M., Lyamina N.A., Rudnev F.F., Luzina I.V. Kontinental'nyy verkhniy mezozoy Pribaykal'ya i Zabaykal'ya (stratigrafiya, usloviya osadkonakopleniya, korrelyatsiya) [Continental upper Mesozoic and Trans Baikal area (stratigraphy, depositional environments, correlation)]. Novosibirsk, izd-vo SO RAN, 2001, 329 p.
Sun G., Lydon S., Watson J. Sphenobaiera ikorfatensis (Seward) Florin from the Lower Cretaceous of Huolinhe, Eastern Inner Mongolia, China. Paleontologe, 2003. Vol. 46. Part 2. P. 423-430.
Sveshnikova I.N., Budantsev L.Yu. Iskopaemye flory Arktiki. Chast' 1. Paleozoyskie i mezozoyskie flory Zapadnogo Shpitsbergena, Zemli Frantsa-Iosifa i ostrova Novaya Sibir' [The fossil flora of the Arctic. Part 1. Paleozoic and Mesozoic flora of the West Spitsbergen, Franz Josef Land and the islands of New Siberia]. Leningrad: Nauka, 1969, 119 p.
Thomas H.H. The fossil Flora of the Clevelend District from Yorkshire. I. The Flora of the Marske Quarry. Quart. J. Geol. Soc. Lond., 1913. No 69. P 223-251. DOI:
Turutanova-Ketova A.I. Materialy k stratigrafii Chak-Pakskogo kamennougol'nogo rayona v Yuzhnom Kazakhstane [Materials for the stratigraphy of Chuck Pakskogo-coal district in South Kazakhstan]. Tr. Geol. in-ta AN SSSR, 1936, vol. 5, p. 85-116.
Wang Y., Guignard G., Thevenard F., Dilcher D., Barale G., Mosburgger V., Yang X., Mei Sh. Cuticula anatomy of Sphenobaiera huangii (Ginkgoales) from the Lower Jurassic of Hubei, China. Amer. Journ. Botany, 2005. No 92 (4). P. 709-721.
Antevs E. Die Liassische Florades Horsandsteins. Kung. SvenskaVetens. Akad. Handl., 1919. Bd 59. No 8. S 1-71.
Barbacka M. The Liassic Ginkgoales from the Mecsek Mountans, Hungary. Revie Paleobiologie, 2002. No 21. P. 697-715.
Braun C.F.W. Beitragezur Urgeschichte der Pflanzen in Munster Graf. ZurPetrefactenkunde, 1843. No 6, p. 5-25.
Bugdaeva E.V. New species of Sphenobaiera Florin (Ginkgoales) from the Lower Cretaceous of Transbaikalia. Plaeontol. Journ., 2010. Vol. 44. No 10. P. 1240-1257. DOI:
Deng Sh., Ren Sh., Chen F. Early Cretaceous flora of Hailar, Inner Mongolia, China. Geological Publishing House, Beijing, China, 1997. 116 p.
Doludenko M.P., Rasskazova E.S. Ginkgovye i chekanovskievye [Ginkgoales and Czekanowskiales]. Mezozoyskie rasteniya (ginkgovye i chekanovskievye) Vostochnoy Sibiri. Moscow: Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1972, vol. 230, p. 7-43.
Florin R. Die fossilen Ginkgophyten von Franz-Joseph-Land nebst Erorterung uber vermeintliche Cordaitales mesozoischen. Alters. I. Spezieller Teil. Palaeontographica, 1936. Abt. B. Bd 81, p. 71-173.
Harris T.M. The fossil flora of Scoresby Sound, East Greenland. Part 4: Ginkgoales, Coniferales, Lycopodiales and isolated fructifications. Medd. Gronland. 1935. Bd 112 (1). P. 1-176.
Harris T.M., Millington W., Miller J. The Yorkshire Jurassic Flora. Teil IV. Ginkgoales and Czekanowskiales. London, 1974. 146 p.
Heer O. Beitragezur Jura-Flora Ostsibiriens und des Amurlandes. Flora fossilis Arctica. Zurich, 1876. Bd 4, p. 1-122.
Heer O. Beitragezur Jura-Flora Ostsibiriens und des Amurlandes. Mem. De L'Acad. Imper. Scien., 1878.Vol. XXV. No 6. 58 S.
Heer O. Beitrage zur Jura-Flora Ostsibiriens gegrundet auf die von Herrn Richard Maak in Ust-Balei gesammelten Pflanzen. Mem. Acad. Imp. Sci. St.-Petersburg, 1880. Vol. 27. N. 10, p. 34.
Johansson N. Die Ratische Flora der Kohlengruben bei Stabbarp und Skromberga in Schonen. K. Svens. Vetens. Akad. Handl., 1922. Vol. 63. No 5. 78 S.
Khakhlov V.A. Yurskaya gruppa Ginkgoales Irkutskogo uglenosnogo basseyna [Jurassic group of Ginkgoales, Irkutsk coal-bearing basin]. Izv. Tomsk. tekhnol. in-ta 1923, vol. 64, issue. 3, p. 33-52.
Kirichkova A. I. Fitostratigrafiya i flora yurskikh i nizhnemelovykh otlozheniy Lenskogo basseyna [Phytostratigraphy and flora of the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous deposits of the Lena basin]. Leningrad: Nedra, 1985, 223 p.
Kirichkova A. I., Batyaeva S. K., Bystritskaya L.I. Fitostratigrafiya yurskikh otlozheniy yuga Zapadnoy Sibiri [Phytostratigraphy ofJurassic deposits of the south of Western Siberia]. Moscow: Nedra, 1992, 216 p.
Kirichkova A.I., Kostina E.I., Nosova N.V. O stratigrafii kontinental'noy yury Irkutskogo amfiteatra [On the stratigraphy of the Jurassic continental Irkutsk amphitheater]. Neftegazovaya geologiya. Teoriya i praktika, 2016, vol. 24, no. 1, p. 1-121. DOI:
Krishtofovich A.N. Yurskie rasteniya s r. Tyrmy Amurskoy oblasti [Jurassic plants from Tyrma River, Amur region]. Tr. geol. muzeya AN SSSR, 1914, vol. 8, issue. 2, p. 79-124.
Lundblad B. Studies in the Rhaeto-Liassic floras of Sweden. 1. Ginkgophyta from the mining district of N.W. Scania. Kungl. Sr. Vet. Acad. Handl., 1959. Bd 6. No 2. P. 1-38.
Lydon S.J., Watson J., Harrison N.A. The lectotype of Sphenobaieraikorfatensis (Seward) Florin, a ginkgophyte from the Lower Cretaceous of Western Greenland. Palaeontology, 2003. Vol. 46, part 2. P. 413-421. DOI:
Nathorst A.G. Om floran i, Skanes kolforande Bildningar. I. Floran vid Bjuf. Sverig. Geol. Unders. Alh., 1886. Stockholm (C). No 85. 131 p.
Nathorst A.G. Om nagra Ginkgo v?xtra fran Kolgrufvorna vid Stabbarp i Sk?ne. Luds. Univ. Arrskrift., 1906. No 2. P. 1-15.
Odintsov M.M., Kashik S.A., Il'yukhina A.V. et al. Yurskie kontinental'nye otlozheniya yuga Sibirskoy platform [The Jurassic continental sediments south of the Siberian platform]. Moscow: Nauka, 1967, 324 p.
Pomel A. Materiaux pour server a la fossile des terrains jurassiques de la France. Amtl. Ber. Vers. Ges. Deutsch. Naturforscher in Aachen, 1847.
Prinada V.D. Mezozoyskaya flora Vostochnoy Sibiri i Zabaykal'ya [Mesozoic flora of Eastern Siberia and Baikal]. Moscow: Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1962, 368 p.
Resheniya 3-go Mezhvedomstvennogo regional'nogo stratigraficheskogo soveshchaniya po mezozoyu i kaynozoyu Sredney Sibiri [Decisions of the 3rd Regional Interagency stratigraphic Meeting on Mesozoic and Cenozoic of Central Siberia]. Novosibirsk: SNIIGGiMS, 1981, 89 p.
Samylina V.A. Epidermal'naya struktura list'ev roda Sphenobaiera [Epidermal structure leaves kind Sphenobaiera]. Dokl. AN SSSR, 1953, no. 106, p. 538-539.
Seward A.C. The The Cretaceous plant-bearing rocks Western Greenland. Phill. Trаns Rоv. Soc. London., 1926. Ser.B. Vol. 215. P. 57-175.
Skoblo V.M., Lyamina N.A., Rudnev F.F., Luzina I.V. Kontinental'nyy verkhniy mezozoy Pribaykal'ya i Zabaykal'ya (stratigrafiya, usloviya osadkonakopleniya, korrelyatsiya) [Continental upper Mesozoic and Trans Baikal area (stratigraphy, depositional environments, correlation)]. Novosibirsk, izd-vo SO RAN, 2001, 329 p.
Sun G., Lydon S., Watson J. Sphenobaiera ikorfatensis (Seward) Florin from the Lower Cretaceous of Huolinhe, Eastern Inner Mongolia, China. Paleontologe, 2003. Vol. 46. Part 2. P. 423-430.
Sveshnikova I.N., Budantsev L.Yu. Iskopaemye flory Arktiki. Chast' 1. Paleozoyskie i mezozoyskie flory Zapadnogo Shpitsbergena, Zemli Frantsa-Iosifa i ostrova Novaya Sibir' [The fossil flora of the Arctic. Part 1. Paleozoic and Mesozoic flora of the West Spitsbergen, Franz Josef Land and the islands of New Siberia]. Leningrad: Nauka, 1969, 119 p.
Thomas H.H. The fossil Flora of the Clevelend District from Yorkshire. I. The Flora of the Marske Quarry. Quart. J. Geol. Soc. Lond., 1913. No 69. P 223-251. DOI:
Turutanova-Ketova A.I. Materialy k stratigrafii Chak-Pakskogo kamennougol'nogo rayona v Yuzhnom Kazakhstane [Materials for the stratigraphy of Chuck Pakskogo-coal district in South Kazakhstan]. Tr. Geol. in-ta AN SSSR, 1936, vol. 5, p. 85-116.
Wang Y., Guignard G., Thevenard F., Dilcher D., Barale G., Mosburgger V., Yang X., Mei Sh. Cuticula anatomy of Sphenobaiera huangii (Ginkgoales) from the Lower Jurassic of Hubei, China. Amer. Journ. Botany, 2005. No 92 (4). P. 709-721.