Economy, information technology, resource management
Article # 14_2021 submitted on 04/16/2021 displayed on website on 05/14/2021
13 p.
pdf Analysis of tenders for the right using subsoil areas in the category of hydrocarbons feedstock, prepared and held in 2009-2018 by the Russian Federation (onshore)
The author analyzes the tenders in the category of hydrocarbon feed, organized for 10 years (2009-2018). The main parameters for this analysis are: the date of the tenders; the number of proposed subsoil areas; the number of prepared and held tenders; the resource potential of subsurface areas; the value of the starting size of one-time payments; the results of the tenders. Based on the results of this analysis, suggestions have been developed to improve the effectiveness of tenders.

Keywords: effectiveness of tender, starting payment, resource potential, subsoil area, Russian Federation onshore.
article citation Bagaeva M.A. Analiz torgov na pravo pol'zovaniya nedrami v kategorii uglevodorodnoe syr'e, podgotovlennykh i sostoyavshikhsya v 2009-2018 gg. na territorii Rossiyskoy Federatsii (susha) [Analysis of tenders for the right using subsoil areas in the category of hydrocarbons feedstock, prepared and held in 2009-2018 by the Russian Federation (onshore)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2021, vol. 16, no. 2, available at:
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   Zakon RF ot 21.02.1992 № 2395-1 «O nedrakh» (red. ot 08.06.2020). st. 13.1. [Law of the Russian Federation of February 21, 1992 No. 2395-1 "Аbout Subsoil" (as amended on June 8, 2020), аrt. 13.1].
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