
Margulis E.A.
Graduated from Tomsk Polytechnic Institute, specialization «geology and exploration of oil and gas fields» (1960).
PhD in geology and mineralogy.
Senior researcher of VNIGRI.
Key fields of scientific research: study of lithology, oil and gas basins structure of continental margins, lithogenesis, oil and gas potential forecast of northern and eastern offshore areas of Russia.
Author of more than 70 publications.
Stratigraphy and lithology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Kirichkova A.I.
Article # 52_2014 | submitted on 12/12/2014 displayed on website on 12/29/2014 |
25 p. | Margulis E.A. |
History of formation of sedimentary cover of the Barents-Kara region | |
The history of formation of the sedimentary cover of the Barents-Kara region was interpreted on the basis of the latest drilling and seismic data and palinspastic reconstructions. Seven lithofacial maps are presented.
Keywords: oil and gas potential, lithofacial reconstruction, Paleozoic and Mesozoic sediments, Barents and Kara Seas. |
article citation | Margulis E.A. Istoriya formirovaniya osadochnogo chekhla Barentsevo-Karskogo regiona [History of formation of sedimentary cover of the Barents-Kara region]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2014, vol. 9, no. 4, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2/52_2014.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/52_2014 |
Andreeva I.A., Bondarev V.I., Ershov Yu.P., Sobolev N.N., Shchekoldin R.A. Nizhniy i sredniy paleozoy guby Gribovoy-guby Bezymyannoy (severo-zapadnaya chast' Yuzhnogo ostrova Novoy Zemli) [Lower and Middle Paleozoic of Gribovaya Bay – Bezymyannaya Bay (north-western part of the South Island of New Territory)]. In: Geologija i stratigrafija Novoj Zemli. Leningrad: NIIGA, 1979, p. 38-53.
Bruce J.R., Abrahamson P. Paleozoic exploration models of the East Finnmark Shelf. Seismic Stratigraphy on the Barents Sea Region. Murmansk, 1989, p. 85-93.
Daragan-Sushchova L.A. Stroenie osadochnogo chekhla sverkhglubokikh vpadin Barentsevo-Karskoy plity [The structure of the sedimentary cover of ultra-deep basins of the Barents-Kara plate]. In: Geologo-geofizicheskie harakteristiki litosfery Arkticheskogo regiona. Saint Petersburg. VNIIOkeangeologija, 1998, vol. 2, p. 108-117.
Faleide J.I., Gudlaugsson S.T. Geology of the Western Barents sea. Department of geology, University of Oslo, 1981, p. 155.
Ivanova N.M., Belyaev I.V., Druzhinina E.A., Levchuk O.V., Sakhan' Yu.V. Rezul'taty seysmicheskikh issledovaniy v Yuratsko-Gydanskom melkovod'e i yuzhnoy chasti Karskogo shel'fa [The results of seismic surveys in Yuratsko-Gydan shallow water and southern Kara shelf]. RAO/CISoffshore. Saint Petersburg, 2011, p. 174-178.
Kasli K. Triassic seismic / sequence stratigraphy in the Norwegian Barents Sea. Seismic stratigraphy on the Barents Sea Region. Murmansk, 1989, p. 117-137.
Margulis E.A. Faktory formirovaniya unikal'nogo Shtokmanovsko-Ludlovskogo uzla gazonakopleniya v Barentsevom more [Factors of formation a unique Shtokman-Ludlovsky gas accumulation node in the Barents Sea]. Neftegazovaja geologija. Teorija i praktika, 2008, vol. 3, no. 2, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/5/17_2008.pdf
Margulis E.A. Osnovnye cherty formirovaniya triasovykh otlozheniy Arktiki [The main features of the formation of Triassic sediments of the Arctic sea]. In: Rezul'taty morskih geologo-geofizicheskih issledovanij. Riga: VNIImorgeo, 1986, p. 12-22.
Margulis E.A. Stroenie, sostav i usloviya obrazovaniya yurskogo perspektivnogo neftegazonosnogo kompleksa Barentseva morya [Structure, composition and conditions of formation of the Jurassic oil and gas prospective complex in the Barents Sea]. In: Tektonika i neftegazonosnost' shel'fa morey SSSR. Riga: VNIImorgeo, 1989, p. 15-24.
Margulis E.A., Margulis L.S. Glavnye etapy formirovaniya osadochnogo chekhla Barentseva morya [The main stages of the formation of the sedimentary cover of the Barents Sea]. In: Rezul'taty morskikh geologo-geofizicheskikh rabot na neft' i gaz. Riga: VNIImorgeo, 1990, p. 17-24.
Margulis E.A., Margulis L.S., Tanygin I.A. Uglevodorodnye sistemy Barentseva morya v svyazi s prognozom krupnykh mestorozhdeniy [Hydrocarbon systems in the Barents Sea in connection with the forecast of large deposits]. In: Nastoyashchee i budushchee syr'evoy bazy morskoy neftegazonosnoy promyshlennosti Rossii: proceedings of reports of International Scientific Conference. Saint Petersburg: Nedra, 2004, p. 23-25.
Margulis L.S. Osnovnye cherty stroeniya i neftegazonosnosti osadochnogo chekhla kontinental'noy okrainy Arktiki [The main features of the structure and petroleum potential of the sedimentary cover of the Arctic continental margin]. In: Tektonika i neftegazonosnost' shel'fa morey SSSR. Riga: VNIImorgeo, 1989, p. 3-9.
Margulis L.S., Fedorov V.V. Tektonika dna Barentseva morya [Tectonics of the bottom of the Barents Sea]. In: Geologiya i neftegazonosnost' shel'fa morey SSSR. Riga: VNIImorgeo, 1984, p. 13-20.
Margulis L.S., Grigorenko Yu.N., Margulis E.A. Yuzhno-Barentsevskaya zona glubinnykh razlomov – shovnaya zona Timano-Pechorskogo i Barentsevskogo megablokov [South Barents deep fault zone - suture zone of the Timan-Pechora and Barents megablocks]. Aktual'nye problemy geologii Barentsevo-Karskogo shel'fa i prilegayushchey sushi. Saint Petersburg, 1997, p. 42-43.
Margulis L.S., Margulis E.A.Istoriya formirovaniya i neftegazonosnost' Barentsevomorskogo regiona [The history of the Barents Sea region - oil and gas formation potential]. Reports of International Conference «Neft' i gaz arkticheskogo shel'fa – 2004». Murmansk, 2004, p. 19-21.
Martirosyan V.N., Vasil'eva E.A. Perspektivy neftegazonosnosti Priyamal'skogo shel'fa Karskogo morya v svete rezul'tatov seysmorazvedochnykh rabot MOV OGT [Prospects of petroleum potential of Pre-Yamal shelf of the Kara Sea in the light of the results of CMP seismic survey]. «OOO Gazflot» - 10 let let na arkticheskom shel'fe. Moscow, 2004, p. 130-139.
Mork A., Ashton F. Embry, Weitschat W. Triassic transgressive – regressive cycles in the Sverdrup Basin, Svalbard and Barents Shelf. Seismic Stratigraphy on Barents Sea Region. Murmansk, 1989, p. 59-76.
Povysheva L.G., Ustritskiy V.I. Fatsial'naya zonal'nost' v verkhnepermskikh osadkakh na Novoy Zemle [Section of the Upper Silurian-Devonian deposits of Medvezhiy Bay on the Severniy Island of Novaya Zemlya]. Geologiya i stratigrafiya Novoy Zemli. Leningrad: NIIGA, 1979, p. 53-82.
Povysheva L.G., Ustrickij V.I. Facial'naja zonal'nost' v verhnepermskih osadkah na Novoj Zemle [Facies zonation in the Upper Permian sediments of Novaya Zemlya]. Litologiya i poleznye iskopaemye, 1988, no. 4, p. 105-111.
Savostin L.A., Natapov L.M., Stavskiy A.P. Mezozoyskaya paleogeodinamika i paleogeografiya Arkticheskogo regiona [Mesozoic paleogeography and paleogeodynamics of Arctic region]. 227-y Mezhdunarodnyy geologicheskiy kongress. Paleookeanologiya, vol. 3. Moscow: Nauka, 1984, p. 172-187.
Surkov V.S. Riftogenez i neftegazonosnost' basseynov Sibiri [Rifting and petroleum potential of basins of Siberia]. Geologiya nefti i gaza, 1996, no. 19, p. 33-36.
The geological History of Svalbard. Editor Ole J. Aga. Stavanger, 1986, p. 121.
Verzhbitskiy V., Kosenkova N., Anan'ev V., Malysheva S., Vasil'ev V., Murzin R., Komissarov D., Roslov Yu. Geologiya i uglevodorodnyy potentsial Karskogo morya [Geology and hydrocarbon potential of the Kara Sea]. Oil and Gas Journal, 2012, no. 1-2, p. 48-55.
Zigler P.A. The Old Red Continent. N.J. McMillan, A.F. Embry, D.J. Glass (eds). Devonian of the World. Vd I. Can: Soc. Petrolm geol. Mem. 14, 1988, p. 15-48.
Zonenshayn L.P., Kuz'min M.I., Kononov M.V., Gorodnitskiy A.M. Paleozoyskie okeany: popytka absolyutnykh rekonstruktsiy [Paleozoic oceans: an attempt of absolute reconstructions]. Proceedings of 27th International Geological Congress. Paleookeangeologija. Kollokvium 03. Moscow: Nauka, 1984, vol. 3, p. 35-45.
Zonenshayn L.P., Kuz'min M.I., Natapov L.M. Tektonika litosfernykh plit territorii SSSR [Plate tectonics in the USSR]. Book 2. Moscow: Nedra, 1990, 334 p.
Bruce J.R., Abrahamson P. Paleozoic exploration models of the East Finnmark Shelf. Seismic Stratigraphy on the Barents Sea Region. Murmansk, 1989, p. 85-93.
Daragan-Sushchova L.A. Stroenie osadochnogo chekhla sverkhglubokikh vpadin Barentsevo-Karskoy plity [The structure of the sedimentary cover of ultra-deep basins of the Barents-Kara plate]. In: Geologo-geofizicheskie harakteristiki litosfery Arkticheskogo regiona. Saint Petersburg. VNIIOkeangeologija, 1998, vol. 2, p. 108-117.
Faleide J.I., Gudlaugsson S.T. Geology of the Western Barents sea. Department of geology, University of Oslo, 1981, p. 155.
Ivanova N.M., Belyaev I.V., Druzhinina E.A., Levchuk O.V., Sakhan' Yu.V. Rezul'taty seysmicheskikh issledovaniy v Yuratsko-Gydanskom melkovod'e i yuzhnoy chasti Karskogo shel'fa [The results of seismic surveys in Yuratsko-Gydan shallow water and southern Kara shelf]. RAO/CISoffshore. Saint Petersburg, 2011, p. 174-178.
Kasli K. Triassic seismic / sequence stratigraphy in the Norwegian Barents Sea. Seismic stratigraphy on the Barents Sea Region. Murmansk, 1989, p. 117-137.
Margulis E.A. Faktory formirovaniya unikal'nogo Shtokmanovsko-Ludlovskogo uzla gazonakopleniya v Barentsevom more [Factors of formation a unique Shtokman-Ludlovsky gas accumulation node in the Barents Sea]. Neftegazovaja geologija. Teorija i praktika, 2008, vol. 3, no. 2, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/5/17_2008.pdf
Margulis E.A. Osnovnye cherty formirovaniya triasovykh otlozheniy Arktiki [The main features of the formation of Triassic sediments of the Arctic sea]. In: Rezul'taty morskih geologo-geofizicheskih issledovanij. Riga: VNIImorgeo, 1986, p. 12-22.
Margulis E.A. Stroenie, sostav i usloviya obrazovaniya yurskogo perspektivnogo neftegazonosnogo kompleksa Barentseva morya [Structure, composition and conditions of formation of the Jurassic oil and gas prospective complex in the Barents Sea]. In: Tektonika i neftegazonosnost' shel'fa morey SSSR. Riga: VNIImorgeo, 1989, p. 15-24.
Margulis E.A., Margulis L.S. Glavnye etapy formirovaniya osadochnogo chekhla Barentseva morya [The main stages of the formation of the sedimentary cover of the Barents Sea]. In: Rezul'taty morskikh geologo-geofizicheskikh rabot na neft' i gaz. Riga: VNIImorgeo, 1990, p. 17-24.
Margulis E.A., Margulis L.S., Tanygin I.A. Uglevodorodnye sistemy Barentseva morya v svyazi s prognozom krupnykh mestorozhdeniy [Hydrocarbon systems in the Barents Sea in connection with the forecast of large deposits]. In: Nastoyashchee i budushchee syr'evoy bazy morskoy neftegazonosnoy promyshlennosti Rossii: proceedings of reports of International Scientific Conference. Saint Petersburg: Nedra, 2004, p. 23-25.
Margulis L.S. Osnovnye cherty stroeniya i neftegazonosnosti osadochnogo chekhla kontinental'noy okrainy Arktiki [The main features of the structure and petroleum potential of the sedimentary cover of the Arctic continental margin]. In: Tektonika i neftegazonosnost' shel'fa morey SSSR. Riga: VNIImorgeo, 1989, p. 3-9.
Margulis L.S., Fedorov V.V. Tektonika dna Barentseva morya [Tectonics of the bottom of the Barents Sea]. In: Geologiya i neftegazonosnost' shel'fa morey SSSR. Riga: VNIImorgeo, 1984, p. 13-20.
Margulis L.S., Grigorenko Yu.N., Margulis E.A. Yuzhno-Barentsevskaya zona glubinnykh razlomov – shovnaya zona Timano-Pechorskogo i Barentsevskogo megablokov [South Barents deep fault zone - suture zone of the Timan-Pechora and Barents megablocks]. Aktual'nye problemy geologii Barentsevo-Karskogo shel'fa i prilegayushchey sushi. Saint Petersburg, 1997, p. 42-43.
Margulis L.S., Margulis E.A.Istoriya formirovaniya i neftegazonosnost' Barentsevomorskogo regiona [The history of the Barents Sea region - oil and gas formation potential]. Reports of International Conference «Neft' i gaz arkticheskogo shel'fa – 2004». Murmansk, 2004, p. 19-21.
Martirosyan V.N., Vasil'eva E.A. Perspektivy neftegazonosnosti Priyamal'skogo shel'fa Karskogo morya v svete rezul'tatov seysmorazvedochnykh rabot MOV OGT [Prospects of petroleum potential of Pre-Yamal shelf of the Kara Sea in the light of the results of CMP seismic survey]. «OOO Gazflot» - 10 let let na arkticheskom shel'fe. Moscow, 2004, p. 130-139.
Mork A., Ashton F. Embry, Weitschat W. Triassic transgressive – regressive cycles in the Sverdrup Basin, Svalbard and Barents Shelf. Seismic Stratigraphy on Barents Sea Region. Murmansk, 1989, p. 59-76.
Povysheva L.G., Ustritskiy V.I. Fatsial'naya zonal'nost' v verkhnepermskikh osadkakh na Novoy Zemle [Section of the Upper Silurian-Devonian deposits of Medvezhiy Bay on the Severniy Island of Novaya Zemlya]. Geologiya i stratigrafiya Novoy Zemli. Leningrad: NIIGA, 1979, p. 53-82.
Povysheva L.G., Ustrickij V.I. Facial'naja zonal'nost' v verhnepermskih osadkah na Novoj Zemle [Facies zonation in the Upper Permian sediments of Novaya Zemlya]. Litologiya i poleznye iskopaemye, 1988, no. 4, p. 105-111.
Savostin L.A., Natapov L.M., Stavskiy A.P. Mezozoyskaya paleogeodinamika i paleogeografiya Arkticheskogo regiona [Mesozoic paleogeography and paleogeodynamics of Arctic region]. 227-y Mezhdunarodnyy geologicheskiy kongress. Paleookeanologiya, vol. 3. Moscow: Nauka, 1984, p. 172-187.
Surkov V.S. Riftogenez i neftegazonosnost' basseynov Sibiri [Rifting and petroleum potential of basins of Siberia]. Geologiya nefti i gaza, 1996, no. 19, p. 33-36.
The geological History of Svalbard. Editor Ole J. Aga. Stavanger, 1986, p. 121.
Verzhbitskiy V., Kosenkova N., Anan'ev V., Malysheva S., Vasil'ev V., Murzin R., Komissarov D., Roslov Yu. Geologiya i uglevodorodnyy potentsial Karskogo morya [Geology and hydrocarbon potential of the Kara Sea]. Oil and Gas Journal, 2012, no. 1-2, p. 48-55.
Zigler P.A. The Old Red Continent. N.J. McMillan, A.F. Embry, D.J. Glass (eds). Devonian of the World. Vd I. Can: Soc. Petrolm geol. Mem. 14, 1988, p. 15-48.
Zonenshayn L.P., Kuz'min M.I., Kononov M.V., Gorodnitskiy A.M. Paleozoyskie okeany: popytka absolyutnykh rekonstruktsiy [Paleozoic oceans: an attempt of absolute reconstructions]. Proceedings of 27th International Geological Congress. Paleookeangeologija. Kollokvium 03. Moscow: Nauka, 1984, vol. 3, p. 35-45.
Zonenshayn L.P., Kuz'min M.I., Natapov L.M. Tektonika litosfernykh plit territorii SSSR [Plate tectonics in the USSR]. Book 2. Moscow: Nedra, 1990, 334 p.
Stratigraphy and lithology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Kirichkova A.I.
Article # 39_2013 | submitted on 07/22/2013 displayed on website on 10/16/2013 |
13 p. | Margulis E.A. |
Lithology of Cenozoic deposits of the Russian shelf of Bering sea (well Central-1) | |
The lithology of Cenozoic deposits (Russian shelf), exposed in the Gulf of Anadyr (Bering Sea) by well Central-1 is described. The structure, composition and sedimentation conditions of Cenozoic deposits are characterized. The described deposits are compared with other Cenozoic sediments of the Bering Sea region, studied by drilling.
Key words: lithology, stratigraphy, sedimentation conditions, Cenozoic deposits, Bering Sea, Russian shelf. |
article citation | Margulis E.A. Litologiya kaynozoyskikh otlozheniy rossiyskogo shel'fa Beringova morya (skvazhina Tsentral'naya-1) [Lithology of Cenozoic deposits of the Russian shelf of Bering sea (well Central-1)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2013, vol. 8, no. 2, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2/39_2013.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/39_2013 |
Margulis L.S., Agapitov D.D., Margulis E.A., Pylina L.M., Gladenkov A.Yu., Zhidkova L.S., Dmitrieva T.V., Fedorova V.A., Fregatova N.A. Pervye dannye o kaynozoyskom razreze Chukotskogo shel'fa Beringova morya [The first data on the Cenozoic section of the Chukchi shelf of the Bering Sea]. Stratigrafiya. Geologicheskaya korrelyatsiya, 2011, vol. 19, no. 2, p. 103-114.
Regional'naya geologiya Beringova morya [Regional geology of the Bering Sea]. Western Geco SRS. London, 2002, 31 p.
Tuner R.F., Martin G.C., Flett T.O. Geological report for the Navarin basin planning area, Bering Sea, Alaska. U.S. Minerals Management Service. Ocs Report mms 85-0045, 1985, 156 p.
Worall D.M. Tectonic history of Bering Sea and evolution of the Bering Shelf. Geol. Soc. Am. Spec. Paper, 1991, vol. 257, 120 p.
Regional'naya geologiya Beringova morya [Regional geology of the Bering Sea]. Western Geco SRS. London, 2002, 31 p.
Tuner R.F., Martin G.C., Flett T.O. Geological report for the Navarin basin planning area, Bering Sea, Alaska. U.S. Minerals Management Service. Ocs Report mms 85-0045, 1985, 156 p.
Worall D.M. Tectonic history of Bering Sea and evolution of the Bering Shelf. Geol. Soc. Am. Spec. Paper, 1991, vol. 257, 120 p.
Petroleum potential and development
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Podolsky Yu.V.
Article # 27_2010 | submitted on 06/04/2010 displayed on website on 06/08/2010 |
15 p. | Prischepa O.M., Grigorenko Yu.N., Sobolev V.S., Ananiev V.V., Margulis E.A., Anfilatova E.A. |
Knots of oil and gas production of global significance in the Russian north-western offshore: prospects of development | |
On the basis of generalizing the available materials on the petroleum potential of World basins and analyzing their role in oil and gas production
the concept of the global significance knot of oil and gas production is first introduced. In the composition of the Earth intracontinental areals
and margin-continental belts of petroleum accumulation, such knots are recognized as the regions of extensive concentration of highly prospective areas.
Their total initial resources average 25-30 billion t of oil or 20 trillion m3 of gas, the presence of the largest fields is necessarily.
25 such knots providing the basic world oil and gas production over a long period of time is established. Three such knots are determined in the Russia
north-western offshore and adjacent onshore: the Pechora knot now in force and the potentially prospective Yamalo-Kara and Barents knots.
The resource characteristics and production possibilities of these knots and the prospects of heir development are considered. Key words:global knot of oil and gas production, maximum oil and gas production, oil and gas reserves, oil and gas resources, largest hydrocarbon fields, Pechora Sea, Barents Sea, Kara Sea. |
article citation | Prischepa O.M., Grigorenko Yu.N., Sobolev V.S., Ananiev V.V., Margulis E.A., Anfilatova E.A. Knots of oil and gas production of global significance in the Russian north-western offshore: prospects of development // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2010. - V.5. - #2.- http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/6/27_2010.pdf |
Offshore hydrocarbon deposits
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Margulis L.S.
Article # 35_2009 | submitted on 09/03/2009 displayed on website on 09/30/2009 |
24 p. | Margulis E.A. |
Oil-gas complexes of the Pechora shelf | |
A sedimentary cover of the Pechora Sea prospective for oil and gas is divided into 6 oil-gas complexes (OGC). Lithological-facies zoning of the OGC is performed, the main types of sequences of the OGC are characterized, basic source rocks formations, permeable strata and seals are described, mining and petrophysical parameters are shown. Oil-gas complexes – the major objects of exploration on the shelf of the Pechora Sea – are determined.
Key words: Pechora Sea, Pechora syneclise, Korotaikhinsk depression, oil-gas complexes, lithologic-facies zones. |
article citation | Margulis E.A. Oil-gas complexes of the Pechora shelf // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2009. - V.4. - #3.- http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/5/35_2009.pdf |
Offshore hydrocarbon deposits
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Margulis L.S.
Article # 24_2009 | submitted on 06/08/2009 displayed on website on 06/30/2009 |
14 p. | Margulis E.A. |
Evolution of the Barents Sea region and its hydrocarbon systems | |
The history of forming the Barents Sea region is considered. Five stages of its development are established: Lower Paleozoic (PreMiddle-Late Devonian), Middle-Paleozoic (Middle-Late Devonian – Early Permian), Paleozoic–Early Mesozoic (Early Permian–Triassic), Mesozoic (Jurassic-Cretaceous) and Cenozoic. Four Phanerozoic hydrocarbon systems, their generation and migration-accumulation conditions are described. The districts, most prospective for oil, are determined. Key words: Barents Sea region, hydrocarbon system, geo-historical stages, hydrocarbon generation, hydrocarbon accumulation, oil source rocks formation, main stage of oil generation, index of generation potential. |
article citation | Margulis E.A. Evolution of the Barents Sea region and its hydrocarbon systems // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2009. - V.4. - #2.- http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/5/24_2009.pdf |
Offshore hydrocarbon deposits
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Margulis L.S.
Article # 17_2008 | displayed on website on 03/31/2008 |
15 p. | Margulis E.A. |
Factors of forming the unique Shtokman-Ludlov knot of gas accumulation in the Barents Sea | |
The three largest gas and gas-condensate fields (Shtokman, Ludlov and Ledovoye) form a unique knot of gas accumulation in the central part of the Russian shelf, Barents Sea. The formation of the Shtokman-Ludlov knot of gas accumulation is due to the favorable combination of historical-geological factors. Their analysis allows forecasting the new large gas and gas-condensate fields within it. Key words: Barents Sea, Jurassic deposits, seals, reservoirs, accumulation, generation, katagenesis. |
article citation | Margulis E.A. Factors of forming the unique Shtokman-Ludlov knot of gas accumulation in the Barents Sea // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2008. - V.3. - #2.- http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/5/17_2008.pdf |
Offshore hydrocarbon deposits
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Margulis L.S.
Article # 003 | displayed on website on 02/19/2007 |
33 p. | Grigorenko Yu.N., Margulis E.A., Novikov Yu.N., Sobolev V.S. |
Hydrocarbon marine basis of Russia and prospects of its development | |
Current hydrocarbon marine basis of Russia, namely its structure, resources and reserves, their distribution, as well as hydrocarbon basis exploration and preparation for development; and size distribution of oil, gas and condensate fields have been estimated.
The plans and programs of the hydrocarbon marine basis study and development are considered, and the key problems of their implementation are highlighted.
The target estimation of the resource basis of Russian seas is proposed as a systematic framework for the plans and programs implementation with most essential and important component distinguishing (as the priorities for its research and development): the largest fields, liquid hydrocarbons, oil and gas accumulation zones, most accessible coastal shallow waters in terms of development, border offshore areas in the delimitation zones.
The target zoning of the Russian offshore waters means the selection of key areas and objects for prime implementation with the highest probability and efficiency. The establishment of coastal oil and gas production centers is proposed in various regions of Russia as a crucial operating method for target research and development of Russian hydrocarbon marine basis.
Key words: hydrocarbon marine basis, coastal oil and gas production centers, resources and reserves, offshore resources distribution, marine resources estimation, offshore zoning, oil and gas accumulation zone, transition zone. |
article citation | Grigorenko Yu.N., Margulis E.A., Novikov Yu.N., Sobolev V.S.Hydrocarbon marine basis of Russia and prospects of its development // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2007. - V.2. – http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/5/003.pdf |