Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 49_2013 submitted on 12/19/2013 displayed on website on 12/30/2013
12 p.
pdf  Lithofacial and geochemical features of oil-gas bearing Early Cretaceous sediments of Uzbekistan
It is shown, that the Early Cretaceous thick series, which represent continuous single whole sedimentation cycle, are developed in the cross-section of the sedimentary cover of oil-gas bearing regions of Uzbekistan. The red colored Neocomian-Aptian sediments are distinguished as source rocks on the basis of research in the south of Uzbekistan and on flat areas of Bukhara-Khiva region. The biogenic origin of the Middle Albian Luchak limestone is established. The prospects of oil and gas deposits formation and presence of lipid-lipoid components, testifying to favorable conditions for oil formation, were substantiated.
The Early Neocomian and Aptian grey colored sediments of Ustyurt region (which are presented by fine-grained sandstones in the cross-section basis, above – by clays, rich with scattered organic matter) refer to source rocks. The complex lithologic-geochemical study has shown that Albian sediments contain thick clay and clayey siltstones layers and possess high source rock potential.
Unfavorable facial and geochemical sedimentation conditions in the Fergana region in Neocomian period have caused poorness of rocks in terms of organic matter; therefore sediments have no oil-producing qualities. Aptian formations in the top part are determined as oil-producing; in the bottom part rocks are poor with organic matter and are not oil-yielding. On the basis of bituminiferous analyses of Albian sediments of the southern part of the Fergana region the low content of organic matter was established that does not allow attributing them to the category of source and oil-producing rocks.

Key words: geochemical features, oil, gas, organic matter, lithology, paleogeography, The Early Cretaceous, Neocomian, Aptian, Albian.
article citation Khayitov N.Sh. Litofatsial'nye i geokhimicheskie osobennosti neftegazonosnykh nizhnemelovykh otlozheniy Uzbekistana [Lithofacial and geochemical features of oil-gas bearing Early Cretaceous sediments of Uzbekistan]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2013, vol. 8, no. 4, available at:
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