Orlova A.Yu.


Graduated from Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (2017), specialization "geology, prospecting and exploration of oil and gas fields".
Specialist of the 1st category of OOO LUKOIL-Engineering; post-graduate student of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.
Area of scientific interests: geology.
Author of over 10 publications.
Geochemical research
Article # 11_2023 submitted on 12/15/2022 displayed on website on 03/02/2023
21 p.
pdf Oils geochemistry and Domanik formation organic matter of the South Tatar arch
The forecast of oil and gas potential and quality of fluids, in addition to geological and geochemical information, is based on the study of the hydrocarbon composition of organic matter and oils. The composition and distribution of hydrocarbons are the basis for identifying the genetic features of organic matter and oils, and their correlation makes it possible to establish the initial oil source sequence. To address these issues, biomarker and isotope studies are used. The results of the study of bitumen and oils of the northern part of the South Tatar arch proved similar characteristics, indicating the same type of marine and coastal-marine conditions for the accumulation of the original organic matter, and giving reason to conclude that the source of the studied oils is the OM of the Domanik Formation.

Keywords: oil geochemistry, organic matter, Domanik Formation, hydrocarbons, petroleum source rock, South Tatar arch.
article citation Orlova A.Yu., Poludetkina E.N. Geokhimiya neftey i organicheskogo veshchestva domanikovykh otlozheniy Yuzhno-Tatarskogo svoda [Oils geochemistry and Domanik formation organic matter of the South Tatar arch]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2023, vol. 18, no. 1, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2023/11_2023.html EDN: IBLFVS
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