
Lapkovskiy V.V.
Graduated from Novosibirsk State University (1978), specialization "geology".
PhD in geology and mineralogy.
Head of Laboratory, Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics A.A. Trofimuka SB RAS (INGG SB RAS).
Area of scientific interests: mathematical modeling in the field of oil and gas geology, the laying and filling of sedimentary basins; computer methods for constructing stratigraphic, structural and seismogeological models.
Author of more than 50 publications, the invention "A method of constructing continuous seismic stratigraphic models based on optimal mutual display, a given time (deep) interval of a set of compared seismic traces", patent for the invention No. 2616590 of March 24, 2014
Geological simulation and issues of petroleum fields development
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Prischepa O.M.
Article # 23_2020 | submitted on 05/19/2020 displayed on website on 07/03/2020 |
13 p. | Lapkovskiy V.V. |
The ambiguity of correlation as a factor in stochastic modeling of oil and gas fields | |
In stochastic modeling of oil and gas accumulations, the main sources of uncertainty are associated with the incompleteness of structural information caused by data interpolation errors and inaccuracies in seismic velocity model. Often, porosity, permeability, and the position of phase contacts in reservoirs are represented by random variables with specified types and distribution parameters. There is another type of uncertainty caused by the ambiguity of the cross-well stratigraphic correlation and it has not been studied enough to date, mainly due to the complexity of generating multivariate equivalent correlation models. Based on the technology of automatic correlation of well sections according to their logging data, multivariate modeling of the Botuoba level of the Chayanda field was performed. Empirical distributions of level thicknesses and the position of its boundaries were obtained for the first time. The proposed solution allows to take into account the correlation variability in the stochastic estimation of oil and gas accumulations. Keywords: stochastic modeling, correlation uncertainty, automatic well correlation, logging, Botuoba level, Chayandа field. |
article citation | Lapkovskiy V.V. Neodnoznachnost' korrelyatsii kak faktor pri stokhasticheskom modelirovanii zalezhey nefti i gaza [The ambiguity of correlation as a factor in stochastic modeling of oil and gas fields]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2020, vol. 15, no. 3, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2020/23_2020.html |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/23_2020 |
Baykov V.A., Bakirov N.K., Yakovlev A.A. Novye podkhody v teorii geostatisticheskogo modelirovaniya [New methods in the theory of geostatistical modelling]. Vestnik ufimskogo gosudarstvennogo aviatsionnogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta, 2010, vol. 14, no.2(37), pp. 209-215.
Bozhenyuk N.N. Metody adaptatsii i snizheniya neopredelennostey pri geologo-gidrodinamicheskom modelirovanii terrigennykh kollektorov na primere ryada mestorozhdeniy Zapadnoy Sibiri [Methods of adaptation and reduction of uncertainties in the geological and hydrodynamic modeling of terrigenous reservoirs by the example of a number of petroleum accumulations in Western Siberia]. Dissertatsiya na soiskanie uchenoy stepeni kandidata geologo-mineralogicheskikh nauk, Tyumen', 2018, 163 p.
Deryushev A.B., Potekhin D.V. Primenenie mnogovariantnogo modelirovaniya pri raspredelenii Kp s tsel'yu otsenki dostovernosti postroeniya trekhmernykh litologo-fatsial'nykh modeley na primere nizhnetimanskikh otlozheniy Kirillovskogo mestorozhdeniya nefti [The use of multivariate modeling in the distribution of Kp to evaluate the reliability of the construction of three-dimensional lithological-facies models on the example of the Lower Timan section of the Kirill oil field]. Vestnik PNIPU. Geologiya. Neftegazovoe i gornoe delo, 2012, no. 2, pp. 10-19.
Dyubrul O. Ispol'zovanie geostatistiki dlya vklyucheniya v geologicheskuyu model' seysmicheskikh dannykh [Using geostatistics to incorporate seismic data into a geological model]. EAGE, 2002, 296 p.
Ekimenko A.V., Glavnov N.G., Perminov D.E. Otsenka neopredelennosti strukturnykh postroeniy pri proektirovanii dobyvayushchikh skvazhin [Assessment of the uncertainty of structural structures in the projecting of production wells]. PRO NEFT'', Oct 2016, issue 1, pp. 21-26.
Grishkevich V.F. Neodnoznachnost' stratigraficheskoy modeli tolshchi kak faktor opoiskovaniya [The ambiguity of the stratigraphic model of the stratum as a search factor]. Vestnik nedropol'zovatelya KhMAO, 1999, no. 3, pp. 73-75.
Instruktsiya o soderzhanii, oformlenii i poryadke predstavleniya v gosudarstvennuyu komissiyu po zapasam poleznykh iskopaemykh pri sovete ministrov SSSR (GKZ SSSR) materialov po podschetu zapasov nefti i goryuchikh gazov [Instruction about contents, clearance and order of submission to the state commission on useful fossils resources under the council of ministers of the USSR (GKZ USSR) data for calculating oil resources and combustible gases]. Moscow, 1983.
Keogh K.J., Martinius A.W., Osland R. The development of fluvial stochastic modelling in the Norwegian oil industry: A historical review, subsurface implementation and future directions // Sedimentary Geology, Volume 202, Issues 1–2, 15 November 2007, P. 249-268. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sedgeo.2007.05.009
Khameta I.G., Bikbulatov S.M., Akhmetzyanov R.V. Otsenka vliyaniya seysmicheskoy neopredelennosti na velichinu zapasov uglevodorodov [Influence estimation of seismic data uncertainties on oil in place calculation]. Neftegazovoe delo, 2012, no. 3, pp. 287-294.
Khisamov R.S., Safarov A.F., Kalimullin A.M., Dryagalkina A.A. Veroyatnostno-statisticheskaya otsenka zapasov i resursov v module «UNCERTAINTY_ANALYSIS» V programmnom obespechenii ROXAR RMS[Probabilistic-statistical estimation of reserves and resources in the Uncertainty_Analysis module in Roxar RMS software]. Modelirovanie geologicheskogo stroeniya i protsessov razrabotki – osnova uspeshnogo osvoeniya neftegazovykh mestorozhdeniy: materialy Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii, 2018, Kazan', pp. 89-93.
Lapkovskiy V.V., Istomin A.V., Kontorovich V.A., Berdov V.A. Korrelyatsiya razrezov skvazhin kak mnogomernaya optimizatsionnaya zadacha [Correlation of well logs as a multidimensional optimization problem]. Geologiya i geofizika, 2015, vol. 56, pp. 624-630.
Metodicheskie rekomendatsii po podschetu geologicheskikh zapasov nefti ob"emnym metodom [Guidelines for calculating the geological reserves of oil and gas by the volumetric method]. Editors V.I. Petersil'e, V.I. Poroskuna, G.G. Yatsenko. Moscow-Tver': BHTGNI, NPTs Tver'geofizika, 2003, 262 p.
Metodicheskie rekomendatsii po primeneniyu klassifikatsii zapasov i resursov nefti i goryuchikh gazov [Guidelines for the application of classification of reserves and resources of oil and combustible gases]. Utverzhdeno rasporyazheniem Minprirody Rossii ot 01.02.2016 g. № 3-r, 32 s.
Nikitin I.A., Belkina V.A. Analiz neopredelennostey zapasov gaza odnogo iz mestorozhdeniy Pur-Tazovskoy neftegazonosnoy oblasti [Uncertainty analysis of gas reserves one of the fields in Pur-Tazov Basin]. Territoriya «NEFTEGAZ», 2016, no. 11, pp. 50-56.
Potekhin D.V., Putilov I.S. Kolichestvennoe obosnovanie parametrov mnogovariantnogo modelirovaniya dlya povysheniya dostovernosti trekhmernykh geologicheskikh modeley neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy [Quantitative substantiation of multivariate modeling parameters to increase the reliability of three-dimensional geological models of oil fields] Territoriya NEFTEGAZ, 2014, no. 2, pp.20-23.
Zene M.T.A.M., Hasan N., Ruizhong J., Ruizhong J., Zhenliang G. Volumetric estimation and OOIP calculation of the Ronier4 block of Ronier oilfield in the Bongor basin, Chad. Geomech. Geophys. Geo-energ. Geo-resour. 5, 371–381 (2019). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40948-019-00117-0
Zhang K. Hong Huo H., Chen H, WanX., Liu H., Zhang Ch., Wang Y., Guo S., Meng Z. Improved Stochastic Simulation Using Stratigraphic Forward Modeling: A Case Study of the Lithological Distribution of Tide-Dominated Estuary in JE-AW Oil Field, Ecuador. In: Qu Z., Lin J. (eds) Proceedings of the International Field Exploration and Development Conference 2017. Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering. Springer, Singapore. 2019. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-7560-5_34
Bozhenyuk N.N. Metody adaptatsii i snizheniya neopredelennostey pri geologo-gidrodinamicheskom modelirovanii terrigennykh kollektorov na primere ryada mestorozhdeniy Zapadnoy Sibiri [Methods of adaptation and reduction of uncertainties in the geological and hydrodynamic modeling of terrigenous reservoirs by the example of a number of petroleum accumulations in Western Siberia]. Dissertatsiya na soiskanie uchenoy stepeni kandidata geologo-mineralogicheskikh nauk, Tyumen', 2018, 163 p.
Deryushev A.B., Potekhin D.V. Primenenie mnogovariantnogo modelirovaniya pri raspredelenii Kp s tsel'yu otsenki dostovernosti postroeniya trekhmernykh litologo-fatsial'nykh modeley na primere nizhnetimanskikh otlozheniy Kirillovskogo mestorozhdeniya nefti [The use of multivariate modeling in the distribution of Kp to evaluate the reliability of the construction of three-dimensional lithological-facies models on the example of the Lower Timan section of the Kirill oil field]. Vestnik PNIPU. Geologiya. Neftegazovoe i gornoe delo, 2012, no. 2, pp. 10-19.
Dyubrul O. Ispol'zovanie geostatistiki dlya vklyucheniya v geologicheskuyu model' seysmicheskikh dannykh [Using geostatistics to incorporate seismic data into a geological model]. EAGE, 2002, 296 p.
Ekimenko A.V., Glavnov N.G., Perminov D.E. Otsenka neopredelennosti strukturnykh postroeniy pri proektirovanii dobyvayushchikh skvazhin [Assessment of the uncertainty of structural structures in the projecting of production wells]. PRO NEFT'', Oct 2016, issue 1, pp. 21-26.
Grishkevich V.F. Neodnoznachnost' stratigraficheskoy modeli tolshchi kak faktor opoiskovaniya [The ambiguity of the stratigraphic model of the stratum as a search factor]. Vestnik nedropol'zovatelya KhMAO, 1999, no. 3, pp. 73-75.
Instruktsiya o soderzhanii, oformlenii i poryadke predstavleniya v gosudarstvennuyu komissiyu po zapasam poleznykh iskopaemykh pri sovete ministrov SSSR (GKZ SSSR) materialov po podschetu zapasov nefti i goryuchikh gazov [Instruction about contents, clearance and order of submission to the state commission on useful fossils resources under the council of ministers of the USSR (GKZ USSR) data for calculating oil resources and combustible gases]. Moscow, 1983.
Keogh K.J., Martinius A.W., Osland R. The development of fluvial stochastic modelling in the Norwegian oil industry: A historical review, subsurface implementation and future directions // Sedimentary Geology, Volume 202, Issues 1–2, 15 November 2007, P. 249-268. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sedgeo.2007.05.009
Khameta I.G., Bikbulatov S.M., Akhmetzyanov R.V. Otsenka vliyaniya seysmicheskoy neopredelennosti na velichinu zapasov uglevodorodov [Influence estimation of seismic data uncertainties on oil in place calculation]. Neftegazovoe delo, 2012, no. 3, pp. 287-294.
Khisamov R.S., Safarov A.F., Kalimullin A.M., Dryagalkina A.A. Veroyatnostno-statisticheskaya otsenka zapasov i resursov v module «UNCERTAINTY_ANALYSIS» V programmnom obespechenii ROXAR RMS[Probabilistic-statistical estimation of reserves and resources in the Uncertainty_Analysis module in Roxar RMS software]. Modelirovanie geologicheskogo stroeniya i protsessov razrabotki – osnova uspeshnogo osvoeniya neftegazovykh mestorozhdeniy: materialy Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii, 2018, Kazan', pp. 89-93.
Lapkovskiy V.V., Istomin A.V., Kontorovich V.A., Berdov V.A. Korrelyatsiya razrezov skvazhin kak mnogomernaya optimizatsionnaya zadacha [Correlation of well logs as a multidimensional optimization problem]. Geologiya i geofizika, 2015, vol. 56, pp. 624-630.
Metodicheskie rekomendatsii po podschetu geologicheskikh zapasov nefti ob"emnym metodom [Guidelines for calculating the geological reserves of oil and gas by the volumetric method]. Editors V.I. Petersil'e, V.I. Poroskuna, G.G. Yatsenko. Moscow-Tver': BHTGNI, NPTs Tver'geofizika, 2003, 262 p.
Metodicheskie rekomendatsii po primeneniyu klassifikatsii zapasov i resursov nefti i goryuchikh gazov [Guidelines for the application of classification of reserves and resources of oil and combustible gases]. Utverzhdeno rasporyazheniem Minprirody Rossii ot 01.02.2016 g. № 3-r, 32 s.
Nikitin I.A., Belkina V.A. Analiz neopredelennostey zapasov gaza odnogo iz mestorozhdeniy Pur-Tazovskoy neftegazonosnoy oblasti [Uncertainty analysis of gas reserves one of the fields in Pur-Tazov Basin]. Territoriya «NEFTEGAZ», 2016, no. 11, pp. 50-56.
Potekhin D.V., Putilov I.S. Kolichestvennoe obosnovanie parametrov mnogovariantnogo modelirovaniya dlya povysheniya dostovernosti trekhmernykh geologicheskikh modeley neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy [Quantitative substantiation of multivariate modeling parameters to increase the reliability of three-dimensional geological models of oil fields] Territoriya NEFTEGAZ, 2014, no. 2, pp.20-23.
Zene M.T.A.M., Hasan N., Ruizhong J., Ruizhong J., Zhenliang G. Volumetric estimation and OOIP calculation of the Ronier4 block of Ronier oilfield in the Bongor basin, Chad. Geomech. Geophys. Geo-energ. Geo-resour. 5, 371–381 (2019). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40948-019-00117-0
Zhang K. Hong Huo H., Chen H, WanX., Liu H., Zhang Ch., Wang Y., Guo S., Meng Z. Improved Stochastic Simulation Using Stratigraphic Forward Modeling: A Case Study of the Lithological Distribution of Tide-Dominated Estuary in JE-AW Oil Field, Ecuador. In: Qu Z., Lin J. (eds) Proceedings of the International Field Exploration and Development Conference 2017. Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering. Springer, Singapore. 2019. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-7560-5_34
Geological simulation and issues of petroleum fields development
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Prischepa O.M.
Article # 11_2018 | submitted on 02/22/2018 displayed on website on 04/13/2018 |
17 p. | Lapkovskiy V.V., Shmelev N.E., Lunev B.V. |
Composite well image from log data: technology of creation and application | |
By analogy with method of the composite photo portrait, propose to create a generalized image of a certain set of wells from their log data. Superposition of individual wells is performed on the base of the correlation model, which allows to form a set of stratigraphically equivalent points. The construction of a stratigraphic model is considered as the solution of a multidimensional optimization problem. The composite well pattern allows quantifying the typical characteristics of formations and stratums and analyzing the individual deviations specific to individual areas or wells. Based on this approach, it is possible to predict the distribution of properties for the projected wells and create three-dimensional models (cubes) of properties of the studied objects.
Keywords: automatic correlation of wells, well log data, composite portrait method, composite well, forecasting section of wells, cubes of properties. |
article citation | Lapkovskiy V.V., Shmelev N.E., Lunev B.V. Obobshchennyy obraz skvazhiny po karotazhnym dannym: tekhnologiya sozdaniya i primeneniya [Composite well image from log data: technology of creation and application]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2018, vol. 13, no. 2, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/11/11_2018.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/11_2018 |
Galton Fr. Сomposite portraits, made by combining those of many different persons into a single resultant figure. The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. 1879, Vol. 8, pp. 132-144Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2841021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.2307/2841021
Glushkovа Т.А., Lefton O.L., Talalay A.G., Shinkaryuk I.E. Tekhnologiya sovmestnogo primeneniya GIS i ekspress-geokhimii dlya poiskov i prognozirovaniya mednogo orudeneniya [Joint technology of GIS and express geochemistry to search for and copper mineralization prediction]. Advances in current Natural Sciences, 2016, no. 9, p. 12-116.
Lapkovsky V.V., Istomin A.V., Kontorovich V.A., Berdov V.A. Korrelyatsiya razrezov skvazhin kak mnogomernaya optimizatsionnaya zadacha [Correlation of well logs as a multidimensional optimization problem]. Russian Geology and Geophysics, 2015, vol. 56, no 3, p. 487-492.
Lee, C.Y. An Algorithm for Path Connections and Its Applications, 1961, IRE Transactions on Electronic Computers EC-10 (2), pp. 346–365.
Lock Kr. Komp'yuternye metody summirovaniya izobrazheniy. Obobshchennyy i usrednennyy portrety [Computer methods of summation image. Composite portrait and average face shape]. MSU Vestnik. Seria XXIII. Antropologia, 2011, no. 1, p. 37–44.
Perevozchikov E.V., Maurer A.M. Obobshchennyy fotoportret: istoriya, metody, rezul'taty [Composite photoportraits: history, methods, results]. MSU Vestnik. Seria XXIII. Antropologia 2009, no. 1, p. 35–44.
Perrett, D.I., May, K.A. & Yoshikawa, S. Facial shape and judgments of female attractiveness. Nature, 1994, vol. 368, p. 239–242. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/368239a0
Zubkov M.Yu. Kristallograficheskoe i litologo-petrofizicheskoe obosnovanie elektricheskikh svoystv mineralov zheleza, glin i terrigennykh kollektorov (na primere plastov BV8 i YuV1 Povkhovskogo mestorozhdeniya. Chast' 1) [Crystallographic, lithological and petrophysical bases of iron minerals, clays and terrigenous reservoirs electrical properties (by the example of BV8 and UV1 strata of povkhovskoye fiels. Part 1)]. Gornye Vedomosty, 2008, no. 11, p. 20-32.
Zubkov M.Yu. Osobennosti raspredeleniya urana v bituminoznykh otlozheniyakh bazhenovskoy svity (Zapadnaya Sibir') [Features of the distribution of uranium in bituminous sequences of the Bazhenov Formation (Western Siberia)]. Karotazhnik, 2015, no. 5, p. 3-32.
Glushkovа Т.А., Lefton O.L., Talalay A.G., Shinkaryuk I.E. Tekhnologiya sovmestnogo primeneniya GIS i ekspress-geokhimii dlya poiskov i prognozirovaniya mednogo orudeneniya [Joint technology of GIS and express geochemistry to search for and copper mineralization prediction]. Advances in current Natural Sciences, 2016, no. 9, p. 12-116.
Lapkovsky V.V., Istomin A.V., Kontorovich V.A., Berdov V.A. Korrelyatsiya razrezov skvazhin kak mnogomernaya optimizatsionnaya zadacha [Correlation of well logs as a multidimensional optimization problem]. Russian Geology and Geophysics, 2015, vol. 56, no 3, p. 487-492.
Lee, C.Y. An Algorithm for Path Connections and Its Applications, 1961, IRE Transactions on Electronic Computers EC-10 (2), pp. 346–365.
Lock Kr. Komp'yuternye metody summirovaniya izobrazheniy. Obobshchennyy i usrednennyy portrety [Computer methods of summation image. Composite portrait and average face shape]. MSU Vestnik. Seria XXIII. Antropologia, 2011, no. 1, p. 37–44.
Perevozchikov E.V., Maurer A.M. Obobshchennyy fotoportret: istoriya, metody, rezul'taty [Composite photoportraits: history, methods, results]. MSU Vestnik. Seria XXIII. Antropologia 2009, no. 1, p. 35–44.
Perrett, D.I., May, K.A. & Yoshikawa, S. Facial shape and judgments of female attractiveness. Nature, 1994, vol. 368, p. 239–242. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/368239a0
Zubkov M.Yu. Kristallograficheskoe i litologo-petrofizicheskoe obosnovanie elektricheskikh svoystv mineralov zheleza, glin i terrigennykh kollektorov (na primere plastov BV8 i YuV1 Povkhovskogo mestorozhdeniya. Chast' 1) [Crystallographic, lithological and petrophysical bases of iron minerals, clays and terrigenous reservoirs electrical properties (by the example of BV8 and UV1 strata of povkhovskoye fiels. Part 1)]. Gornye Vedomosty, 2008, no. 11, p. 20-32.
Zubkov M.Yu. Osobennosti raspredeleniya urana v bituminoznykh otlozheniyakh bazhenovskoy svity (Zapadnaya Sibir') [Features of the distribution of uranium in bituminous sequences of the Bazhenov Formation (Western Siberia)]. Karotazhnik, 2015, no. 5, p. 3-32.