Stratigraphy and lithology
Article # 39_2021 submitted on 11/18/2021 displayed on website on 12/03/2021
13 p.
pdf Paleomagnetic studies of the Middle-Upper Devonian section of the Voronezh anteclise (Pavlov quarry)
New paleomagnetic determinations are presented for a collection of rocks of the Middle-Upper Devonian (Givetian and Frasnian stages), sampled from an outcrop on the southwestern slope of the Pavlov granite quarry. Three characteristic components of natural remanent magnetization have been identified. The bipolar component C corresponds to the Late Paleozoic remagnetization in the Carboniferous and two components of Givetian - Frasnian age. The bipolar component of D2NR passes the geomagnetic field polarity reversal test. The obtained position of the paleomagnetic pole in terms of the bipolar component of the natural remanent magnetization is consistent with the available data on the Middle Devonian strata of the Main Devonian Field (Russian platform).

Keywords: paleomagnetic determinations, Middle-Upper Devonian, geomagnetic field, paleomagnetic pole, Main Devonian Field, Russian platform.
article citation Iosifidi A.G., Popov V.V. Paleomagnitnye issledovaniya sredne-verkhnedevonskikh otlozheniy Voronezhskoy anteklizy (Pavlovskiy kar'er) [Paleomagnetic studies of the Middle-Upper Devonian section of the Voronezh anteclise (Pavlov quarry)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2021, vol. 16, no. 4, available at:
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