Article # 6_2024 submitted on 09/29/2023 displayed on website on 03/25/2024
35 p.
pdf The problem of developing of hard to recover associated gas resources in sedimentary basins Central Asia
The features study of the hard-to-recover associated gas fields in Central Asia are considered, the prospects for development of which in modern conditions seem insignificant. On the territory of Uzbekistan, this is associated with large volumes and costs of specialized activity with unpredictable results within the five selected fields in the Lower-Middle Jurassic coal-bearing strata. It is more expedient to explore complex deep-seated accumulations of free gas in the lower levels of the sedimentary cover and sub-cover Paleozoic column. In certain zones of adjacent Turkmenistan, comprehensive exploration of deep-seated accumulations of free gas and gas of tight rocks in the terrigenous, carbonate Jurassic and Neocomian time is recommended if it is impossible to pre-localize fields of hard-to-recover associated gas due to the much poorer exploration of the territory.

Keywords: field of hard-to-recover associated gas, Lower-Middle Jurassic coal-bearing strata, terrigenous Jurassic, carbonate Jurassic, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan.
article citation Dolgopolov F.G., Melikhov V.N., Kuvshinova M.F. Problema osvoeniya resursov trudnoizvlekaemogo svyazannogo gaza v osadochnykh basseynakh Tsentral'noy Azii [The problem of developing of hard to recover associated gas resources in sedimentary basins Central Asia]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2024, vol. 19, no. 1, available at: https://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2024/6_2024.html EDN: IHHMSY
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