Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 40_2017 submitted on 11/15/2017 displayed on website on 12/11/2017
12 p.
pdf  Pecularities of gas content change in productive series belonging to Apsheron Archipelago, Azerbaijan
Based on the data on the change in a wide range of gas-oil ratio GOR values of the Apsheron Archipelago petroleum deposits, the gas content of the productive stratum of the Lower Pliocene and its variation in space are estimated.The value of GOR increases towards the central deep-seated part of the South Caspian Basin. Low GOR values in the depth interval up to a kilometer are due to poor gas conservation conditions.In the stratigraphic section of the productive series, the highest values characterize the different levels of the Balakhani Formation, and the lowest of the Fasil Formation. The characteristic dependence of GOR on thermodynamic parameters, oil density, and capacitive-filtration properties of rocks was revealed.

Keywords: oil and gas fields, GOR, Lower Pliocene, Apsheron Archipelago, Azerbaijan.
article citation Feyzullayev A.A., Ismaylova G.G., Guseynova A.N. Zakonomernosti izmeneniya gazonosnosti produktivnoy tolshchi mestorozhdeniy Apsheronskogo arkhipelaga, Azerbaydzhan [Pecularities of gas content change in productive series belonging to Apsheron Archipelago, Azerbaijan]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2017, vol. 12, no. 4, available at:

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