Kashirtsev V.A.
Graduated from Yakutsk State University (1965), specialization "geological engineer".
PhD in Geology and Mineralogy, corresponding member of RAS.
Chief Researcher, Laboratory of Oil and Gas Geochemistry, IPGG SB RAS.
Area of scientific interests: geochemistry of oil and gas, biogeochemistry, biomarkers.
Author of 222 publications.
Article # 29_2017 | submitted on 06/14/2017 displayed on website on 09/04/2017 |
15 p. | Turakhanov A.K., Glinskikh V.N., Kashirtsev V.A., Fursenko E.A., Shumskayte M.Y. |
The application of the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry method to express-study of rheological properties and composition of oil and gas condensate | |
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance is widely used today in laboratory and borehole studies of rock porosity and permeability properties. Applying to oil-containing fluid physicochemical properties investigation this paper is devoted to Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry possibilities study as an express-method of rheological properties evaluation and saturates, aromatics, resins and asphaltenes (SARA) analysis of hydrocarbons samples. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry properties of hydrocarbons samples from a number of fields in Western Siberia were studied. A comparative analysis with the results of standard geochemical studies was made.
Keywords: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry, rheological properties oil and gas condensate, SARA analysis of hydrocarbons. |
article citation | Turakhanov A.K., Glinskikh V.N., Kashirtsev V.A., Fursenko E.A., Shumskayte M.Y. Primenenie yadernogo magnitnogo rezonansa - relaksometrii dlya ekspress-issledovaniya reologicheskikh svoystv i gruppovogo sostava nefti i kondensata [The application of the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry method to express-study of rheological properties and composition of oil and gas condensate]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2017, vol. 12, no. 3, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/1/29_2017.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/29_2017 |
Dzhafarov I.S., Syngaevskiy P.E., Khafizov S.F. Primenenie metoda yadernogo magnitnogo rezonansa dlya kharakteristiki svoystva i raspredeleniya plastovykh flyuidov [The application of the nuclear magnetic resonance method to characterize the feature and distribution of formation fluids]. Moscow, Khimiya, 2002, 439 p. |
Article # 25_2014 | submitted on 03/28/2014 displayed on website on 05/08/2014 |
22 p. | Parfenova T.M., Kashirtsev V.A., Korovnikov I.V. |
New naphthide shows finds in the Middle Cambrian rocks in the north-eastern Siberian platform | |
The results of geochemical studies of new naphthide hydrocarbons discoveries of in the Middle Cambrian section on the Muna uplift slopes are presented. It is prouved on the basis of molecular composition study that the allochthonous and par-allochthonous bitumoids and bitumen found in Cambrian rocks were generated by rocks of Lower and Middle Cambrian Kuonamka Formation. The Cambrian hydrocarbon migration in north-eastern Siberian platform is discussed. The maturity of naphthides founded in the sections on the Muna and Molodo rivers is lower than maturity determined in the outcrops of Kyulenke River basin. Features of naphthides composition indicate that some of them has been biodegraded in varying degrees.
Keywords: geochemistry, naphthides, biomarkers, katagenesis, hydrocarbon generation, migration, biodegradation, Cambrian, Siberian platform. |
article citation | Parfenova T.M., Kashirtsev V.A., Korovnikov I.V. Novye nahodki naftidoprojavlenij v porodah srednego kembrija na severo-vostoke Sibirskoj platformy [New naphthide shows finds in the Middle Cambrian rocks in the north-eastern Siberian platform]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2014, vol. 9, no. 2, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/1/25_2014.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/25_2014 |
Bazhenova T.K., Beletskaya S.N., Belyaeva L.S., Bikkenina D.A., Gurko N.N., Ivanovskaya A.V., Ipatov Yu.I., Kichueva U.O., Makarov K.K., Neruchev S.G., Parparova G.M., Rogozina E.A., Rudavskaya V.A., Solov'eva I.L., Fayzzulina E.M., Shapiro A.I., Shimanskiy V.K., Shumenkova Yu.M., Aref'ev O.A., Gulyaeva N.D., Kulibakina I.B., Rabotnov V.T., Prokhorov V.S., Shadskiy I.P. Organicheskaya geokhimiya paleozoya i dopaleozoya Sibirskoy platformy i prognoz neftegazonosnosti [Organic geochemistry of Paleozoic and Pre-Paleozoic Siberian platform and forecast of oil and gas potential]. Leningrad: Nedra, 1981, 211 p.
Geologiya nefti i gaza Sibirskoy platformy [Oil and Gas Geology of the Siberian Platform]. Editor A.E. Kontorovich, V.S. Surkov, A.A. Trofimuk. Moscow: Nedra, 1981, 552 p.
Kashirtsev V.A. Organicheskaya geokhimiya naftidov vostoka Sibirskoy platform [Organic geochemistry of naphthides of East Siberian platform]. Yakutsk: Yakutsk branch of SO RAN, 2003, 159 p.
Kashirtsev V.A., Kontorovich A.E. Alkilsterany i alkiltriaromaticheskie steroidy - novye biometki v dokembriyskikh i kembriyskikh neftyakh Nepsko-Botuobinskoy i Aldanskoy antekliz (Sibirskaya platforma) [Alkylsterane and alkyltriaromatic steroids - new biomarkers in Precambrian and Cambrian oils and Nepa-Botuoba Aldan anteclises (Siberian Platform )]. Geologiya i geofizika, 2006, vol. 47, no. 6, p. 812-819.
Klubov B.A. Prirodnye bitumy Severa [Natural bitumen of the North]. Moscow: Nauka, 1983, 208 p.
Kontorovich A.E., Evtushenko V.M., Ivlev N.F., Larichev A.I. Zakonomernosti nakopleniya organicheskogo veshchestva na territorii Sibirskoy platformy v dokembrii i kembrii [Regularities of organic matter accumulation in the Siberian platform in the Precambrian and Cambrian]. In: Litologiya i geokhimiya nefteproizvodyashchikh tolshch Sibirskoy platformy. Moscow: Nauka, 1981, p. 19-42.
Kontorovich A.E., Kashirtsev V.A., Melenevskiy V.N., Timoshina I.D. Sostav uglevodorodov biomarkerov v geneticheskikh semeystvakh neftey dokembriya i kembriya Sibirskoy platformy [Hydrocarbon biomarkers composition in genetic families of Precambrian and Cambrian oils of the Siberian Platform]. Dokl. RAN, 2005, vol. 402, no. 5, p. 651-655.
Kontorovich A.E., Kostyreva E.A. Naftidy kembriya Pred"eniseyskoy subprovintsii [Naphthides of Cambrian Pre-Yenisei subprovince]. Geologiya nefti i gaza, 2011, no. 5, p. 73-77.
Kontorovich A.E., Kostyreva E.A., Saraev S.V., Melenevskiy V.N., Fomin A.N. Geokhimiya organicheskogo veshchestva kembriya Pred"eniseyskoy subprovintsii (po rezul'tatam bureniya skvazhin Vostok-1 i Vostok-3) [Geochemistry of organic matter of Cambrian Pre-Yenisei subprovince (based on drilling of Vostok-1 and Vostok-3 wells)]. Geologiya i geofizika, 2011, vol. 52, no. 6, p. 737-750.
Kontorovich A.E., Savitskiy V.E. K paleografii Sibirskoy platformy v rannyuyu i srednyuyu kembriyskie epokhi [On the paleography of Siberian platform in the early and middle Cambrian era]. In: Voprosy litologii i paleografii Sibiri. Trudy SNIIGGiMS, Novosibirsk,1970, vol. 106, p. 95-108.
Kontorovich A.E., Varlamov A.I., Emeshev V.G., Efimov A.S., Klets A.G., Komarov A.V., Kontorovich V.A., Korovnikov I.V., Saraev S.V., Filippov Yu.F., Varaksina I.V., Glinskikh V.N., Luchinina V.A., Novozhilova N.V., Pegel' T.V., Sennikov N.V., Timokhin A.V. Novyy tip razreza kembriya v vostochnoy chasti Zapadno-Sibirskoy plity (po rezul'tatam bureniya parametricheskoy skvazhiny Vostok-1) [A new type of Cambrian section in the eastern part of the West Siberian Plate (based on drilling of Vostok-1 parametric well)]. Geologiya i geofizika, 2008, no. 11, p. 1119-1129.
Parfenova T.M. Naftidoproyavlenie v porodakh malokuonamskogo gorizonta srednego kembriya kak dokazatel'stvo pervichnoy migratsii nefti v kuonamskoy svite (severo-vostok Sibirskoy platformy) [Naphthide manifistations in rocks of Middle Cambrian Malo-Kuonamka horizon as evidence of primary oil migration in Kuonamka Formation (northeastern Siberian platform)]. Geologiya, geofizika i razrabotka neftyanykh i gazovykh mestorozhdeniy, 2005, no. 7, p. 26-30.
Parfenova T.M., Bakhturov S.F., Shabanov Yu.Ya. Organicheskaya geokhimiya nefteproizvodyashchikh porod kuonamskoy svity kembriya (vostok Sibirskoy platformy) [Organic geochemistry of Cambrian oil-producing rocks of Kuonamka Formation (East Siberian platform)]. Geologiya i geofizika, 2004, no.7, p. 911-923.
Parfenova T.M., Korovnikov I.V., Ivanova E.N., Melenevskiy V.N. Geokhimiya organicheskogo veshchestva nefteproizvodyashchikh porod srednego kembriya (severo-vostok Sibirskoy platformy) [Geochemistry of organic matter of oil-producing Middle Cambrian rocks (north-east of the Siberian platform)]. Geologiya nefti i gaza, 2011, no. 5, p. 64-72.
Peters K.E. Petroleum tricyclic terpanes: predicted physicochemical behavior from molecular mechanics calculations. Organic Geochemistry, 2000, vol. 31, p. 497-507.
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Article # 33_2011 | submitted on 08/18/2011 displayed on website on 09/12/2011 |
15 p. | Polyakov A.A., Blinova V.N., Kashirtsev V.A., Smirnova M.E. |
New data on geological structure of the Olenek bitumen field and hydrocarbon potential of the adjacent territory | |
The reservoirs characteristics were studied and the prerequisites for the formation and location of satellites of the Olenek field were reviewed. This field buried and saturated by fluids, was unaffected by the regional hypergenesis processes. The principal directions of hydrocarbon exploration for the adjacent territory were identified.
Key words: bitumen, ontogenesis of hydrocarbon systems, terrigenous deposits, Permian, hydrocarbon potential, Olenek field. |
article citation | Polyakov А.А., Blinova V.N., Kashirtsev V.A., Smirnova M.E. New data on geological structure of the Olenek bitumen field and hydrocarbon potential of the adjacent territory // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2011. - V.6. - #3.- http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/9/33_2011.pdf |