Rozhin I.I.

Graduated from Yakutsk State University (1998), specialization "physics".
PhD in technical sciences, associate professor.
Leading Researcher of Institute of Oil and Gas Problems of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (IOGP SB RAS).
Area of scientific interest: mathematical modeling in the Earth sciences, thermohydrodynamics of oil and gas production and transport systems, gas hydrates.
Author of 252 publications, including 1 monograph and 3 teaching aids, 9 computer programs in the database FIPS (ROSPATENT).
Regional petroleum geology
Article # 37_2024 submitted on 09/03/2024 displayed on website on 11/25/2024
13 p.
pdf Study of gas hydrate formation possibilities in the upper part of the Predpatom trough (on example of the Kedergin gas condensate field)
High prospects of the industrial gas content in the upper part of the Predpatom regional trough section are noted using Kedergin and Mukhtin fields as an example. A brief geological description of the section and tectonic position of Kedergin gas condensate field is given. The results of testing the Kelor productive unit confined to the Icher Formation of the Lower Cambrian are presented. Based on the gas component composition, the degree and type of stratum water mineralization, the equilibrium conditions of the hydrate formation for the Kelor productive unit are calculated. It is concluded that gas hydrates do not form in the upper part of the section of Kedergin gas condensate field due to high mineralization of the stratum water. It is suggested that weakly mineralized stratum waters in the upper part of the section may be concentrated in the folded wing of the Predpatom trough. The possibility of the gas hydrate formation in the zones of weakly mineralized stratum waters distribution in the upper part of the section is shown.

Keywords: Kelor productive unit, reservoir water mineralization, hydrate formation conditions, Kedergin gas condensate field, Predpatom trough.
article citation Sivtsev A.I., Rozhin I.I. Izuchenie vozmozhnosti gidratoobrazovaniya v verkhney chasti razreza Predpatomskogo progiba (na primere Kederginskogo gazokondensatnogo mestorozhdeniya) [Study of gas hydrate formation possibilities in the upper part of the Predpatom trough (on example of the Kedergin gas condensate field)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2024, vol. 19, no. 4, available at: EDN: RBYYZA
   Burova I.A. Karbonatnye kollektory vendsko-nizhnekembriyskogo neftegazonosnogo kompleksa Vostochnoy Sibiri [Carbonate reservoirs of the Vendian - Lower Cambrian petroleum complex, Eastern Siberia]. Neftegazovaya geologiya. Teoriya i praktika, 2010, vol. 5, no. 2, available at: (In Russ.).
   Burova I.A., Kubetova N.L., Shostak K.V. Rasprostranenie osnovnykh solenosnykh tolshch v verkhnevendsko-nizhnekembriyskom osadochnom komplekse Zapadnoy Yakutii [Distribution of the main strata of salt in Upper Vendian - Lower Cambrian sedimentary sequences of Western Yakutia]. Neftegazovaya geologiya. Teoriya i praktika, 2011, vol. 6, no. 4, available at: (In Russ.).
   Gurieva S.M., Maksimov S.P., Pankina R.G., Zapivalov N.P., Dakhnova M.V. Genezis CO2 i prognoz ego soderzhaniya v gazakh yuga Zapadnoy Sibiri [Origin of CO2 and predicting its content in gases from southern West Siberia]. Geologiya nefti i gaza, 1982, no. 11, pp. 22-27. (In Russ.).
   Kay W.B. Density of hydrocarbon gases and vapors at high temperature and pressures. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 1936, vol. 28, pp. 1014-1019.
   Mel'nikov P.N., Pogodaev A.V., Matveev A.I., Poroskun V.I., Tsarev V.V., Soboleva E.N. Otkrytie novogo neftegazonosnogo rayona na severo-zapadnom sklone Aldanskoy anteklizy Sibirskoy platformy [Discovery of new petroleum district on north-western slope of Aldan Syneclise (Siberian Platform)]. Geologiya nefti i gaza, 2023, no. 2, pp. 5-16. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2023-2-5-16
   Sitnikov V.S., Spektor V.B. Noveyshaya tektonika neftegazonosnykh territoriy na yugo-zapade Yakutii [Neotectonics of oil and gas territories in South-Western Yakutia]. Tikhookeanskaya geologiya, 2004, vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 45-54. (In Russ.).
   Sivtsev A.I., Timofeev N.G., Meshcheryakov V.A. Perspektivnye neftegazovye ob"ekty na severo-vostoke Predpatomskogo progiba [Oil-and-gas potential of the northeast Predpatom trough]. Prirodnye resursy Arktiki i Subarktiki, 2024, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 193-203. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.31242/2618-9712-2024-29-2-193-203
   Sloan E.D., Koh C.A. Clathrate hydrates of natural gases. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis Group/CRC Press, 2008, 720 p.
   Tsypkin G.G. Termodinamicheskie usloviya obrazovaniya gidrata SO2 pri inzhektsii uglekisloty v plast, soderzhashchiy gidrat metana [Thermodynamic conditions of formation of CO2 hydrate in carbon dioxide injection into a methane hydrate reservoir]. Izvestiya RAN. Mekhanika zhidkosti i gaza, 2018, no. 5, pp. 103-112. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.31857/S056852810001798-8
Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 42_2018 submitted on 10/04/2018 displayed on website on 11/30/2018
16 p.
pdf Studying the possibility of hydratе formation and salt deposition in the bottom hole of wells of Chayanda oil-gas-condensate field
The actual problems of development of the Chayanda oil-gas-condensate field, related to the features of the geological characteristics of productive horizons and reservoir fluids, are considered. To compile recommendations for reducing the risks of natural gas production, the probability of hydrate formation and salt depositions is estimated using the example of the botuobinsky productive horizon.
The equilibrium conditions of hydrate formation are calculated based on the physicochemical properties of formation fluids. It is concluded that in the development and exploitation of the Chayanda oil-gas-condensate field due to an abnormally low reservoir temperature, in spite of the high mineralization of the formation water, it is possible to form gas hydrates. The minimum concentrations of a calcium chloride solution and a water-methanol solution that prevent hydrate formation at a characteristic reservoir temperature are determined. It is established that an increase in the mineralization of calcium chloride solutions leads to the concentration in the clathrate phase of C2-C4 hydrocarbons and to an increase the fat coefficient of gas. It is shown that mixing of highly mineralized formation waters with a water-methanol solution can lead to salt depositions in the bottom hole zone of wells.

Keywords: natural gas, hydrate formation, stratum water, mineralization, water-methanol solution, salt deposition, Chayanda oil-gas-condensate field, Nepа-Botuoba anteclise.
article citation Kalacheva L.P., Rozhin I.I., Sivtsev A.I. Izuchenie vozmozhnosti gidratoobrazovaniya i soleotlozheniya v prizaboynoy zone skvazhin Chayandinskogo neftegazokondensatnogo mestorozhdeniya [Studying the possibility of hydratе formation and salt deposition in the bottom hole of wells of Chayanda oil-gas-condensate field]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2018, vol. 13, no. 4, available at:
Gazovye gidraty v prirodnyh usloviyah [Gas hydrates in natural conditions]. V.A. Istomin, V.S. Yakushev. Moscow, Nedra, 1992, 236 p.
Geologiya i neftegazovyy potentsial yugo-zapada Yakutii realii i perspektivy [Geology and oil and gas potential of the south-west of Yakutia: realities and prospects] V.S. Sitnikov, I.A. Burova, I.A. Kushmar, T.K. Bazhenova, I.A. Burova, V.P. Semenov, T.D. Shibina, K.V. Shostak, L.K. Yashenkova / Pod red. V.S. Sitnikova i O.M. Prishchepy. St Petersburg, FGUP VNIGRI, 2014, 436 p.
Geologo-ekonomicheskie aspekty razvitiya neftegazovogo kompleksa Respubliki Saha Yakutiya [Geological and economic aspects of the development of the oil and gas complex of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)] A.F. Safronov, T.A. Safronov. Yakutsk, Izd-vo YaNTs SO RAN, 2008, 184 p.
Kalacheva L.P., Fedorova A.F., Portnyagin A.S. Izuchenie vliyaniya mineralizatsii modelnoy plastovoy vody hlor-kaltsievogo tipa na protsessy obrazovaniya i razlozheniya gidratov prirodnogo gaza [Study of the influence of mineralization of model formation water of chlorine-calcium type on the processes of formation and decomposition of natural gas hydrates]. International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research, 2016, no. 6-4, p. 719–722.
Kalacheva L.P., Rozhin I.I. Vliyanie sostava vod khloridno-kal'tsievogo tipa na svoystva gidratov prirodnogo gaza [The influence of the chloride-calcium-type water composition on the properties of natural gas hydrates]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya i Praktika, 2017, vol. 12, no. 3, available at: DOI:
Kalacheva L.P., Rozhin I.I., Fedorova A.F. Izuchenie zavisimosti protsessov obrazovaniya i razlozheniya gidratov prirodnogo gaza ot himicheskoy prirody rastvorov elektrolitov imitiruyushchih plastovye flyuidy [The study of the dependence of the processes of formation and decomposition of natural gas hydrates on the chemical nature of solutions of electrolytes simulating formation fluids]. International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research, 2016, no. 8 (Part 4), p. 565–569.
Kalacheva L.P., Rozhin I.I., Fedorova А.F. Izuchenie vliyaniya mineralizatsii plastovoy vody na protsess gidratoobrazovaniya prirodnyh gazov mestorozhdeniy vostoka Sibirskoy platformy [The study of the stratum water mineralization influence on the hydrate formation process of the natural gas from the East Siberian platform fields]. SOCAR Proceedings, 2017, no.2, p. 56–61.
Pirogov S.Yu., Akulov L.А., Vedernikov М.V., Kirillov N.G., Naumchik I.V., Sokolova I.V., Sof’in А. P. Prirodnyy gaz. Metan: Spravochnik [Natural gas. Methane: handbook]. St Petersburg, NGO Professional, 2006, 848 p.
Preduprezhdenie i likvidatsiya gazovyh gidratov v sistemah dobychi gaza [Prevention and Elimination of Gas Hydrates in Gas Production Systems]. V.A. Istomin, V.G. Kvon. Moscow: “IRTs Gazprom”, 2004, 509 p.
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Hard-extracted reserves, unconventional hydrocarbon sources
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Petukhov A.V.
Article # 25_2017 submitted on 05/22/2017 displayed on website on 07/07/2017
13 p.
pdf  The influence of the chloride-calcium-type water composition on the properties of natural gas hydrates
The properties of natural gas hydrates obtained from mineralized solutions of chloride-calcium type of different composition were investigated. It is established that, depending on the type of prevailing cation in the solution, the thermodynamic conditions of hydrate formation, the gas content of hydrates, their texture, the component composition of the gas in the solid phase are changed. During hydrate formation, a dry natural gas is converted to a fatty gas with a higher calorific value. The study of dissociation processes of hydrates showed an increase of the decomposition rate of hydrates obtained in electrolytes solutions.

Keywords: natural gas hydrates, mineralization of stratum waters, hydrate formation, gas content of hydrates, component composition of gas-hydrate-forming agent, hydrate texture, kinetics of hydrate decomposition.
article citation Kalacheva L.P., Rozhin I.I. Vliyanie sostava vod khloridno-kal'tsievogo tipa na svoystva gidratov prirodnogo gaza [The influence of the chloride-calcium-type water composition on the properties of natural gas hydrates]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2017, vol. 12, no. 3, available at:

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