Regional petroleum geology
Article # 15_2021 submitted on 04/14/2021 displayed on website on 05/14/2021
26 p.
pdf Current state and development prospects of geological exploration activity for oil and gas in the Fergana Region of the Republic of Uzbekistan
The Fergana region is one of the five petroleum bearing regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan with proven industrial productivity in the stratigraphic range from Paleozoic to Neogene, including. An overview of the history of geological and geophysical exploration, lithological and stratigraphical characteristics of sections, tectonic structure and oil and gas content with stratigraphic and tectonic features of fields, their phase composition, the results of exploration activity, including those carried out by investors, the number of discovered petroleum accumulations, their ranking, concerning type of fluids. Highlighted the priority stratigraphic sections and territories for further exploration. Further oil and gas prospects of the region are justified by the presence of traps, as well as predicted and promising petroleum resources, which indicates the feasibility of further exploration for oil and gas in the Fergana region of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Keywords: geological exploration activity, petroleum bearing region, stratigraphic section, oil and gas fields, Fergana region, Republic of Uzbekistan.
article citation Abdullaev G.S., Bogdanov A.N., Eydel'nant N.K. Covremennoe sostoyanie i perspektivy razvitiya geologorazvedochnykh rabot na neft' i gaz v Ferganskom regione Respubliki Uzbekistan [Current state and development prospects of geological exploration activity for oil and gas in the Fergana Region of the Republic of Uzbekistan]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2021, vol. 16, no. 2, available at:
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