Basharina A.K.

Graduated from Novosibirsk State University (2004), specialization "petroleum geology".
Leading engineer of the Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences.
Area of scientific interests: oil and gas geology, correlation, Cretaceous strata, paleostructural reconstructions.
Author of 10 publications.
Regional petroleum geology
Article # 32_2024 submitted on 09/04/2024 displayed on website on 11/01/2024
25 p.
pdf Petroleum bearing composite structures of Cretaceous strata belonging to the Western regions of the Yenisey-Khatanga regional trough
The Cretaceous strata of the north-eastern regions of the West Siberian petroleum province are one of the promising and poorly studied objects of the Arctic regions of Russia. The current issues of identification of Cretaceous reservoirs and petroleum bearing of the Yenisey-Khatanga regional trough are considered. In the western part of this depression, which is the most promising for the search for petroleum accumulations, the authors carried out zoning by type of section and identified the Tanamo-Agapsk and Malokheta-Pyasinsk zones. They have different distribution patterns of Cretaceous strata and fluid cap rocks, types of rock stratification (horizontally layered or clinoform structure), type of distribution of hydrocarbon accumulations across the studied section. Petroleum reservoirs are identified in each of these zones, their brief characteristics are given.

Keywords: Cretaceous strata, petroleum bearing structure, petroleum reservoir, clinoform structure, Yenisey-Khatanga regional trough, West Siberian petroleum province.
article citation Ershov S.V., Basharina A.K. Neftegazonosnye kompleksy melovykh otlozheniy zapadnykh rayonov Enisey-Khatangskogo regional'nogo progiba [Petroleum bearing composite structures of Cretaceous strata belonging to the Western regions of the Yenisey-Khatanga regional trough]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2024, vol. 19, no. 4, available at: EDN: BSQIAH
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