Economy, information technology, resource management
Article # 4_2025 submitted on 10/28/2024 displayed on website on 01/29/2025
20 p.
pdf Method of probabilistic assessment of geological-economical indicators for plays at the exploration appraisal phase
The article considers the method of determining the probabilistic characteristics of the play used in the design of exploration work: resources in case of its productivity; geological risk. The methodology is based on the analytical method for summing up probabilistic estimates of play trap resources without and taking into account geological risk. Formulas for probabilistic estimates of play resources for two specified modifications are obtained. It is shown that the structure of probabilistic estimates of play resources of both modifications allows us to apply a probabilistic scenario approach to them when assessing the economic indicators of play development. Formulas for calculating the components of the geological risk of the play are given - the probability of success of the play and the probability of failure of the play.

Keywords: probabilistic estimate of play geological-economic indicators, play geological risk, summing up probabilistic assessments of trap resources.
article citation Emelyanova N.M., Poroskun V.I. Metodika veroyatnostnoy otsenki geologo-ekonomicheskikh pokazateley pleev na poiskovo-otsenochnom etape geologorazvedochnykh rabot [Method of probabilistic assessment of geological-economical indicators for plays at the exploration appraisal phase]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2025, vol. 20, no. 1, available at: EDN: QVGQOY
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