Stratigraphy and lithology
Article # 12_2021 submitted on 02/15/2021 displayed on website on 04/23/2021
19 p.
pdf Refinement of the facies model of the north-eastern part of Sakhalin Island for targeting the emplacement of siliceous strata
Northern Sakhalin is one of the oldest oil and gas producing regions in Russia. Today, the issue of replenishing the resource base of the region is acute. The siliceous strata of the Pilsk Formation are considered as importent petroleum generation level. Facies analysis of three oil and gas levels (Dagi, Okobykay and Nizhnenutov) of Miocene age was carried out for a qualitative prediction of the localization of siliceous sections. The activity was based on a thorough study of all available core material and preserved core descriptions, as well as a comprehensive interpretation of the core studies results, with geophysical investigations of wells and seismic survey materials. As a result, for the first time, a 3D geological model was constructed for the study area, taking into account facies features.

Keywords: Miocene petroleum bearing level, siliceous strata, facies model, sedimentation environments, Sakhalin Island.
article citation Degtyarev V.A., Sizanov B.I., Kostrov U.V., Khmarin E.K., Khaliulin R.R. Utochnenie fatsial'noy modeli severo-vostochnoy chasti ostrova Sakhalin s tsel'yu lokalizatsii kremnistykh otlozheniy [Refinement of the facies model of the north-eastern part of Sakhalin Island for targeting the emplacement of siliceous strata]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2021, vol. 16, no. 2, available at:
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