Regional petroleum geology
Article # 17_2024 submitted on 05/24/2024 displayed on website on 07/19/2024
20 p.
pdf Distribution of oil and gas accumulations in the Triassic section of the Southern Mangyshlak
Triassic strata of the southwestern part of the Turan Plate are one important exploration area for oil and gas.
The results of a study of the patterns of distribution of oil and gas accumulations in the Triassic strata of the South Mangyshlak sedimentary basin are presented. The presence of two petroleum bearing formations in the Triassic section is substantiated - Upper Triassic terrigenous and volcanic-carbonate Upper Olenek-Middle Triassic. They are separated by the Middle Triassic volcanic-argillite sequence, which is a regional seal. The role of individual lithological strata composing the formations in the localization of hydrocarbon accumulations has been determined. The areal distribution of the main oil and gas accumulations have been established, which allows a more differentiated approach to assessing the prospects for oil and gas potential of both the territory of Southern Mangyshlak as a whole and individual local uplifts located in different tectonic zones.
The results obtained can be used in solving petrogeological problems of other pre-Jurassic sedimentary basins of the Scythian-Turanian platform.

Keywords: oil, gas, petroleum bearing formation, prospects of oil and gas potential, Triassic strata, South Mangyshlak sedimentary basin.
article citation Popkov V.I., Popkov I.V. Zakonomernosti razmeshcheniya skopleniy nefti i gaza v razreze triasovykh otlozheniy Yuzhnogo Mangyshlaka [Distribution of oil and gas accumulations in the Triassic section of the Southern Mangyshlak]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2024, vol. 19, no. 3, available at: EDN: AMLGXP
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