Petroleum potential and development
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Zharkov A.M.
Article # 31_2020 submitted on 09/04/2020 displayed on website on 09/23/2020
14 p.
pdf Petroleum prospective areas in the Taragay Formation belonging to the Upper Permian - the southwestern part of the Viluy syneclise
An updated forecast of the petroleum bearing area of the Upper Permian sequences in the southwestern part of the Vilyuy syneclise, a promising area for hydrocarbon accumulations, is presented.
On the basis of new geological and geophysical studies on the southwestern side of the Vilyuy syneclise, petroleum promising objects in the pinch-out zone of the Upper Permian terrigenous section were substantiated, associated with non-structural traps in the Taragay Formation - lithological, stratigraphical associated with elements of tectonic screening.

Keywords: petroleum bearing area, area for hydrocarbon accumulation, non-structural trap, Taragay Formation, Upper Permian, Vilyuy syneclise.
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