
Kudamanov A.I.
Graduated from Tomsk State University (1982), specialization "geochemistry engineer".
PhD in Geology and Mineralogy.
Expert of the Tyumen Oil Research Center LLC.
Area of scientific interests: sedimentology, lithology of terrigenous and siliceous sediments.
Patents: 1) Method for stratification of homogeneous Upper Cretaceous siliceous strata. IPC G01V9/00 (2006.01) / Agalakov S.E., Marinov V.A., Kudamanov A.I., Novoselova M.Yu. No. 2747944 dated May 17, 2021; 2) A method for localizing hydrocarbon reserves in Upper Cretaceous siliceous sediments. IPC G01V11/00 (2006.01) / Agalakov S.E., Marinov V.A., Kudamanov A.I., Novoselova M.Yu. No. 2742077 dated 02/02/2021.
Author of 109 publications.
Regional petroleum geology
Article # 42_2023 | submitted on 10/24/2023 displayed on website on 11/22/2023 |
19 p. | Nassonova N.V., Kudamanov A.I., Distanova L.R. |
Probable models of lithological composition within NB1 reservoir of Nizhneberezov sub-Formation | |
In the process of regional research activity within the Upper Cretaceous of the West Siberian Plate, the conditions and settings of sedimentation of siliceous formation (opoka) NB1 (Lower Berezov sub-Formation of Coniacian-Santonian age) were characterized. The results of laboratory tests of the cores showed an uneven distribution over the area of the ratio of amorphous (opal-cristobalite-tridymite) and crystalline (quartz) silica - the main components (in total up to 80-85% or more) in the composition of the siliceous formation, which is the result of the “aging” of amorphous forms (opal, opal-cristobalite-tridymite) silicium dioxide and converting it into crystalline quartz. It has been established that, all other things being equal, siliceous formation with a high content of quartz are characterized by improved permeability relative to siliceous formation with a high proportion of opal-cristobalite-tridymite phase. The process of gradual “aging” of siliceous formation, in fact, a stage-by-stage transition of amorphous silica into a crystalline form can occur regionally - as the sedimentary levels sinks and is covered by younger sedimentary rocks, under the influence of gradually increasing - temperature and pressure. In areas with an increased influx of deep heat (deep fault zones), the rate of crystallization of amorphous silica is relatively more intense. Within Western Siberia, zones of regional strike-slip faults (Trans-Eurasian and Turgay), rifts (the main zone is Koltogorsk-Urengoy) and rift-like structures have been established. The most likely additional heat source is zones of regional shear faults and feathering faults. Keywords: Upper Cretaceous, Berezov sub-Formation, opal-cristobalite-tridymite, quartz, siliceous formation (opoka), Trans-Eurasian shear, Turgay shear, Koltogorsk-Urengoy rifts, West Siberian Plate. |
article citation | Nassonova N.V., Kudamanov A.I., Distanova L.R. Veroyatnye modeli differentsiatsii litologicheskogo sostava plasta NB1 nizhneberezovskoy podsvity [Probable models of lithological composition within NB1 reservoir of Nizhneberezov sub-Formation]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2023, vol. 18, no. 4, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2023/42_2023.html EDN: JWGFXN |
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Filippovich Yu.V. Novaya kontseptsiya tektonicheskogo stroeniya fundamenta i osadochnogo chekhla Zapadno-Sibirskoy plity [New concept of the tectonic structure of the basement and sedimentary cover of the West Siberian]. Geologiya nefti i gaza, 2001, no. 5, pp. 51-62.
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Khabibullin D.Ya., Ryb'yakov A.N., Sitdikov N.R., Varyagov S.A., Nersesov S.V., Kreknin S.G., Ogibenin V.V., Doroshenko A.A., Karymova Ya.O., Rodivilov D.B. Litologo-mineralogicheskie i promyslovo-geologicheskie kriterii vydeleniya produktivnykh zon v senonskikh otlozheniyakh [Lithological-mineralogical and commercial-geological criteria for identifying productive zones in Senonian strata]. Gazovaya promyshlennost, 2018, no. 8, pp. 34-41.
Khimiya poverkhnostnykh yavleniy (kolloidnaya khimiya): ucheb.-metod. posobie) [Chemistry of surface phenomena (Colloid chemistry)]. K.M. Kolmakov. Penza: Izd-vo PGU, 2017, 322 p.
Kudamanov A.I., Agalakov S.E. Tsiklichnost' osadkoobrazovaniya otlozheniy verkhnego mela Zapadno-Sibirskoy plity [Cyclicity of sedimentation of Upper Cretaceous strata of the West Siberian]. Interekspo GEO-Sibir': XIV Mezhdunarodnyĭ nauchnyĭ kongress: sbornik mat. Mezhdunar. nauchnoy konferentsii (Novosibirsk, 23-27 April 2018), 2018, pp. 183-190.
Kukuruza V.D., Savchenko V.I. Geoelektricheskie aspekty skopleniy uglevodorodov v treshchinovatykh zonakh kristallicheskogo fundamenta i vozmozhnost' ikh prognozirovaniya [Geoelectric aspects of hydrocarbon accumulations in fractured zones of the crystalline basement and the possibility of their prediction]. Riftogenez i neftegazonosnost'. Moscow: Science, 1993, pp. 178-186.
Kutas R.I. Pole teplovykh potokov i termicheskaya model' zemnoy kory [Heat flow field and thermal model of the earth’s crust]. Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1978, 148 p.
Nassonova N.V., Fishchenko A.N., Kholmanskikh N.V., Lapina L.V. Regional'nye tektonicheskie trendy i ikh vliyanie na neftegazonosnost' na Em-Egovskom i Kamennom litsenzionnykh uchastkakh Krasnoleninskogo mestorozhdeniya [Regional tectonic trends and their influence on oil and gas content in the Em-Yogovsky and Kamenny license areas of the Krasnolenin field]. Geologiya, geofizika i razrabotka neftyanykh i gazovykh mestorozhdeniy, 2020, no. 10, pp. 28-34.
Nassonova N.V., Yanovskiy D.V., Novoselova M.Yu., Gordeev A.O. Neodnorodnosti litologo-mineralogicheskogo sostava nizhneberezovskoy podsvity Medvezh'ego i Kharampurskogo mestorozhdeniy [Heterogeneity of the lithological and mineralogical composition of the Lower Berezov sub-Formation of the Medvezhy and Kharampur fields]. Neftyanaya provintsiya, 2021, no. 4 (28), part 1, special issue, pp. 1-21.
Nezhdanov A.A., Smirnov A.S. Flyuidodinamicheskaya interpretatsiya seysmorazvedochnykh dannykh: uchebnoe posobie [Fluid dynamic interpretation of seismic data: tutorial]. A.A. Nezhdanov, A.S. Smirnov. Tyumen': TIU, 2021, 286 p.
Ryb'yakov A.N., Nersesov S.V., Sokolovskiy R.A., Postnikov A.V., Postnikova O.V., Zueva O.A., Kuznetsov A.S., Doroshenko A.A., Karymova Ya.O., Kachinskaya I.V., Zhegallo E.A. Genezis silitsitov i pustotnogo prostranstva kollektorov kon'yak-santonskikh otlozheniy Medvezh'ego mestorozhdeniya [Genesis of silicites and void space of reservoirs of Coniacian-Santonian strata of the Medvezhye field]. Gazovaya promyshlennost', 2020, no. 8, pp. 54-64.
Sobornov K.O., Yakubchuk A.S. Plitotektonicheskoe razvitie i formirovanie neftegazonosnykh basseynov Severnoy Evrazii [Plate tectonic development and formation of oil and gas basins in Northern Eurasia]. Geologiya nefti i gaza, 2006, no. 2, pp. 10-19.
Traskin V.Yu. Effekt Rebindera v tektonofizike [Rehbinder effect in tectonophysics]. Fizika Zemli, 2009, no. 11, pp. 22-33.
Yutkin L.A. Elektrogidravlicheskiy effekt i ego primenenie v promyshlennosti [Electrohydraulic effect and its application in industry]. Leningrad mechanical engineering, 1986, 246 p.
Burlin Yu.K., Plyusnina I.I. Fazovye perekhody kremnezema v neftenosnykh tolshchakh [Phase transitions of silica in oil-bearing strata]. Vestnik Moskovskogo un-ta. Ser. 4. Geologiya, 2008, no. 3, pp. 24-31.
Filippovich Yu.V. Novaya kontseptsiya tektonicheskogo stroeniya fundamenta i osadochnogo chekhla Zapadno-Sibirskoy plity [New concept of the tectonic structure of the basement and sedimentary cover of the West Siberian]. Geologiya nefti i gaza, 2001, no. 5, pp. 51-62.
Kazantsev V.G., Botvenko D.V., Sazonov M.S., Vysotskiy V.V. Eksperimental'nye issledovaniya p'ezoelektricheskogo effekta gornykh porod [Experimental studies of the piezoelectric effect of rocks]. Vestnik nauchnogo tsentra po bezopasnosti rabot v ugol'noy promyshlennosti, 2014, no. 1, pp. 16-22.
Khabibullin D.Ya., Ryb'yakov A.N., Sitdikov N.R., Varyagov S.A., Nersesov S.V., Kreknin S.G., Ogibenin V.V., Doroshenko A.A., Karymova Ya.O., Rodivilov D.B. Litologo-mineralogicheskie i promyslovo-geologicheskie kriterii vydeleniya produktivnykh zon v senonskikh otlozheniyakh [Lithological-mineralogical and commercial-geological criteria for identifying productive zones in Senonian strata]. Gazovaya promyshlennost, 2018, no. 8, pp. 34-41.
Khimiya poverkhnostnykh yavleniy (kolloidnaya khimiya): ucheb.-metod. posobie) [Chemistry of surface phenomena (Colloid chemistry)]. K.M. Kolmakov. Penza: Izd-vo PGU, 2017, 322 p.
Kudamanov A.I., Agalakov S.E. Tsiklichnost' osadkoobrazovaniya otlozheniy verkhnego mela Zapadno-Sibirskoy plity [Cyclicity of sedimentation of Upper Cretaceous strata of the West Siberian]. Interekspo GEO-Sibir': XIV Mezhdunarodnyĭ nauchnyĭ kongress: sbornik mat. Mezhdunar. nauchnoy konferentsii (Novosibirsk, 23-27 April 2018), 2018, pp. 183-190.
Kukuruza V.D., Savchenko V.I. Geoelektricheskie aspekty skopleniy uglevodorodov v treshchinovatykh zonakh kristallicheskogo fundamenta i vozmozhnost' ikh prognozirovaniya [Geoelectric aspects of hydrocarbon accumulations in fractured zones of the crystalline basement and the possibility of their prediction]. Riftogenez i neftegazonosnost'. Moscow: Science, 1993, pp. 178-186.
Kutas R.I. Pole teplovykh potokov i termicheskaya model' zemnoy kory [Heat flow field and thermal model of the earth’s crust]. Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1978, 148 p.
Nassonova N.V., Fishchenko A.N., Kholmanskikh N.V., Lapina L.V. Regional'nye tektonicheskie trendy i ikh vliyanie na neftegazonosnost' na Em-Egovskom i Kamennom litsenzionnykh uchastkakh Krasnoleninskogo mestorozhdeniya [Regional tectonic trends and their influence on oil and gas content in the Em-Yogovsky and Kamenny license areas of the Krasnolenin field]. Geologiya, geofizika i razrabotka neftyanykh i gazovykh mestorozhdeniy, 2020, no. 10, pp. 28-34.
Nassonova N.V., Yanovskiy D.V., Novoselova M.Yu., Gordeev A.O. Neodnorodnosti litologo-mineralogicheskogo sostava nizhneberezovskoy podsvity Medvezh'ego i Kharampurskogo mestorozhdeniy [Heterogeneity of the lithological and mineralogical composition of the Lower Berezov sub-Formation of the Medvezhy and Kharampur fields]. Neftyanaya provintsiya, 2021, no. 4 (28), part 1, special issue, pp. 1-21.
Nezhdanov A.A., Smirnov A.S. Flyuidodinamicheskaya interpretatsiya seysmorazvedochnykh dannykh: uchebnoe posobie [Fluid dynamic interpretation of seismic data: tutorial]. A.A. Nezhdanov, A.S. Smirnov. Tyumen': TIU, 2021, 286 p.
Ryb'yakov A.N., Nersesov S.V., Sokolovskiy R.A., Postnikov A.V., Postnikova O.V., Zueva O.A., Kuznetsov A.S., Doroshenko A.A., Karymova Ya.O., Kachinskaya I.V., Zhegallo E.A. Genezis silitsitov i pustotnogo prostranstva kollektorov kon'yak-santonskikh otlozheniy Medvezh'ego mestorozhdeniya [Genesis of silicites and void space of reservoirs of Coniacian-Santonian strata of the Medvezhye field]. Gazovaya promyshlennost', 2020, no. 8, pp. 54-64.
Sobornov K.O., Yakubchuk A.S. Plitotektonicheskoe razvitie i formirovanie neftegazonosnykh basseynov Severnoy Evrazii [Plate tectonic development and formation of oil and gas basins in Northern Eurasia]. Geologiya nefti i gaza, 2006, no. 2, pp. 10-19.
Traskin V.Yu. Effekt Rebindera v tektonofizike [Rehbinder effect in tectonophysics]. Fizika Zemli, 2009, no. 11, pp. 22-33.
Yutkin L.A. Elektrogidravlicheskiy effekt i ego primenenie v promyshlennosti [Electrohydraulic effect and its application in industry]. Leningrad mechanical engineering, 1986, 246 p.
Stratigraphy and lithology
Article # 41_2023 | submitted on 10/10/2023 displayed on website on 11/08/2023 |
18 p. | Kudamanov A.I., Gladyshev A.A., Astaf'ev E.V., Karikh T.M., Novoselova M.Yu. |
Features of the composition and structure of the Berezov Formation in the north of Western Siberia | |
Significant hydrocarbon resources in unconventional clayey-siliceous autochthonous reservoirs of the Upper Cretaceous of the West Siberian Plate and proven industrial gas content (Medvezhye, Kharampur, Gubkin, Severo-Komsomolsk and other fields) are increasingly attracting attention to the Upper Cretaceous strata. The results of a preliminary assessment of the composition, structure and genesis are shown, a preliminary forecast is given for the gas-bearing prospects of the Upper Cretaceous strata (above the Cenomanian) in the northern regions of Western Siberia (using the example of the Lower Berezov level of Coniacian-Santonian-Campanian age), similar to the southern territories of Western Siberia. Keywords: unconventional clayey-siliceous reservoir, Upper Cretaceous, forecast of gas potential, northern regions of Western Siberia. |
article citation | Kudamanov A.I., Gladyshev A.A., Astaf'ev E.V., Karikh T.M., Novoselova M.Yu. Osobennosti sostava i stroeniya Berezovskoy svity na severe Zapadnoy Sibiri [Features of the composition and structure of the Berezov Formation in the north of Western Siberia]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2023, vol. 18, no. 4, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2023/41_2023.html EDN: GQTGJH |
Afanasenkov A.P., Bordyug A.V., Nikishin A.M., Taninskaya N.V., Shimanskiy V.V., Bordunov S.I. Utochnenie paleogeografii severa Sibirskoy platformy s uchetom novykh dannykh [Clarification of the paleogeography of the north of the Siberian Platform taking into account new data]. Geologiya nefti i gaza, 2018, no. 2, vol. 5-24.
Agalakov S.E. Geologiya i gazonosnost' verkhnemelovykh nadsenomanskikh otlozheniy Zapadnoy Sibiri [Geology and gas content of the Upper Cretaceous over-Cenomanian section of Western Siberia]. Dissertatsiya na soiskanie uchenoy stepeni doktora geologo-mineralogicheskikh nauk, Tyumen', 2020, 221 p.
Agalakov S.E., Kudamanov A.I., Lebedev M.V., Marinov V.A. Verkhnemelovaya kremnistaya formatsiya Zapadnoy Sibiri [Upper Cretaceous siliceous formation of Western Siberia]. Trudy III Vserossiyskogo nauchno-prakticheskogo sedimentologicheskogo soveshchaniya, posvyashchennogo obobshcheniyu polozhitel'nogo opyta litologicheskikh i fatsial'no-tsiklicheskikh issledovaniy v neftegazovoy litologii i geologicheskom modelirovanii terrigennykh i karbonatnykh prirodnykh rezervuarov. Natsional'nyy issledovatel'skiy Tomskiy politekhnicheskiy universitet. Tomsk: Izd-vo TsPPS ND, 2017, pp. 9-14.
Agalakov S.E., Kudamanov A.I., Marinov V.A. Fatsial'naya model' verkhnego mela Zapadnoy Sibiri [Facies model of the Upper Cretaceous of Western Siberia]. Interekspo GEO-Sibir'-2017. XIII Mezhdunar. nauch. kongr., Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. «Nedropol'zovanie. Gornoe delo. Napravleniya i tekhnologii poiska, razvedki i razrabotki mestorozhdeniy poleznykh iskopaemykh. Ekonomika. Geoekologiya»: sb. materialov v 4 t. (Novosibirsk, 17-21 Apr 2017). Novosibirsk: SGUGiT, 2017, vol. 1, pp. 101-105.
Bordyug A.V. Geologicheskoe stroenie, etapy formirovaniya i model' uglevodorodnykh sistem v zone sochleneniya Taymyrskogo orogena, Zapadno-Sibirskogo i Enisey-Khatangskogo basseynov [Geological structure, stages of formation and model of hydrocarbon systems in the junction zone of the Taimyr orogen, West Siberian and Yenisey-Khatanga basins]. Dissertatsiya na soiskanie uchenoy stepeni kandidata geologo-mineralogicheskikh nauk. Moscow: MGU, 2019, 108 p.
Burlin Yu.K., Plyusnina I.I. Fazovye perekhody kremnezema v neftenosnykh tolshchakh [Phase transitions of silica in oil-bearing strata]. Vestnik Mosk. Un-ta. Ser. 4. Geologiya, 2008, no. 3, pp. 24-31.
Karikh T.M., Kudamanov A.I. Mul'timasshtabnyy podkhod k issledovaniyu otlozheniy berezovskoy svity [Multiscale approach to the study of the Berezov Formation]. Geologiya, geofizika i razrabotka neftyanykh i gazovykh mestorozhdeniy, 2020, no. 5, pp. 15-24.
Karikh T.M., Kudamanov A.I., Agalakov S.E., Marinov V.A. Novye nakhodki piroklastiki v verkhnemelovykh otlozheniyakh Zapadnoy Sibiri [New findings of pyroclastics in the Upper Cretaceous section of Western Siberia]. Geologiya nefti i gaza, 2020, no. 4, pp. 19-28. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2020-4-19-28
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Kudamanov A.I., Agalakov S.E., Marinov V.A. K voprosu o turon-rannekon'yakskom osdkonakoplenii v predelakh Zapadno-Sibirskoy plity [On the issue of Turonian-Early Coniacian sedimentation within the West Siberian Plate]. Geologiya, geofizika i razrabotka neftyanykh i gazovykh mestorozhdeniy, 2018a, no. 7, pp. 19-26.
Kudamanov A.I., Agalakov S.E., Marinov V.A. Transgressivno-regressivnyy kharakter osadkonakopleniya v kon'yake-santone verkhnego mela Zapadnoy Sibiri [Transgressive-regressive nature of sedimentation in the Coniacian-Santonian of the Upper Cretaceous of Western Siberia]. Neftyanoe khozyaystvo, 2018b, no. 7, pp. 58-63.
Kudamanov A.I., Agalakov S.E., Marinov V.A., Novoselova M.Yu., Glukhov T.V. K voprosu ob usloviyakh sedimentatsii kampana (verkhniy mel) Zapadnoy Sibiri [On the question of sedimentation conditions of the Campanian (Upper Cretaceous) of Western Siberia]. Neftyanaya provintsiya, 2018, no. 4 (16), pp. 35-54.
Kudamanov A.I., Agalakov S.E., Marinov V.A., Novoselova M.Yu., Karikh T.M., Glukhov T.V. Sledy tektonicheskogo kontrolya osadkonakopleniya v turone Zapadnoy Sibiri [Traces of tectonic control of sedimentation in the Turonian of Western Siberia]. Geologiya, geofizika i razrabotka neftyanykh i gazovykh mestorozhdeniy, 2020, no. 10, pp. 2-21.
Kudamanov A.I., Karikh T.M. Sledy anoksiynykh sobytiy OAE v razreze verkhnego mela Zapadoy Sibiri [Traces of anoxic events (OAE) in the Upper Cretaceous section of Western Siberia]. Litogenez i minerageniya osadochnykh kompleksov dokembriya i fanerozoya Evrazii: sbornik dokladov X mezhdunarodnogo soveshchaniya (Voronezh, 18-23 Sept 2023). Voronezhskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet, pp. 196-198.
Kudamanov A.I., Karikh T.M., Agalakov S.E., Marinov V.A. Kheyakhinskaya pachka opok i perekryvayushchie kremnisto-glinistye otlozheniya (verkhniy mel, Zapadnaya Sibir'). Osobennosti stroeniya [Kheyakha opal level and overlying siliceous-clay strata (Upper Cretaceous, Western Siberia). Particular structure]. Geologiya, geofizika i razrabotka neftyanykh i gazovykh mestorozhdeniy, 2019, no. 11, pp. 21-30.
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Marinov V.A., Baraboshkin E.Yu., Gnibidnko Z.N., Valashchik I., Agalakov S.E., Kudamanov A.I., Novoselova M.Yu. Verkhnemelovoy Berezovskiy gorizont Zapadnoy Sibiri [Upper Cretaceous Berezov level of Western Siberia]. Byulleten' MOIP. Otd. Geol., 2023, vol. 97, issue 4, pp. 12-39.
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Zorina S.O., Afanas'eva N.I., Zhabin A.V. Sledy piroklastiki v santon-kampanskikh otlozheniyakh razreza «Vishnevoe» (Srednee Povolzh'e) [Traces of pyroclastics in Santonian-Campanian strata of the Vishnevoe section (Middle Volga region)]. Litosfera, 2012, no. 3, pp. 3-13.
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Stratigraphy and lithology
Article # 23_2023 | submitted on 02/10/2023 displayed on website on 06/22/2023 |
18 p. | Kudamanov A.I., Karikh T.M. |
Synsedimentary delta deformations - as an example of the Nizhne Kheta Formation of the Suzun area of Western Siberia | |
Certain aspects of deformations in delta settings synchronous with sedimentation are considered on the example of the Berriasian-Valanginian productive level NK-1 of the Lower Cretaceous of the West Siberian plate. According to the core study, in the sandstones of the deltaic lobe, two systems (by layering and in a cross) of flat segregations of clay material were established. In modern settings, deformations of non-tectonic origin are described that occur during the accumulation of sandy material in the depocenter of the delta. The rapid accumulation of large masses of delta sands on undercompacted clays of the prodelta leads to liquefaction and "superfluidity" of clays. The uneven subsidence of the sand blade is accompanied by its bending and the formation of scaly stratification and sheer fissure-like decompaction zones oriented along the coastline. Liquefied clays are introduced along the deformation zones, forming a vein-like filling. Similar non-tectonic deformations have been established in coastal cliffs that have exposed rocks of the Carboniferous, Triassic, and Cretaceous. Keywords: Lower Cretaceous sedimentation, delta depocenter, clay liquefaction, Nizhne Kheta Formation, Suzun area, Western Siberia. |
article citation | Kudamanov A.I., Karikh T.M. Deformatsii v oblasti del'ty, sinkhronnye osadkonakopleniyu, na primere nizhnekhetskoy svity Suzunskoy ploshchadi Zapadnoy Sibiri [Synsedimentary delta deformations - as an example of the Nizhne Kheta Formation of the Suzun area of Western Siberia]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2023, vol. 18, no. 2, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2023/23_2023.html EDN: UPQVMR |
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Geoportal YuGRA AU «Nauchno-analiticheskiy tsentr ratsional'nogo nedropol'zovaniya im. V.I. Shpil'mana» [Geoportal YUGRA AE «V.I. Shpilman research and analytical centre for the rational use of the subsoil»]. https://maps.crru.ru/smaps/cmViewer.php
Ichnology and Sedimentology of Shallow to Marginal Marine Systems: Ben Nevis & Avalon Reservoirs, Jeanne d’Arc Basin / S.G. Pemberton, M. Spila, A.J. Pulham, T. Saunders, J.A. MacEachern, D. Robbins and I.K. Sinclair. Geological Association of Canada Short Course Notes, 2001, vol. 15, 343 p.
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Yan P.A., Vakulenko L.G. Smena sostava ikhnofossiliy v kellovey-oksfordskikh otlozheniyakh Zapadno-Sibirskogo basseyna kak otrazhenie tsiklichnosti sedimentogeneza [Changes in the composition of Ichnofossils in the Callovian-Oxfordian strata of the West Siberian Basin as a reflection of the cyclicity of sedimentogenesis]. Geologiya i geofizika, 2011, vol. 52, no. 10, pp. 1517-1537.
Stratigraphy and lithology
Article # 4_2023 | submitted on 12/05/2022 displayed on website on 01/30/2023 |
19 p. | Kudamanov A.I., Karikh T.M. |
Traces of volcanogenic-hydrothermal processes in Upper Cretaceous clay-siliceous strata of Western Siberia | |
The article is devoted to certain aspects of the composition, structure and others features of the formation of the Late Cretaceous sedimentary rocks of the Western Siberian Plate. Microgranular levels are characterized by low thickness (in total, as a rule, a few hundreds of meters) and consistent composition over an area of about 2 million km2. As a result of a detailed study in thin sections, in clay-siliceous rocks (from Cenomanian to Campanian), fragments of volcanic glass and acute-angled grains of quartz and feldspars of silty granulation were found. Additionally, according to the determination of the chemical composition of the rocks by the X-ray fluorescence method, in the Upper Cretaceous section, periodically layer-by-layer enrichment with high-ferruginous varieties - sideritolitic or glauconitic clays was revealed. The values of the Strakhov's Modulus ((iron + manganese)/titanium) for such enrichment layers exceed 25 (sometimes up to 100-200 or more), which indicates the influence of volcanogenic-hydrothermal processes on the sedimentation of these rocks. The association of authigenic minerals (smectites, glauconite, opal, zeolites) widely represented in the clay-siliceous sequence corresponds to the concept of "camouflaged pyroclastics". In addition, manifestations of muscovite-quartz metasomatites (vein type, up to 3-4 cm) were found in the Santonian rocks. The listed actually established characteristics of the Upper Cretaceous section of Western Siberia undeniably testify to the real contribution to sedimentation and lithogenesis of volcanogenic-hydrothermal processes. Keywords: clay-siliceous rock, muscovite-quartz metasomatite, volcanogenic-hydrothermal processe, Upper Cretaceous of Western Siberia. |
article citation | Kudamanov A.I., Karikh T.M. Sledy proyavleniya vulkanogenno-gidrotermal'nykh protsessov v glinisto-kremnistykh otlozheniyakh verkhnego mela Zapadnoy Sibiri [Traces of volcanogenic-hydrothermal processes in Upper cretaceous clay-siliceous strata of Western Siberia]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2023, vol. 18, no. 1, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2023/4_2023.html EDN: QMQQEB |
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Stratigraphy and lithology
Article # 35_2021 | submitted on 10/19/2021 displayed on website on 11/15/2021 |
20 p. | Lebedeva I.A., Karikh T.M., Kudamanov A.I. |
Generation conditions of super-reservoirs in YuV1 unit of the Vasyugan Formation, Western Siberia | |
During the period of increased tectonic activity in the area of the Bakhilov mega-shaft, conditions were created for the formation of supper reservoirs in terrigenous reservoirs of the YuV1 level Bakhilov oil and gas condensate field, which manifested itself in intensive hydrothermal driving activity of sandstones with already initially high values of filtration-capacity properties. Dissolution processes prevailed near the channels for the influx of thermal fluids, and at a distance from the channels too, as the temperature decreased and the solution became oversaturated with dissolution products, the processes of secondary mineral formation prevailed in an equally good reservoir. With the "extinction" of the impulse of tectonic activity - a decrease in the volume of hydrothermal fluids and, probably, temperature, the unloading of dissolved components took place in reservoirs located near the channels of fluid intake. The presence of supper reservoir interlayers in terrigenous reservoirs can have a critical impact on the reservoir development process, expressed in the accelerated watering of production wells, therefore, the areas of distribution of supper reservoirs must be identified and mapped. Keywords: supper reservoir, YuV1 unit Vasyugan Formation, Bakhilov oil and gas condensate field, Western Siberia. |
article citation | Lebedeva I.A., Karikh T.M., Kudamanov A.I. Usloviya formirovaniya superkollektorov plastov gorizonta YuV1 Vasyuganskoy svity (Zapadnaya Sibir') [Generation conditions of supper reservoirs in YuV1 unit of the Vasyugan Formation, Western Siberia]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2021, vol. 16, no. 4, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2021/35_2021.html |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/35_2021 |
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