Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 33_2018 | submitted on 07/24/2018 displayed on website on 09/04/2018 |
16 p. | Cherdantsev G.A., Golovin S.V. |
Petroleum prospects update concerning Middle-Paleozoic sequences belonging the southern part of Viluyui syneclise | |
The forecast of the petroleum potential of Middle Paleozoic sections (southern part of the Vilyui syneclise) considering a promising search hydrocarbon area, has been refined.
Based on the new geological and geophysical data and taking into account the previous data, the stratigraphy of the Middle Paleozoic strata has been refined, and their updated schemes of facial zoning and capacity distribution have been build and ameliorated. The researches carried out have permitted to redrawn up the data concerning potential petroleum prospects characters of the Middle Paleozoic sections.
Keywords: potential petroleum prospects, Middle Paleozoic stratigraphy, scheme of facial zoning, Vilyui syneclise. |
article citation | Cherdantsev G.A., Golovin S.V. Utochnenie perspektiv neftegazonosnosti srednepaleozoyskikh otlozheniy yuzhnoy chasti Vilyuyskoy sineklizy [Petroleum prospects update concerning Middle-Paleozoic sequences belonging the southern part of Viluyui syneclise]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2018, vol. 13, no. 3, available at: |
DOI | |
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