Petroleum potential and development
Article # 31_2024 submitted on 08/19/2024 displayed on website on 10/21/2024
11 p.
pdf Analysis of the pattern distribution of the condensate content of the gas reservoirs belonging to Kuanysh-Koskala swell fields (Ustyurt region, Republic of Uzbekistan)
The results of gas condensate studies of the Kuanysh-Koskalа swell combined with the analysis of the distribution of condensate concentrations in gas reservoirs are considered. A differential increase in the potential condensate content with the depth of Jurassic terrigenous occurrence in some gas accumulations of the considered territory was established.

Keywords: gas accumulation, Jurassic terrigenous strata, potential gas condensate content, gas reservoir, Kuanysh-Koskala swell, Ustyurt region, Republic of Uzbekistan.
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