Stratigraphy and lithology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Kirichkova A.I.
Article # 13_2012 submitted on 02/14/2012 displayed on website on 02/24/2012
28 p.
pdf  Pre-Patom trough - lithology of the Upper Riphean – Lower and Middle Cambrian terrigenous-carbonate complex
The petrographic and lithogenetic peculiarities of the Riphean and Lower-Middle Cambrian deposits of the Pre-Patom trough are analyzed. The objects of study in the Pre-Patom trough are deposits in outcrops of the Nokhtuysk (Lena River) and Bolshe-Patom (Bolshoy Patom River).
Particular attention is paid to the diagenetic transformation and evaluation of reservoir properties of the studied rocks. Diagenesis did not lead to a significant increase of effective porosity. The correlation between composition and structure of Nokhtuysk and Bolshe-Patom sequences is set. The dynamics of changes in lithological parameters in the Vendian-Cambrian period are reflected in the sequence of sedimentary carbonate strata.
Key words: petrographic composition, lithogenetic type, Riphean, Vendian, Cambrian, sedimentation conditions, post-sedimentation transformation, reservoir, Pre-Patom trough.
article citation Shibina T.D., Klyarovskaya A.V., Kokhanova A.N. Litologiya verkhnerifeysko-nizhnesrednekembriyskogo terrigenno-karbonatnogo kompleksa Predpatomskogo progiba [Pre-Patom trough - lithology of the Upper Riphean – Lower and Middle Cambrian terrigenous-carbonate complex]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2012, vol. 7, no. 1, available at:
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