Uspenskiy V.A.
/1906 - 1981/
Graduated from Chemical Technological Institute (1931).
PhD in geology and mineralogy (1966).
Head of bitumen laboratory, Department of oil and gas genesis (1966-1968). Senior researcher of VNIGRI (1968-1981). Consultant (1981).
World-famous scientist in the field of bitumenology and theory of oil and gas origin from organic matter of sediment rocks.
Key fields of scientific research: oil and gas potential of Kazakhstan, metal contents of oils and bitumen. Studied the patterns of metal accumulation in hydrocarbons.
Author of more than 100 publications, including monographs.
Scientific heritage /VNIGRI's ideas/
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Prischepa O.M.
Article # 06 | displayed on website on 10/25/2006 |
10 p. | Uspenskiy V.A. |
On material balance experience of the processesunder coal beds metamorphism | |
Reedition The article after Uspensky Vladimir Alekseevich (1906-1981) – a world famous scientist in the bituminology field and the theory of the oil and gas origin from organic matter sediments - is devoted to the quantitative study of the volatile products structure of coal metamorphism at different stages. A method of the quantitative evaluation of the gaseous products evolved during the coalification of humic organic matter was developed by the scientist. Key words: organic matter, gas phase, metamorphism coal stages, carbon dioxide, methane, water, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, caustobioliths, bitumen, oil. The article was published in the journal “Izvestiya AN SSSR”, geology section, 1954. - № 6. – P. 94-101. |
article citation | Uspensky V.A. On material balance experience of the processes under coal beds metamorphism // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2006. - V.1. - http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/10/06.pdf |