Matyukhina T.A.

Graduated from Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov (2013), Department of Geology and Geochemistry and Combustible Fossils.
Leading Specialist of the Department of Geological Study of Hard-to-Recover Objects of OOO LUKOIL-Engineering.
Area of scientific interests: shale formations, unconventional reservoirs, Bazhenov formation, geochemical studies of organic matter and reservoir fluids.
Geochemical research
Article # 40_2022 submitted on 10/05/2022 displayed on website on 11/01/2022
25 p.
pdf Characteristics of organic matter contents in bituminous Upper Jurassic rocks of the southwestern and central regions of Western Siberia according to pyrolytic studies results
The paper presents the pyrolytic studies results of bituminous Upper Jurassic various facies core belonging to various poorly studied section types within the southwestern and central regions of Western Siberia.
Based on the new obtained data were created and clarified maps of average TOC and the catagenetic maturity stage of the organic matter in the Upper Jurassic strata, determined from calculated values of the vitrinite reflectance index (R0) through the Тмах parameter. Significant changes in autochthonous organic matter compositions of the Upper Jurassic strata within the study area and their relationship with the level of its catagenetic maturity were established. The unique data of the kerogen type and the Mulymya Formation organic matter content from new exploration wells allow us to revise high-carbon Upper Jurassic rocks regional distribution patterns, which contained huge hydrocarbon resources.

Keywords: organic matter, Upper Jurassic strata, bituminous rocks, pyrolytic studies, Western Siberia.
article citation Spiridonov D.A., Nemova V.D., Matyukhina T.A., Astarkin S.V., Shakhov A.S. Kharakteristika organicheskogo veshchestva bituminoznykh verkhneyurskikh porod yugo-zapadnykh i tsentral'nykh rayonov Zapadnoy Sibiri po rezul'tatam piroliticheskikh issledovaniy [Characteristics of organic matter contents in bituminous Upper Jurassic rocks of the southwestern and central regions of Western Siberia according to pyrolytic studies results]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2022, vol. 17, no. 4, available at:
   Hazra B., Wood D.A., Mani D., Singh P.K., Singh A.K. Evaluation of Shale Source Rocks and Reservoirs. Petroleum Engineering, 2019, 142 p. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-13042-8
   Kontorovich A.E., Melenevskiy V.N., Zanin Yu.N., Zamiraylova A.G., Kazanenkov V.A., Kazarbin V.V., Makhneeva E.N., Yamkovaya L.S. Litologiya, organicheskaya geokhimiya i usloviya formirovaniya osnovnykh tipov porod bazhenovskoy svity (Zapadnaya Sibir') [Lithology, organic geochemistry and conditions of formation of the main types of rocks of the Bazhenov Formation (Western Siberia)]. Geologiya i geofizika, 1998, vol. 39, no.11, pp. 1477-1491.
   Lopatin N.V. Kontseptsiya neftegazovykh generatsionno-akkumulyatsionnykh sistem kak integriruyushchee nachalo v obosnovanii poiskovo-razvedochnykh rabot [The concept of oil and gas generation and storage systems as an integrating principle in the rationale for prospecting and exploration activity]. Geoinformatika, 2006, no.3, pp. 101-120.
   Lopatin N.V., Emets T.P. Piroliz v neftegazovoy geokhimii [Pyrolysis in oil and gas geochemistry]. Moscow: Nedra, 1987, 76 p.
   Mukher G.A., Kulagina S.F., Pakhomova E.A. Rayonirovanie bazhenovskogo gorizonta po tipam razrezov na territorii KhMAO-Yugry i prilegayushchikh rayonov [Zoning of the Bazhenov Formation according to the types of sections in the KhMAO-Yugra and adjacent areas]. Puti realizatsii neftegazovogo i rudnogo potentsiala Yugry: materialy KhKh nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii. Khanty-Mansiysk, 2011, vol. 1, pp. 163-194.
   Peters К.Е., Walters C.C., Moldowan J.M. The biomarker guide. Second Edition. Prentice Hall, Cambridge University Press, 2005, 1155 p.
   Source and Migration Processes and Evaluation Techniques: Treatise of Petroleum Geology, Handbook of Petroleum Geology. Edited by Robert K. Merrill. Published by The American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Tulsa Oklahoma, USA, 1991, 224 p. DOI:
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Stratigraphy and lithology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Kirichkova A.I.
Article # 12_2020 submitted on 03/02/2020 displayed on website on 04/22/2020
16 p.
pdf Petrophysical characteristics of the Late Jurassic - Early Cretaceous productive levels of the Sredne-Nazym field
The article is devoted to the development of approaches to the allocation of reservoirs in such a complex object as the Late Jurassic - Early Cretaceous sequences of Western Siberia. Based on the generalization and systematization of laboratory core studies, well logging and field data, the main lithological types of potential reservoirs rocks are identified, their petrophysical characteristics are given, the position in the section and patterns of distribution over the area are determined using the example of the Sredne-Nazym field. The reservoirs are divided into two types: 1st type - rocks with reservoir properties corresponding to traditional reservoirs; 2nd type - poor-porous potential reservoirs that could be involved in development only after technological impacts - hydrochloric acid treatment or hydraulic fracturing. The obtained results are used in planning the development of the Late Jurassic - Early Cretaceous sections, which is currently carried out using horizontal wells.

Keywords: Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous, lithotypes, well log interpretation results, geochemical studies, Sredne-Nazym field.
article citation Nemova V.D., Pogodaeva A.M., Kim O.O., Matyukhina T.A. Litologo-petrofizicheskaya kharakteristika produktivnykh intervalov pozdneyursko-rannemelovykh otlozheniy Sredne-Nazymskogo mestorozhdeniya [Petrophysical characteristics of the Late Jurassic - Early Cretaceous productive levels of the Sredne-Nazym field]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2020, vol. 15, no. 2, available at:
   Alekseev A.D., Nemova V.D., Koloskov V.N., Gavrilov S.S. Litologicheskie osobennosti stroeniya nizhnetutleymskoy podsvity Frolovskoy NGO v svyazi s osobennostyami ee neftenosnosti [Lithological peculiarities of Lower Tutleim subformation structure of Frolov petroleum bearing area in view of its oil potential]. Geologiya nefti i gaza, 2009, no. 2, pp. 27-33.
   Dakhnova M.V., Mozhegova S.V., Nazarova E.S., Payzanskaya I.L. Otsenka zapasov «slantsevoy nefti» s ispol'zovaniem geokhimicheskikh parametrov [Evaluation of reserves of shale oil using geochemical parameters]. Geologiya nefti i gaza, 2015, no. 4, pp. 55-61.
   Nemova V.D. Mnogourovnevaya litologicheskaya tipizatsiya porod bazhenovskoy svity [Multi-level lithological typization of rocks of the Bazhenov Formation]. Neftyanoe khozyaystvo, 2019, no.8, pp. 13-17.
   Nemova V.D., Usachev G.A. Opyt i analiz rezul'tatov bureniya skvazhin s protyazhennymi gorizontal'nymi stvolami v verkhneyurskikh otlozheniyakh Zapadnoy Sibiri [Experience and analysis of the results of drilling wells with extended horizontal shafts in the Upper Jurassic section of Western Siberia]. Neftyanoe khozyaystvo, 2019, no. 8, pp. 36-39.
   Panchenko I.V., Nemova V.D., Smirnova M.E., Il'ina M.V., Baraboshkin E.Yu., Il'in V.S. Stratifikatsiya i detal'naya korrelyatsiya bazhenovskogo gorizonta v tsentral'noy chasti Zapadnoy Sibiri po dannym litologo-paleontologicheskogo izucheniya i GIS [Stratification and detailed correlation of Bazhenov Formation in the central part of the Western Siberia according to lithological and paleontological core analysis and well logging]. Geologiya nefti i gaza, 2016, no. 6, pp. 22-34.
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   Skvortsov M.B., Dakhnova M.V., Mozhegova S.V., Kirsanov A.M., Komkov I.K., Payzanskaya I.L. Rol' geokhimicheskikh metodov v prognoze neftenosnosti i otsenke resursnogo potentsiala chernoslantsevykh tolshch (na primere bazhenovskoy svity) [Geochemical methods for prediction and assessment of shale oil resources (case study of the Bazhenov Formation)]. Geologiya i geofizika, 2017, vol. 58, no. 3-4, pp. 495-503.