Nikiforova L.V.

Graduated from the Ukhta Industrial Institute (1996), specialization "Oil and Gas Geology".
Head of the Timan-Pechora Scientific Research Center LLC.
Area of scientific interests: lithology, sedimentation modeling, petroleum geology, paleogeography, prediction of non-structural traps, and natural reservoirs.
Stratigraphy and lithology
Article # 42_2024 submitted on 10/31/2024 displayed on website on 12/24/2024
17 p.
pdf Stratotypes of local stratigraphic units of the Lower Silurian of the Bolshezemelsk area (Timan-Pechora region)
Descriptions of the local stratotypes of the Lower Silurian Formations of the Bolshezemelsk area of the Timan-Pechora region are provided and their geological and geophysical sections are presented. For the Makarikha Formation, the composite section of the parametric well Sandivey 31 and the exploratory well Sandivey 41 are proposed as the local stratotype. For the Sandivey Formation, the stratotype was established in the section of the well Sandivey 7, for the Veyak Formation, the composite stratotype was established in the parametric wells Zapadno-Veyak 1 and Severo-Salyukin 1. All wells are located in the territory of the Khoreyver depression, where commercial hydrocarbon accumulations are confined to the Lower Silurian strata.

Keywords: local stratotype, Makarikha Formation, Sandivey Formation, Veyak Formation, Lower Silurian, Bolshezemelsk area, Timan-Pechora region.
article citation Shamsutdinova L.L., Nikiforova L.V., Dmitrieva T.V., Sokiran E.V. Stratotipy mestnykh stratigraficheskikh podrazdeleniy nizhnego silura Bol'shezemel'skogo rayona Timano-Pechorskoy oblasti [Stratotypes of local stratigraphic units of the Lower Silurian of the Bolshezemelsk area (Timan-Pechora region)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2024, vol. 19, no. 4, available at: EDN: ZEXMTU
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