
Dzyuba O.F.
Graduated from Biological Faculty of Leningrad State University, specialization «biologist» (1977).
PhD in Geography.
Works with VNIGRI as the Head of laboratory of palynological studies.
Area of scientific interest: palyno-morphology, palyno-indication, environmental quality, aero-palynology.
Author and coauthor of 80 publications, including monographs.
Raw hydrocarbon geoecology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Rogozina E.A.
Article # 48_2014 | submitted on 10/20/2014 displayed on website on 11/17/2014 |
24 p. | Dzyuba O.F., Kochubey O.V. |
Quality of pollen grains of plants as the indicator of intensity of impact of the oil and gas complex on environment of the protected territories of Russia | |
Palynospectra from the superficial samples and holes put in specially protected areas (area of killed well of Kumzhinsk field and 10 km to the west from Korovinsk deposit (Timan-Pechora province) are investigated. The post-glacial sediments of internal reservoirs and wetlands nature reserve of "Valaam Island" are also studied for comparison. Research has shown that the current state of the environment of all the studied areas is characterized by varying degrees of ecological destabilization. Keywords: objects of an oil and gas complex, ecology, pollen grains, palynoindication of environmental quality, protected territories. |
article citation | Dzyuba O.F., Kochubey O.V. Kachestvo pyl'tsy rasteniy kak indikator intensivnosti vozdeystviya neftegazovogo kompleksa na prirodnuyu sredu okhranyaemykh territoriy Rossii [Quality of pollen grains of plants as the indicator of intensity of impact of the oil and gas complex on environment of the protected territories of Russia]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2014, vol. 9, no. 4, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/7/48_2014.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/48_2014 |
Abutalieva I.R. Ekologicheskie aspekty okhrany prirodnoy sredy v usloviyakh vliyaniya neftegazovogo kompleksa na territorii astrakhanskoy oblasti [Ecological aspects of the natural environment under the influence of oil and gas complex in the Astrakhan region]. Vestnik Astrakhanskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta, 2006, no. 6, p. 191-195.
Bessonova V.N. Sostoyanie pyl'tsy kak pokazatel' zagryazneniya Sredy tyazhelymi metallami [State of pollen as an indicator of environmental pollution with heavy metals]. Ekologiya, Ekaterinburg, 1992, no. 3, p. 45-50.
Deneva S.V. Neftezagryaznennye pochvy usloviy r. Pechora [Oily soil conditions of the Pechora River]. Pochva, ekologiya, obshchestvo: Vseros. studencheskaya konf. (Sankt-Peterburg, 1-4 marta 1999 g.). Saint Petersburg, 1999, p. 106.
Dzyuba O.F. Izuchenie pyl'tsy iz poverkhnostnykh prob dlya otsenki kachestva okruzhayushchey sredy [Study of pollen from surface samples for environmental quality evaluation]. Neftegazovaya geologiya. Teoriya i praktika, 2006, vol. 1, available: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/7/12.pdf
Dzyuba O.F. Palinoindikatsiya kachestva okruzhayushchey sredy [Pollen-indication of environmental quality]. Saint Petersburg: Nedra, 2006, 198 p.
Dzyuba O.F. Palinomopfologiya kak zveno v tsepi ekologicheskogo monitoringa [Pollen-morphology as a link in the chain of environmental monitoring]. Ekologiya. Normativno-metodicheskie i pravovye osnovy sozdaniya postoyanno deystvuyushchey sluzhby neftegazovogo ekologicheskogo monitoringa i printsipy ee finansovogo obespecheniya, Saint Petersburg: VNIGRI, 1999, p. 157-179.
Dzyuba O.F. Rezul'taty palinologicheskogo issledovaniya razreza torfyanykh otlozheniy Nikol'sko-Lyutinskogo bolota (Novgorodskaya-Pskovskaya obl.) [The results of palynological studies of the cross-section of the peat deposits of Nikolsk-Lyutinsk marshes (Novgorod-Pskov region)]. Tr. VNII torfyanoy promyshlennosti, Saint Petersburg, 1984, no. 53, p. 10-16.
Dzyuba O.F., Boreysha I.K., Yakovleva T.L., Sheynerman N.A., Nadporozhskaya M.A. Kachestvo pyl'tsy vysshikh rasteniy i nekotorykh kletochnykh struktur zhivotnykh organizmov v usloviyakh promyshlennoy ploshchadki LAES i goroda Sosnovyy Bor [The quality of the pollen of higher plants and some cellular structures of living organisms in a industrial area of the city of Leningrad NPP and Sosnovyy Bor town]. Pyl'tsa kak indikator sostoyaniya okruzhayushchey sredy i paleoekologicheskie rekonstruktsii, Saint Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2001, p. 69-78.
Dzyuba O.F., Kulikova N.K., Tokarev P.I. O estestvennom polimorfizme pyl'tsy Pinus sylvestris L. v svyazi s nekotorymi problemami paleopalinologii [On the natural polymorphism of pollen Pinus sylvestris L. in connection with some problems of paleopalynologists]. Palinologiya: teoriya i praktika: materialy KhI Vserossiyskoy palinologicheskoy konferentsii. Moscow. PIN RAN, 2005, p. 65-68.
Dzyuba O.F., Yashenkova L.K., Shimanskiy V.K., Movsesyan A.Z. Izuchenie pyl'tsy iz poverkhnostnykh prob v svyazi s otsenkoy ustoychivosti prirodnogo kompleksa severo-zapada Timano-Pechorskoy neftegazonosnoy provintsii[The study of pollen from surface samples in connection with the assessment of the sustainability of the natural complex north-west of the Timan-Pechora province]. Geologiya v Shkole i VUZe: Geologiya i Tsivilizatsiya: mater. 4-y Mezhdun. konf. Saint Petersburg: Epigraf, 2005, p. 323-326.
Glazunova K. P. Pyl'tsa kak indikator negativnykh faktorov okruzhayushchey sredy: embriologicheskiy aspekt [Pollen as an indicator of negative environmental factors: embryological aspect]. Pyl'tsa kak indikator sostoyaniya okruzhayushchey sredy i palinoekologicheskie rekonstruktsii: Mezhdunarodnyy seminar, Saint Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2001, p. 61-63.
Karevskaya I.A. Sporovo-pyl'tsevoy analiz pri paleogeograficheskikh i geomorfologicheskikh issledovaniyakh [Spore-pollen analysis during paleogeographic and geomorphological studies]. Uchebnoe posobie. Moscow, 1999, p. 113.
Kochubey O.V., Dzyuba O.F. Problemy ekologicheskoy destabilizatsii prirodnykh kompleksov neftegazonosnykh provintsiy i palinoindikatsiya kachestva okruzhayushchey sredy (na primere severo-zapada timano-pechorskoy provintsii [Problems of ecological destabilization of natural systems and oil and gas provinces and paleoindication of environmental quality (on the example of the north-west of the Timan-Pechora province]. Kompleksnoe izuchenie i osvoenie syr'evoy bazy nefti i gaza severa evropeyskoy chasti Rossii: materialy konf. Saint Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2012, p. 293-300.
Kochubey O.V., Markov V.E., Dzyuba O.F., Nesterov E.M. Rekonstruktsii prirodnykh obstanovok landshaftov sredne- i pozdnegolotsenovogo vremeni na osnove kompleksnogo ispol'zovaniya palinologicheskogo i geokhimicheskogo metodov [Reconstruction of natural environments landscapes of the Middle and Late Holocene time based on the integrated use of palynological and geochemical methods]. Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta, 2012, vol. 3, no. 2, p. 13-27.
Korobka E.A. Gosudarstvennyy zapovednik Nenetskiy [Nenets State Forest Reserve]. (05.11.2011): http://www.info83.ru/dostoprimechatelnosti-nao/gosudarstvennyj-zapovednik-neneckij
Ovinnikova K.N. Sovremennoe sostoyanie neftegazovogo kompleksa Rossii i ego problemy [Current state of the oil and gas complex of Russia and its problems]. Izvestiya Tomskogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta, 2013, vol. 322, no. 6, p. 47-51.
Pyl'tsevoy analiz [Pollen analysis]. Editor I.M. Pokrovskaya. Moscow: Gosgeolitizdat, 1950, 553 p.
Sovremennaya radioekologicheskaya obstanovka v mestakh provedeniya mirnykh yadernykh vzryvov na territorii Rossiyskoy Federatsii [Modern radioecological situation in the field of peaceful nuclear explosions on the territory of the Russian Federation]. Kol. avtorov pod ruk. prof. V.A. Logacheva. Moscow: Izd. At, 2005, p. 130-131.
V arkticheskikh moryakh Severo-Zapadnogo federal'nogo okruga RF vozmozhno otkrytie novykh mestorozhdeniy nefti i gaza [Discovery of new oil and gas fields is possible in the Arctic seas of the North-Western Federal District]. Ofitsial'nyy sayt RBK, 06.12.2011: http://spb.rbc.ru/freenews/20111206164320.shtml
Bessonova V.N. Sostoyanie pyl'tsy kak pokazatel' zagryazneniya Sredy tyazhelymi metallami [State of pollen as an indicator of environmental pollution with heavy metals]. Ekologiya, Ekaterinburg, 1992, no. 3, p. 45-50.
Deneva S.V. Neftezagryaznennye pochvy usloviy r. Pechora [Oily soil conditions of the Pechora River]. Pochva, ekologiya, obshchestvo: Vseros. studencheskaya konf. (Sankt-Peterburg, 1-4 marta 1999 g.). Saint Petersburg, 1999, p. 106.
Dzyuba O.F. Izuchenie pyl'tsy iz poverkhnostnykh prob dlya otsenki kachestva okruzhayushchey sredy [Study of pollen from surface samples for environmental quality evaluation]. Neftegazovaya geologiya. Teoriya i praktika, 2006, vol. 1, available: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/7/12.pdf
Dzyuba O.F. Palinoindikatsiya kachestva okruzhayushchey sredy [Pollen-indication of environmental quality]. Saint Petersburg: Nedra, 2006, 198 p.
Dzyuba O.F. Palinomopfologiya kak zveno v tsepi ekologicheskogo monitoringa [Pollen-morphology as a link in the chain of environmental monitoring]. Ekologiya. Normativno-metodicheskie i pravovye osnovy sozdaniya postoyanno deystvuyushchey sluzhby neftegazovogo ekologicheskogo monitoringa i printsipy ee finansovogo obespecheniya, Saint Petersburg: VNIGRI, 1999, p. 157-179.
Dzyuba O.F. Rezul'taty palinologicheskogo issledovaniya razreza torfyanykh otlozheniy Nikol'sko-Lyutinskogo bolota (Novgorodskaya-Pskovskaya obl.) [The results of palynological studies of the cross-section of the peat deposits of Nikolsk-Lyutinsk marshes (Novgorod-Pskov region)]. Tr. VNII torfyanoy promyshlennosti, Saint Petersburg, 1984, no. 53, p. 10-16.
Dzyuba O.F., Boreysha I.K., Yakovleva T.L., Sheynerman N.A., Nadporozhskaya M.A. Kachestvo pyl'tsy vysshikh rasteniy i nekotorykh kletochnykh struktur zhivotnykh organizmov v usloviyakh promyshlennoy ploshchadki LAES i goroda Sosnovyy Bor [The quality of the pollen of higher plants and some cellular structures of living organisms in a industrial area of the city of Leningrad NPP and Sosnovyy Bor town]. Pyl'tsa kak indikator sostoyaniya okruzhayushchey sredy i paleoekologicheskie rekonstruktsii, Saint Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2001, p. 69-78.
Dzyuba O.F., Kulikova N.K., Tokarev P.I. O estestvennom polimorfizme pyl'tsy Pinus sylvestris L. v svyazi s nekotorymi problemami paleopalinologii [On the natural polymorphism of pollen Pinus sylvestris L. in connection with some problems of paleopalynologists]. Palinologiya: teoriya i praktika: materialy KhI Vserossiyskoy palinologicheskoy konferentsii. Moscow. PIN RAN, 2005, p. 65-68.
Dzyuba O.F., Yashenkova L.K., Shimanskiy V.K., Movsesyan A.Z. Izuchenie pyl'tsy iz poverkhnostnykh prob v svyazi s otsenkoy ustoychivosti prirodnogo kompleksa severo-zapada Timano-Pechorskoy neftegazonosnoy provintsii[The study of pollen from surface samples in connection with the assessment of the sustainability of the natural complex north-west of the Timan-Pechora province]. Geologiya v Shkole i VUZe: Geologiya i Tsivilizatsiya: mater. 4-y Mezhdun. konf. Saint Petersburg: Epigraf, 2005, p. 323-326.
Glazunova K. P. Pyl'tsa kak indikator negativnykh faktorov okruzhayushchey sredy: embriologicheskiy aspekt [Pollen as an indicator of negative environmental factors: embryological aspect]. Pyl'tsa kak indikator sostoyaniya okruzhayushchey sredy i palinoekologicheskie rekonstruktsii: Mezhdunarodnyy seminar, Saint Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2001, p. 61-63.
Karevskaya I.A. Sporovo-pyl'tsevoy analiz pri paleogeograficheskikh i geomorfologicheskikh issledovaniyakh [Spore-pollen analysis during paleogeographic and geomorphological studies]. Uchebnoe posobie. Moscow, 1999, p. 113.
Kochubey O.V., Dzyuba O.F. Problemy ekologicheskoy destabilizatsii prirodnykh kompleksov neftegazonosnykh provintsiy i palinoindikatsiya kachestva okruzhayushchey sredy (na primere severo-zapada timano-pechorskoy provintsii [Problems of ecological destabilization of natural systems and oil and gas provinces and paleoindication of environmental quality (on the example of the north-west of the Timan-Pechora province]. Kompleksnoe izuchenie i osvoenie syr'evoy bazy nefti i gaza severa evropeyskoy chasti Rossii: materialy konf. Saint Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2012, p. 293-300.
Kochubey O.V., Markov V.E., Dzyuba O.F., Nesterov E.M. Rekonstruktsii prirodnykh obstanovok landshaftov sredne- i pozdnegolotsenovogo vremeni na osnove kompleksnogo ispol'zovaniya palinologicheskogo i geokhimicheskogo metodov [Reconstruction of natural environments landscapes of the Middle and Late Holocene time based on the integrated use of palynological and geochemical methods]. Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta, 2012, vol. 3, no. 2, p. 13-27.
Korobka E.A. Gosudarstvennyy zapovednik Nenetskiy [Nenets State Forest Reserve]. (05.11.2011): http://www.info83.ru/dostoprimechatelnosti-nao/gosudarstvennyj-zapovednik-neneckij
Ovinnikova K.N. Sovremennoe sostoyanie neftegazovogo kompleksa Rossii i ego problemy [Current state of the oil and gas complex of Russia and its problems]. Izvestiya Tomskogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta, 2013, vol. 322, no. 6, p. 47-51.
Pyl'tsevoy analiz [Pollen analysis]. Editor I.M. Pokrovskaya. Moscow: Gosgeolitizdat, 1950, 553 p.
Sovremennaya radioekologicheskaya obstanovka v mestakh provedeniya mirnykh yadernykh vzryvov na territorii Rossiyskoy Federatsii [Modern radioecological situation in the field of peaceful nuclear explosions on the territory of the Russian Federation]. Kol. avtorov pod ruk. prof. V.A. Logacheva. Moscow: Izd. At, 2005, p. 130-131.
V arkticheskikh moryakh Severo-Zapadnogo federal'nogo okruga RF vozmozhno otkrytie novykh mestorozhdeniy nefti i gaza [Discovery of new oil and gas fields is possible in the Arctic seas of the North-Western Federal District]. Ofitsial'nyy sayt RBK, 06.12.2011: http://spb.rbc.ru/freenews/20111206164320.shtml
Raw hydrocarbon geoecology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Rogozina E.A.
Article # 24_2013 | submitted on 06/24/2013 displayed on website on 06/28/2013 |
21 p. | Dzyuba O.F., Kochubey O.V., Fedoseeva S.V., Markov V.E., Gildin S.M. |
Palynological investigations applied to engineering and environmental survey | |
The possibilities of using palynological methods in engineering and environmental survey (including the oil and gas bearing areas) are considered in this article. Analysis of taxonomic composition of subfossil spore-pollen spectra and
morphological features of pollen grains of higher plants have allowed the authors to characterize environmental conditions, to carry out the retrospective analysis, to estimate the current state of biocenoses in the natural and technogenic environment, and to carry out environmental monitoring within the studied territories.
Key words: engineering and environmental surveys, palynology, spore-pollen analysis, bioindication, biotesting, ecological monitoring, palynoindication of the environmental quality. |
article citation | Dzyuba O.F., Kochubey O.V., Fedoseeva S.V., Markov V.E., Gildin S.M. Palinologicheskie issledovaniya v praktike inzhenerno-ekologicheskikh izyskaniy [Palynological investigations applied to engineering and environmental survey]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2013, vol. 8, no. 2, available: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/7/24_2013.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/24_2013 |
Bessonova V.N. Sostoyanie pyl'tsy kak pokazatel' zagryazneniya sredy tyazhelymi metallami [State of pollen as an indicator of pollution by heavy metals]. Ekologiya. Ekaterinburg, 1992, vol. 3, p. 45-50.
Deneva S.V. Neftezagryaznennye pochvy usloviy r. Pechora [Oil-contaminated soil of Pechora River]. All-Russia conference «Pochva, ekologiya, obshchestvo». Saint Petersburg, 1999, p. 106.
Dzyuba O.F.Palinoindikatsiya kachestva okruzhayushchey sredy [Palyno-indication of Environmental Quality]. Saint Petersburg: Nedra, 2006, 198 p.
Dzyuba O.F. Palinomorfologiya kak zveno v tsepi ekologicheskogo monitoringa [Palyno-morphology as a link in the chain of environmental monitoring]. Ekologiya. Normativno-metodicheskie i pravovye osnovy sozdaniya postoyanno deystvuyushchey sluzhby neftegazovogo ekologicheskogo monitoringa i printsipy ee finansovogo obespecheniya. Saint Petersburg: VNIGRI, 1999, p. 57-79.
Dzyuba O.F. Pollen from surface samples as an environmental indicator // Paleontological journal, 2006, v. 40, suppl. 5, p. 584-589.
Dzyuba O.F. Rezul'taty palinologicheskogo issledovaniya razreza torfyanykh otlozheniy Nikol'sko-Lyutinskogo bolota (Novgorodskaya – Pskovskaya obl.) [The results of palynological studies of the section of peat deposits of Nikolsko-Lyutinsky marshe (Novgorod - Pskov region)]. Tr. VNII torfyanoy promyshlennosti. Leningrad, 1984, vol. 53, p. 10-16.
Dzyuba O.F., Boreysha I.K., Yakovleva T.L. Kachestvo pyl'tsy vysshikh rasteniy i nekotorykh kletochnykh struktur zhivotnykh organizmov v usloviyakh promyshlennoy ploshchadki LAES i goroda Sosnovyy Bor [The quality of the pollen of higher plants and some cellular structures of living organisms in industrial area of the city of Leningrad and Sosnoviy Bor town NPP]. Pyl'tsa kak indikator sostoyaniya okruzhayushchey sredy i paleoekologicheskie rekonstruktsii. Saint Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2001, p. 69-78.
Dzyuba O.F., Yakovleva T.L., Kudrina A.N., Tarasevich V.F. Pyl'tsa kak model' dlya kontrolya kachestva muzhskoy generativnoy sfery rasteniy, zhivotnykh i cheloveka v usloviyakh promyshlennykh tsentrov i krupnykh gorodov [Pollen as a model for quality control of male generative sphere of plants, animals and human in industrial centers and major cities]. Aktual'nye problemy palinologii na rubezhe tret'ego tysyacheletiya. IX All-Russia palynological conference. Moscow: IGiRGI, 1999, p. 61-79.
Dzyuba O.F., Yashenkova L.K., Shimanskiy V.K., Movsesyan A.Z.Izuchenie pyl'tsy iz poverkhnostnykh prob v svyazi s otsenkoy ustoychivosti prirodnogo kompleksa severo-zapada timano-pechorskoy neftegazonosnoy provintsii [The study of pollen from surface samples in connection with the assessment of the stability of the natural complex of northwest of Timan-Pechora oil and gas province]. Proceedings of 4-th international conference «Geologiya v Shkole i VUZe: Geologiya i Tsivilizatsiya». Saint Petersburg: Epigraf, 2005, p. 323-326.
Erdtman G. Pollen morphology and plant taxonomy.Angiosperms. Almquist and Wiksell, Stockcholm, 1952, 539 p.
Kobzar' V.N., Kharitonova E.P. Izmenchivost' obolochki u pyl'tsy semeystva Poaceae [The variability in the shell of the Poaceae pollen]. Palinologiya v biostratigrafii, paleoekologii i paleogeografii. Proceedings of VIII palynological conference. Moscow, 1996, p. 35-36.
Kochubey O.V. Kachestvo pyl'tsy, vydelennoy iz subfossil'nykh sporovo-pyl'tsevykh spektrov na territorii Kumzhinskogo mestorozhden[The quality of pollen derived from subfossil spore-pollen spectra in the Kumzhinskoe field]. Resursno-geologicheskie i metodicheskie aspekty osvoeniya neftegazonosnykh basseynov. Proceedings of II International conference. Saint Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2011, p. 299-308.
Kurinyy L.I. Indikatsiya zagryazneniya okruzhayushchey sredy pestitsidami-mutagenami po ikh gametotsidnomu deystviyu na rasteniya [Indication of pollution by pesticides-mutagens on the basis of their effect on plants]. Tsitologiya i genetika. Moscow, 1973, vol. 17, vol. 4, p. 32-35.
Meyer-Melikyan N.R., Kifishina T.A. Struktura obolochki pyl'tsevykh zeren Dactylis glomerata L. – nadezhnyy ob"ekt monitoringa na stepen' zagryazneniya okruzhayushchey sredy [The structure of pollen grains Dactylis glomerata L. - a reliable object of monitoring the degree of pollution]. Palinologiya i problemy detal'noy stratigrafii. Proceedings of YII palynological conference. Saratov, 1993, p. 57.
Meyer-Melikyan N.R., Polevova S.V., Severova E.E., Tekleva M.V. Razvitie sporodermy v norme i v neblagopriyatnykh usloviyakh (na primere pyl'tsevykh zeren Cichorium intibus L. i Tanacetum vulgare L.) [Sporoderm development under normal and adverse conditions (by example of pollen grains Cichorium intibus L. and Tanacetum vulgare L.)]. Pyl'tsa kak indikator sostoyaniya okruzhayushchey sredy i paleoekologicheskie rekonstruktsii. Saint Petersburg, 2001, p. 125-128. Okruzhayushchaya sreda regiona Sankt-Peterburga [The environment of St. Petersburg]. SPbGTU, 2002, available at: http://www.eisspb.narod.ru/pollute/air/
Podoynitsyna S.V. Pervye rezul'taty palinoekologicheskogo obsledovaniya territorii Nevskoy stantsii podzemnogo khraneniya gaza (NSPKhG) [The first results of palyno-ecological survey of Neva station area of underground gas storage]. Resursno-geologicheskie i metodicheskie aspekty osvoeniya neftegazonosnykh basseynov. - Proceedings of II International conference. Saint Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2011, p. 308-314.
Pyl'tsevoy analiz [Pollen analysis].Editor I.M. Pokrovskaya. Moscow: Gosgeolitizdat, 1950, 553 p.
Deneva S.V. Neftezagryaznennye pochvy usloviy r. Pechora [Oil-contaminated soil of Pechora River]. All-Russia conference «Pochva, ekologiya, obshchestvo». Saint Petersburg, 1999, p. 106.
Dzyuba O.F.Palinoindikatsiya kachestva okruzhayushchey sredy [Palyno-indication of Environmental Quality]. Saint Petersburg: Nedra, 2006, 198 p.
Dzyuba O.F. Palinomorfologiya kak zveno v tsepi ekologicheskogo monitoringa [Palyno-morphology as a link in the chain of environmental monitoring]. Ekologiya. Normativno-metodicheskie i pravovye osnovy sozdaniya postoyanno deystvuyushchey sluzhby neftegazovogo ekologicheskogo monitoringa i printsipy ee finansovogo obespecheniya. Saint Petersburg: VNIGRI, 1999, p. 57-79.
Dzyuba O.F. Pollen from surface samples as an environmental indicator // Paleontological journal, 2006, v. 40, suppl. 5, p. 584-589.
Dzyuba O.F. Rezul'taty palinologicheskogo issledovaniya razreza torfyanykh otlozheniy Nikol'sko-Lyutinskogo bolota (Novgorodskaya – Pskovskaya obl.) [The results of palynological studies of the section of peat deposits of Nikolsko-Lyutinsky marshe (Novgorod - Pskov region)]. Tr. VNII torfyanoy promyshlennosti. Leningrad, 1984, vol. 53, p. 10-16.
Dzyuba O.F., Boreysha I.K., Yakovleva T.L. Kachestvo pyl'tsy vysshikh rasteniy i nekotorykh kletochnykh struktur zhivotnykh organizmov v usloviyakh promyshlennoy ploshchadki LAES i goroda Sosnovyy Bor [The quality of the pollen of higher plants and some cellular structures of living organisms in industrial area of the city of Leningrad and Sosnoviy Bor town NPP]. Pyl'tsa kak indikator sostoyaniya okruzhayushchey sredy i paleoekologicheskie rekonstruktsii. Saint Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2001, p. 69-78.
Dzyuba O.F., Yakovleva T.L., Kudrina A.N., Tarasevich V.F. Pyl'tsa kak model' dlya kontrolya kachestva muzhskoy generativnoy sfery rasteniy, zhivotnykh i cheloveka v usloviyakh promyshlennykh tsentrov i krupnykh gorodov [Pollen as a model for quality control of male generative sphere of plants, animals and human in industrial centers and major cities]. Aktual'nye problemy palinologii na rubezhe tret'ego tysyacheletiya. IX All-Russia palynological conference. Moscow: IGiRGI, 1999, p. 61-79.
Dzyuba O.F., Yashenkova L.K., Shimanskiy V.K., Movsesyan A.Z.Izuchenie pyl'tsy iz poverkhnostnykh prob v svyazi s otsenkoy ustoychivosti prirodnogo kompleksa severo-zapada timano-pechorskoy neftegazonosnoy provintsii [The study of pollen from surface samples in connection with the assessment of the stability of the natural complex of northwest of Timan-Pechora oil and gas province]. Proceedings of 4-th international conference «Geologiya v Shkole i VUZe: Geologiya i Tsivilizatsiya». Saint Petersburg: Epigraf, 2005, p. 323-326.
Erdtman G. Pollen morphology and plant taxonomy.Angiosperms. Almquist and Wiksell, Stockcholm, 1952, 539 p.
Kobzar' V.N., Kharitonova E.P. Izmenchivost' obolochki u pyl'tsy semeystva Poaceae [The variability in the shell of the Poaceae pollen]. Palinologiya v biostratigrafii, paleoekologii i paleogeografii. Proceedings of VIII palynological conference. Moscow, 1996, p. 35-36.
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Stratigraphy and lithology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Kirichkova A.I.
Article # 035 | displayed on website on 10/01/2007 |
22 p. | Dzyuba O.F. |
Terramorphic pollen grains in modern and paleo-palynological spectra and some problems of palyno-stratigraphy | |
Plants produce a large number of terramorphic and sterile pollen grains when ecological conditions are not favorable. Thus, the worse the environmental situation is, the higher the percentage of pathological pollen is, and vice versa. Pollen can be used to estimate the quality of modern environment. Reconstruction of paleoecological conditions can be also carried out through pollen studies (not modern pollen, but one extracted from ancient deposits). A large number of palynomorphs occurs on the eve of different paleoclimatic periods under the influence of unfavorable factors of different etiologies (like radiation, volcanic activity, increased solar activity etc.). Their number declines dramatically in the periods of ecological stability. The knowledge of modern pollen grains morphology formed under conditions of ecological trouble/environmental stress, specific processes associated with the pollen formation in those conditions together with integrated work of actuoopalynologists, paleopalynologists and paleoecologists can help to solve many complex problems connected not only with adaptogenesis and plants evolution, but also with our planet evolution as a whole.
Key words: ecological trouble, teratomorfnye pollen grains, paleopalynologists, reconstruction paleopalinologicheskih conditions. |
article citation | Dzyuba О.F. Terramorphic pollen grains in modern and paleo-palynological spectra and some problems of palyno-stratigraphy // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2007. - V.2. - http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2/035.pdf |
Raw hydrocarbon geoecology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Rogozina E.A.
Article # 12 | displayed on website on 11/21/2006 |
18 p. | Dzyuba O.F. |
Study of pollen from surface samplesfor environmental quality evaluation | |
The study of pollen from surface samples (selection depth of each is 0,015 m) has been carried out as a part of a comprehensive ecological survey of the north-western part of the Timan-Pechora petroleum province. The results of the pollen study have not only confirmed the results of geochemical studies of the territory, but have also allowed to assume the existence of gamete-pathogenic risk there. This is evidenced by terramorphosis specific of the pollen grains studied, obtained from surface samples. Key words: environmental quality, pollen grains, surface samples, terramorphic pollen grains, spore-pollen spectra. |
article citation | Dzyuba O.F. Study of pollen from surface samples for environmental quality evaluation // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2006. - V.1. - http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/7/12.pdf |