Stratigraphy and lithology
Article # 34_2024 submitted on 08/26/2024 displayed on website on 11/15/2024
22 p.
pdf Paleomagnetism of Mesozoic igneous section of the Western Spitsbergen Island
The paper presents the results of the study of paleomagnetic Mesozoic rocks samples collected in the period 1984-1987 on Western Spitsbergen Island. Paleomagnetic poles were obtained for three outcrops of dolerites in Isfjorden and Sassenfjorden. To compare new and existing data, a trajectory of apparent migration of the paleomagnetic pole for Spitsbergen area in the Middle Carboniferous – Jurassic interval was constructed. A comparison with the trajectories of paleomagnetic pole migration across the East European Platform and Eurasia was made.

Keywords: paleomagnetism, paleomagnetic pole, Mesozoic section, dolerites, Western Spitsbergen Island.
article citation Iosifidi A.G. Paleomagnetizm mezozoyskikh magmaticheskikh otlozheniy ostrova Zapadnyy Shpitsbergen [Paleomagnetism of Mesozoic igneous section of the Western Spitsbergen Island]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2024, vol. 19, no. 4, available at: EDN: KCVHCJ
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