Fursenko E.A.


Graduated from Novosibirsk State University, specialization "geochemistry" (1993).
PhD in geology and mineralogy.
Senior Researcher of Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics of Siberian Branch Russian Academy of Sciences (IPGG SB RAS).
Area of scientific interest: geology and geochemistry of oil and gas.
Author of 29 publications.
Geochemical research
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Bazhenova T.K.
Article # 12_2018 submitted on 04/02/2018 displayed on website on 04/23/2018
22 p.
pdf  The changes of physico-chemical properties patterns of oil and condensate belonging to Tyumen and Malyshev Formations (Western Siberia petroleum Province)
Due to the growing interest of subsoil users in recent years towards the prospects of the oil and gas potential of the Middle Jurassic, the regularities of the change in the properties of hydrocarbon fluids (density, viscosity, gas factor, sulfur, paraffins, tar and asphaltenes) from oil and gas Yu2-Yu4 reservoir units - Tyumen and Malyshev Formations. The results of a comparative analysis of the basic physico-chemical characteristics of hydrocarbon fluids are presented. Variation maps in the physicochemical properties of oil and condensates have been constructed within the entire area of the oil and gas potential of the Bathonian reservoir on the Western Siberia territory.

Keywords: Bathonian, Yu2-Yu4 reservoir units, Tyumen and Malyshev Formations, oil and condensate, physical and chemical properties, Western Siberia.
article citation Kazanenkov V.A., Fursenko E.A., Shaporina M.N. Zakonomernosti izmeneniya fiziko-khimicheskikh svoystv neftey i kondensatov iz zalezhey tyumenskoy i malyshevskoy svit Zapadno-Sibirskoy neftegazonosnoy provintsii [The changes of physico-chemical properties patterns of oil and condensate belonging to Tyumen and Malyshev Formations (Western Siberia petroleum Province)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2018, vol. 13, no. 2, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/1/12_2018.pdf
DOI https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/12_2018
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Geochemical research
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Bazhenova T.K.
Article # 29_2017 submitted on 06/14/2017 displayed on website on 09/04/2017
15 p.
pdf  The application of the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry method to express-study of rheological properties and composition of oil and gas condensate
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance is widely used today in laboratory and borehole studies of rock porosity and permeability properties. Applying to oil-containing fluid physicochemical properties investigation this paper is devoted to Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry possibilities study as an express-method of rheological properties evaluation and saturates, aromatics, resins and asphaltenes (SARA) analysis of hydrocarbons samples. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry properties of hydrocarbons samples from a number of fields in Western Siberia were studied. A comparative analysis with the results of standard geochemical studies was made.

Keywords: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry, rheological properties oil and gas condensate, SARA analysis of hydrocarbons.
article citation Turakhanov A.K., Glinskikh V.N., Kashirtsev V.A., Fursenko E.A., Shumskayte M.Y. Primenenie yadernogo magnitnogo rezonansa - relaksometrii dlya ekspress-issledovaniya reologicheskikh svoystv i gruppovogo sostava nefti i kondensata [The application of the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry method to express-study of rheological properties and composition of oil and gas condensate]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2017, vol. 12, no. 3, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/1/29_2017.pdf
DOI https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/29_2017

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   Shumskayte M.Y., Glinskikh V.N. Eksperimental'noe issledovanie zavisimosti YAMR-kharakteristik ot udel'noy poverkhnosti i udel'nogo elektricheskogo soprotivleniya peschano-alevritoglinistykh obraztsov [Relation of NMR parameters with specific surface and resistivity of shaly sandstone and siltstone samples: experimental study]. Geologiya i geofizika, 2016, vol. 57, no 10, p. 1911-1918.
   Shumskayte M.Y., Glinskikh V.N. Izuchenie udelnoy poverkhnosti vodonasyshchennykh peschano-alevrolitovykh porod po dannym YAMR-relaksometrii [Specific surface area study of sand-siltstone rocks using NMR-relaxometry]. Tyumen-2015: Glubokie gorizonty nauki i nedr: Materialy 4-y mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii. Tyumen, 2015. CD-ROM, PP02. – 10.3997/2214-4609.201412051. Rezhim dostupa: http://www.earthdoc.org/publication/publicationdetails/?publication=79691.
   Shumskayte M.Y., Glinskikh V.N., Bortnikova S.B., Kharitonov A.N., Permyakov V.S. Laboratornoe izuchenie zhidkostey vynosimykh iz skvazhin metodom YAMR-relaksometrii [NMR-relaxometry laboratory study of fluids taken from boreholes]. Izvestiya Tomskogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta. Inzhiniring georesursov, 2017, vol. 328, no 2, p. 59-66
   Turakhanov A.K., Glinskikh V.N., Fursenko E.A., Shumskayte M.Y. Ekspressnoe izuchenie gruppovogo sostava i reologicheskikh svoystv uglevodorodov metodom YAMR-relaksometrii [Express-study of SARA analysis and rheological properties of hydrocarbons using NMR-relaxometry]. Tyumen-2017: Geonauki – klyuch k ratsionalnomu osvoeniyu nedr: materialy 5-y mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii. Tyumen, 2017. CD-ROM, C03. –10.3997/2214-4609.201700082. Rezhim dostupa: http://www.earthdoc.org/publication/publicationdetails/?publication=87663.
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