Kazimirov E.T.


Stratigraphy and lithology
Article # 40_2024 submitted on 10/23/2024 displayed on website on 12/20/2024
17 p.
pdf Dolomitization mechanisms of the Middle Triassic Kurrachine Dolomite Formation, Palmyrides (Syria)
Comprehensive research of the properties and structure of productive Middle Triassic section of the Kurrachine Dolomite Formation in the Palmyra Rift Basin is currently of remarkable importance for the petroleum activity in Syria.
In this study, the main rock types, associated sedimentary environment and dolomitization mechanisms were identified. The void space distribution in the studied rocks basically depends on the sedimentation settings that control early diagenetic dolomitization processes. Within the sabkhas and lagoons, non-porous microcrystalline dolomites were formed by recrystallization of mud material. In shallow marine environments with an active hydrodynamic regime (peloid banks and microbial mounds), the distribution of primary voids generally preserved during pervasive early diagenetic dolomitization which led to the formation of extremely fine-to-fine and fine-to-medium crystalline dolomites. Tectonic cracks observed in the rocks were filled with saddle dolomite cement, which subsequently occluded their connectivity. Mineralization of fracture occurred by deep burial diagenesis due to transformations of clay minerals from the underlying Amanous Shale Formation source rocks, as a result of the development of Palmyra folding.
Accordingly, it is suggested that the main reservoirs of the Kurrachine Dolomite Formation are not predominantly confined to fracture zones, but rather to areas of intercrystalline porosity development of the dolomites in specific facies zones.

Keywords: dolomitization, Kurrachine Dolomite Formation, Triassic, Palmyrides, Syria.
article citation Ghazaleh R., Kazimirov E.T. Dolomitization mechanisms of the Middle Triassic Kurrachine Dolomite Formation, Palmyrides (Syria). Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2024, vol. 19, no. 4, available at: https://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2024/40_2024.html EDN: LRCXZV
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