Astakhov A.M.
Graduated from Southern Federal University (2010), specialization "social and economic education".
PhD in sociological sciences.
Head of the analytical department of LLC "Agency" ICT ".
Area of scientific interest: transformation of social institutions, sociology of entrepreneurship.
Author about 20 publications.
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Averyanova O.Yu.
Article # 33_2020 | submitted on 05/12/2020 displayed on website on 10/07/2020 |
23 p. | Astakhov S.M., Astakhov A.M. |
Problems of small and junior business in the oil and gas industry of the Russia. Part 2. Development options | |
Based on the empirical study conducted in the first part of this article, a description of the problems hindering the development of small and junior business in Russia is described; the steps to move this process off the ground are given. The following mechanisms are proposed: a multiple reduction in the cost of exploratory drilling; regulation of the circulation of geological information to create a market for multi-client geophysical and geochemical services; active involvement of small businesses in exploration by regular licensing rounds. The mechanisms are embedded in the system with the creation of pilot sites that are geographically and geologically fixed in the zones of the petroleum bearing areas with developed infrastructure and with well-known geological conditions for well drilling. Keywords: junior business in the Russia, petroleum exploration, petroleum bearing area, multi-client geophysical and geochemical services. |
article citation | Astakhov S.M., Astakhov A.M. Problemy malogo i yuniornogo biznesa v neftegazovoy sfere Rossii. Chast' 2. Puti razvitiya [Problems of small and junior business in the oil and gas industry of the Russia. Part 2. Development options]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2020, vol. 15, no. 4, available at: |
DOI | |
Astakhov A.M. «Regulyatornaya gil'otina» v sfere malogo biznesa, prioritety i orientiry [Regulatory guillotine" in the field of small business, priorities and guidelines]. Issledovanie, sistematizatsiya, kooperatsiya, razvitie, analiz sotsial'no-ekonomicheskikh sistem v oblasti ekonomiki i upravleniya (ISKRA-2019): sbornik trudov II Vserossiyskoy shkoly-simpoziuma molodykh uchenykh. Simferopol': IT «ARIAL», 2019, pp. 37-40.
Astakhov A.M., Astakhov S.M. Problemy malogo i yuniornogo biznesa v neftegazovoy sfere Rossii. Chast' 1. Opyt sotsiologicheskogo issledovaniya [Problems of small and junior companies in the oil and gas domain of Russia. Part 1. Experience of sociological research]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2020, vol. 15, no. 3, available at: DOI:
Bobylov Yu.A., Makiev S.S. Yuniornye kompanii kak faktor razvitiya Rossiyskoy geologorazvedki [Junior companies as a factor in the development of Russian exploration]. Vestnik TGEU, 2017, no.3 (83), pp. 102-114.
Dmitriy Kobylkin poruchil razrabotat' dopolnitel'nye mekhanizmy privlecheniya investitsiy v geologorazvedku do kontsa fevralya [Dmitry Kobylkin instructed to develop additional mechanisms for attracting investment in exploration until the end of February]. Novosti Ministerstva prirodnykh resursov i ekologii Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 10.02.2019:
Eder L.V., Kontorovich A.E., Filimonova I.V. Provornaya I.V., Nemov V.Yu. Neftyanaya promyshlennost' Rossii: smena institutsional'noy paradigmy [Russia's oil industry: A change in the institutional paradigm]. Novye instituty dlya novoy ekonomiki: sb. materialov XII Mezhdunar. nauchnoy konferentsii po institutsional'noy ekonomike (Kazan', 15-29 Apr 2018). Kazan': Poznanie, 2018, pp. 401-409.
Erickson P., Down A., Lazarus M., Koplow D. Effect of government subsidies for upstream oil infrastructure on U.S. oil production and global CO2 emissions. SEI Working Paper, 2017, no. 2:
Erickson P., Down A., Lazarus M., Koplow D. Effect of government subsidies for upstream oil infrastructure on U.S. oil production and global CO2 emissions. Stockholm Environment Institute, Working Paper, 2017:
Hunter C. Multi-client acquisition surveys offer opportunities, challenges. Offshore, 15th Dec 2016:
Hunter C. Multi-client acquisition surveys offer opportunities, challenges, 2016:
Khramov D.G., Vygon G.V. Kto poydet v razvedku? Stimulirovanie GRR: problemy i resheniya [Who will go in survey? Stimulation of exploration: problems and solutions]. RusEnergy, 03.02.2014:
Kontorovich A.E., Eder L.V. Novaya paradigma strategii razvitiya syr'evoy bazy neftedobyvayushchey promyshlennosti Rossiyskoy Federatsii [A new paradigm of the development strategy of the basic raw material of the oil industry of the Russian Federation]. Mineral'nye resursy Rossii. Ekonomika i upravlenie, 2015, no. 5, pp. 8-17.
Rosgeologiya i Magadanskaya oblast' planiruyut sozdanie yuniornoy geologorazvedochnoy kompanii [Rosgeology and the Magadan Region plan to create a junior exploration company]. Novosti AO «Rosgeologiya» ot 05.09.2019:
Stavskiy A.P., Mikhaylov B.K. Osnovnye zadachi gosudarstva v sfere vosproizvodstva mineral'no-syr'evoy bazy tverdykh poleznykh iskopaemykh [The main tasks of the state in the field of reproduction of the mineral resource base of solid minerals]. Mineral'nye resursy Rossii. Ekonomika i upravlenie, 2019, no. 5, pp. 28-34.
Strategiya razvitiya geologicheskoy otrasli do 2030 goda. Utverzhdena rasporyazheniem Pravitel'stva Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 21 iyunya 2010 g. N 1039-r [The development strategy of the geological industry until 2030]:
Yukhimenko V. Zanimatel'naya neftyanaya statistika [Entertaining oil statistics]. Neftyanka, 07.06.2019:
Yuzhno-Rossiyskiy geologo-analiticheskiy proekt: Wildcat. 5 skvazhin [Wildcat. 5 wells. South Russian Geological and Analytical Project]. Rossiyskoe soobshchestvo basseynovykh model'erov, 2012:
Astakhov A.M., Astakhov S.M. Problemy malogo i yuniornogo biznesa v neftegazovoy sfere Rossii. Chast' 1. Opyt sotsiologicheskogo issledovaniya [Problems of small and junior companies in the oil and gas domain of Russia. Part 1. Experience of sociological research]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2020, vol. 15, no. 3, available at: DOI:
Bobylov Yu.A., Makiev S.S. Yuniornye kompanii kak faktor razvitiya Rossiyskoy geologorazvedki [Junior companies as a factor in the development of Russian exploration]. Vestnik TGEU, 2017, no.3 (83), pp. 102-114.
Dmitriy Kobylkin poruchil razrabotat' dopolnitel'nye mekhanizmy privlecheniya investitsiy v geologorazvedku do kontsa fevralya [Dmitry Kobylkin instructed to develop additional mechanisms for attracting investment in exploration until the end of February]. Novosti Ministerstva prirodnykh resursov i ekologii Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 10.02.2019:
Eder L.V., Kontorovich A.E., Filimonova I.V. Provornaya I.V., Nemov V.Yu. Neftyanaya promyshlennost' Rossii: smena institutsional'noy paradigmy [Russia's oil industry: A change in the institutional paradigm]. Novye instituty dlya novoy ekonomiki: sb. materialov XII Mezhdunar. nauchnoy konferentsii po institutsional'noy ekonomike (Kazan', 15-29 Apr 2018). Kazan': Poznanie, 2018, pp. 401-409.
Erickson P., Down A., Lazarus M., Koplow D. Effect of government subsidies for upstream oil infrastructure on U.S. oil production and global CO2 emissions. SEI Working Paper, 2017, no. 2:
Erickson P., Down A., Lazarus M., Koplow D. Effect of government subsidies for upstream oil infrastructure on U.S. oil production and global CO2 emissions. Stockholm Environment Institute, Working Paper, 2017:
Hunter C. Multi-client acquisition surveys offer opportunities, challenges. Offshore, 15th Dec 2016:
Hunter C. Multi-client acquisition surveys offer opportunities, challenges, 2016:
Khramov D.G., Vygon G.V. Kto poydet v razvedku? Stimulirovanie GRR: problemy i resheniya [Who will go in survey? Stimulation of exploration: problems and solutions]. RusEnergy, 03.02.2014:
Kontorovich A.E., Eder L.V. Novaya paradigma strategii razvitiya syr'evoy bazy neftedobyvayushchey promyshlennosti Rossiyskoy Federatsii [A new paradigm of the development strategy of the basic raw material of the oil industry of the Russian Federation]. Mineral'nye resursy Rossii. Ekonomika i upravlenie, 2015, no. 5, pp. 8-17.
Rosgeologiya i Magadanskaya oblast' planiruyut sozdanie yuniornoy geologorazvedochnoy kompanii [Rosgeology and the Magadan Region plan to create a junior exploration company]. Novosti AO «Rosgeologiya» ot 05.09.2019:
Stavskiy A.P., Mikhaylov B.K. Osnovnye zadachi gosudarstva v sfere vosproizvodstva mineral'no-syr'evoy bazy tverdykh poleznykh iskopaemykh [The main tasks of the state in the field of reproduction of the mineral resource base of solid minerals]. Mineral'nye resursy Rossii. Ekonomika i upravlenie, 2019, no. 5, pp. 28-34.
Strategiya razvitiya geologicheskoy otrasli do 2030 goda. Utverzhdena rasporyazheniem Pravitel'stva Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 21 iyunya 2010 g. N 1039-r [The development strategy of the geological industry until 2030]:
Yukhimenko V. Zanimatel'naya neftyanaya statistika [Entertaining oil statistics]. Neftyanka, 07.06.2019:
Yuzhno-Rossiyskiy geologo-analiticheskiy proekt: Wildcat. 5 skvazhin [Wildcat. 5 wells. South Russian Geological and Analytical Project]. Rossiyskoe soobshchestvo basseynovykh model'erov, 2012:
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Averyanova O.Yu.
Article # 25_2020 | submitted on 05/12/2020 displayed on website on 08/07/2020 |
25 p. | Astakhov A.M., Astakhov S.M. |
Problems of small and junior companies in the oil and gas domain of Russia. Part 1. Experience of sociological research | |
The article focuses on the problem of the development of small and junior business in the Russian exploration industry. The publication is based on the results of an initiative research project carried out in 2019-2020. Within the framework of the project, a sociological study was conducted in which, using the in-depth interview method, representatives of small and junior businesses, state, scientific and expert communities were interviewed. Conclusions are made about the presence of significant problems that impede the development of juniors. In particular, problems with raising funds, administrative regulation and the specifics of the bureaucratic system that are not conducive to the development of companies, the state’s attitude to private initiative, and the state’s disequilibrium attitude towards large oil and small independent companies are highlighted. Prerequisites are highlighted that allow us to talk about the possibility of developing a small and junior business: the availability of resources attractive to investors and subsoil users; significant scientific, personnel potential; experience gained in the previous period of the "heyday" of junior business. Keywords: oil and gas small business, oil and gas junior business, exploration petroleum industry in Russia. |
article citation | Astakhov A.M., Astakhov S.M. Problemy malogo i yuniornogo biznesa v neftegazovoy sfere Rossii. Chast' 1. Opyt sotsiologicheskogo issledovaniya [Problems of small and junior companies in the oil and gas domain of Russia. Part 1. Experience of sociological research]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2020, vol. 15, no. 3, available at: |
DOI | |
Bobylov Yu.A., Makiev S.S. Yuniornye kompanii kak faktor razvitiya Rossiyskoy geologorazvedki [Junior companies as a factor in the development of Russian exploration]. Vestnik TGEU, 2017, no.3 (83), pp. 102-114.
Dmitriy Kobylkin poruchil razrabotat' dopolnitel'nye mekhanizmy privlecheniya investitsiy v geologorazvedku do kontsa fevralya. Minprirody Rossii [Dmitry Kobylkin instructed to develop additional mechanisms for attracting investment in exploration until the end of February]. URL: dopolnitelnye_mekhanizmy_privlecheniya_investitsiy_v_geologoraz/
Eder L.V., Kontorovich A.E., Filimonova I.V. Provornaya I.V., Nemov V.Yu. Neftyanaya promyshlennost' Rossii: smena institutsional'noy paradigmy [Russia's oil industry: A change in the institutional paradigm]. Novye instituty dlya novoy ekonomiki: sb. mater. XII Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. po institutsional'noy ekonomike (Kazan', 15-29 Apr. 2018). Kazan': Poznanie, 2018, pp. 401-409.
Khramov D.G., Vygon G.V. Kto poydet v razvedku? Stimulirovanie GRR: problemy i resheniya [Who will go in survey? Stimulation of exploration: problems and solutions]. URL:
Kontorovich A.E., Eder L.V. Novaya paradigma strategii razvitiya syr'evoy bazy neftedobyvayushchey promyshlennosti Rossiyskoy Federatsii [A new paradigm of the development strategy of the basic raw material of the oil industry of the Russian Federation]. Mineral'nye resursy Rossii. Ekonomika i upravlenie, 2015, no.5, pp. 8-17.
Stavskiy A.P., Mikhaylov B.K. Osnovnye zadachi gosudarstva v sfere vosproizvodstva mineral'no-syr'evoy bazy tverdykh poleznykh iskopaemykh [The main tasks of the state in the field of reproduction of the mineral resource base of solid minerals]. Mineral'nye resursy Rossii. Ekonomika i upravlenie, 2019, no. 5, pp. 28-34.
Strategiya razvitiya geologicheskoy otrasli do 2030 goda [The development strategy of the geological industry until 2030]. URL:
Strategiya razvitiya mineral'no-syr'evoy bazy Rossiyskoy Federatsii do 2035 goda [The development strategy of the geological industry until 2035]. URL: goda/
Dmitriy Kobylkin poruchil razrabotat' dopolnitel'nye mekhanizmy privlecheniya investitsiy v geologorazvedku do kontsa fevralya. Minprirody Rossii [Dmitry Kobylkin instructed to develop additional mechanisms for attracting investment in exploration until the end of February]. URL: dopolnitelnye_mekhanizmy_privlecheniya_investitsiy_v_geologoraz/
Eder L.V., Kontorovich A.E., Filimonova I.V. Provornaya I.V., Nemov V.Yu. Neftyanaya promyshlennost' Rossii: smena institutsional'noy paradigmy [Russia's oil industry: A change in the institutional paradigm]. Novye instituty dlya novoy ekonomiki: sb. mater. XII Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. po institutsional'noy ekonomike (Kazan', 15-29 Apr. 2018). Kazan': Poznanie, 2018, pp. 401-409.
Khramov D.G., Vygon G.V. Kto poydet v razvedku? Stimulirovanie GRR: problemy i resheniya [Who will go in survey? Stimulation of exploration: problems and solutions]. URL:
Kontorovich A.E., Eder L.V. Novaya paradigma strategii razvitiya syr'evoy bazy neftedobyvayushchey promyshlennosti Rossiyskoy Federatsii [A new paradigm of the development strategy of the basic raw material of the oil industry of the Russian Federation]. Mineral'nye resursy Rossii. Ekonomika i upravlenie, 2015, no.5, pp. 8-17.
Stavskiy A.P., Mikhaylov B.K. Osnovnye zadachi gosudarstva v sfere vosproizvodstva mineral'no-syr'evoy bazy tverdykh poleznykh iskopaemykh [The main tasks of the state in the field of reproduction of the mineral resource base of solid minerals]. Mineral'nye resursy Rossii. Ekonomika i upravlenie, 2019, no. 5, pp. 28-34.
Strategiya razvitiya geologicheskoy otrasli do 2030 goda [The development strategy of the geological industry until 2030]. URL:
Strategiya razvitiya mineral'no-syr'evoy bazy Rossiyskoy Federatsii do 2035 goda [The development strategy of the geological industry until 2035]. URL: goda/