
Safonova L.V.
Graduated from St. Petersburg State University (2007), specialization "geology".
Leading Geologist of the Antarctic Geophysical Party of the Polar Marine Geosurvey Expedition (PMGE).
Area of scientific interests: geological structure and evolution of the Antarctic continental margins.
Author of 5 publications.
Offshore hydrocarbon deposits
Article # 15_2022 | submitted on 03/25/2022 displayed on website on 06/10/2022 |
20 p. | Safonova L.V., Guseva Yu.B. |
Hydrocarbon potential prospects of D’Urville Sea sedimentary basin (East Antarctica) and adjacent areas based on intercomparison with sedimentary basins located on Australian conjugate margin | |
Hydrocarbon potential assessment of D’Urville Sea and adjacent cover sedimentary basin based on seismic data, log data of wells and intercomparison with Australian conjugate margin basins is established. A prospect area map is made. There are mapped areas with different hydrocarbon potential prospects. Performance evaluation of sedimentary sequences is done from the perspective of petroleum generation. Thick glacial sediment units were accumulated in D’Urville Sea sedimentary basin, unlike in the Australian conjugate margin basins. Due to the relatively deep burial synrift sedimentary rocks on a large area of the basin got lower than the “oil-gas window”, and the hydrocarbons could migrate into the upper units and accumulate in structural and stratigraphic traps, which is indicated by indirect signs. High hydrocarbon potential prospects are associated with a vast upper Cretaceous sedimentary rocks lens as well as with anticline structures formed by synryft strata. Keywords: hydrocarbon potential, hydrocarbon potential prospects area map, synrift strata, Cretaceous anticline structure, East Antarctica, D’Urville Sea. |
article citation | Safonova L.V., Guseva Yu.B. Perspektivy neftegazonosnosti osadochnogo basseyna morya Dyurvilya i prilegayushchikh akvatoriy (Vostochnaya Antarktika) na osnove sopostavleniya s basseynami-analogami na sopryazhennoy avstraliyskoy okraine [Hydrocarbon potential prospects of D’Urville Sea sedimentary basin (East Antarctica) and adjacent areas based on intercomparison with sedimentary basins located on Australian conjugate margin]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2022, vol. 17, no. 2, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2022/15_2022.html |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/15_2022 |
Blevin J.E., Totterdell J.M., Logan G.A., Kennard J.M., Struckmeyer H.I.M. & Colwell J.B. Hydrocarbon prospectivity of the Bight Basin - petroleum systems analysis in a frontier basin. Second Sprigg Symposium, Frontier Basins, Frontier Ideas, Adelaide, June 29-30th, 2000. Geological Society of Australia, Abstracts No. 60, pp. 24-29.
Dmitriev L.V., Bazylev B.A., Silant'ev S.A., Borisov M.V., Sokolov S.Yu., Bugo A. Obrazovanie vodoroda i metana pri serpentinizatsii mantiynykh giperbazitov okeana i proiskhozhdenie nefti [Generation of hydrogen and metan during serpentinisation of oceanic mantle ultrabasites and genesis of oil]. Rossiyskiy zhurnal nauk o Zemle, Moscow, 2009, vol. 1, no. 6.
Escutia C., Brinkhuis H., Klaus A. & the Expedition 318 Scientists. Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, 2011, Volume 318.
Galushkin Yu.I., Leychenkov G.L., Dubinin E.P. Sravnitel'naya otsenka generatsii uglevodorodov v vostochnoy i zapadnoy chastyakh morya Mousona (Antarktika) po znacheniyam otrazhatel'noy sposobnosti vitrinita [Hydrocarbon generation by the rocks of the Bremer Formation in adjacent areas of the nonvolcanic passive margins of Australia and Antarctica]. Geokhimiya, 2020, vol. 65, no. 1, pp. 92-100.
Gavrilov V.P. Geologiya i mineral'nye resursy Mirovogo okeana [Geology and mineral resources of the World ocean]. Moscow, Nedra, 1990, 327 p.
Geoscience Australia submission to the Senate Environment and Communications Committee “Inquiry into oil or gas production in the Great Australian Bight”. Geoscience Australia Submission 70, 2015.
Hayes D.E., Frakes L.A., Barrett P.J., Burns D.A., Chen P., Ford A.B., Kaneps A.G., Kemp E.M., McCollum D.W., Piper D.J.W., Wall R.E., Webb P.N., 1975, Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, v. 27, Washington, D. C., U.S. Govt. Printing Office, pp. 19-433.
Kemptona R.H., Bourdeta J., Gongb S., Ross A.S. Revealing oil migration in the frontier Bight Basin, Australia. Marine and Petroleum Geology, November 2019.
Krassay A.A., Cathro D.L., Ryan D.J. A regional tectonostratigraphic framework for the Otway basin. PESA Eastern Australian Basin Symposium II, Adelaide, 19-22 September 2004, pp. 97-116.
Leychenkov G.L., Guseva Yu.B. Perspektivy neftegazonosnosti osadochnykh basseynov indookeanskoy akvatorii Antarktiki [Prospects for oil and gas of sedimentary basins of Antarctic water area in the South Indian Ocean]. 70 let v Arktike, Antarktike i Mirovom okeane: sbornik nauchnykh trudov; pod red. V.D. Kaminskogo, G.P. Avetisova, V.L. Ivanova. St. Petersburg, VNIIOkeanologiya, 2018, pp. 379-391.
Leychenkov G.L., Guseva Yu.B., Gandyukhin V.V., Ivanov S.V. Stroenie zemnoy kory i istoriya geologicheskogo razvitiya osadochnykh basseynov indookeanskoy akvatorii Antarktiki [Crustal architecture and geological history of sedimentary basins of Antarctic water area in the South Indian Ocean]. St. Petersburg, FGUP «VNIIOkeangeologiya im. I.S. Gramberga», FGUNPP «PMGRE», 2015, 199 p.
Mann P., Gahagan L., Gordon M. B. Tectonic Setting of the World's Giant Oil and Gas Fields. American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Tulsa, OK, Memoirs, 78, 2003, pp 15-105.
Powell C.A., Roots S.R., Veevers J.J. Pre-breakup continental extension in East Gondwanaland and early opening of the eastern Indian Ocean. Tectonophysics, 155, 1988, pp. 261-283.
Roslov Yu.V., Pavlenkin A.D., Kremlev A.N., Efimova N.N. Seismic signs of fluid flow and associated hydrocarbon deposits. Geophysics, 2009, no. 2, pp. 26-30.
Sayers J., Bernardel G. & Parums R. Geological framework of the central Great Australian Bight and adjacent areas. Geoscience Australia Record, 2003/12, 2003. Canberra, pp. 96.
Smith W.H., Sandwell D.T. Global Sea Floor Topography from Satellite Altimetry and Ship Depth Soundings. Science, 1997, 277, pp. 1956-1962.
Stacey A, Mitchell C.H., Struckmeyer H.I.M., and Totterdell J. M. Geology and hydrocarbon prospectivity of the deepwater Оtway and Sorell basins, offshore southeastern Australia. Geoscience Australia, 2013, Record 13/02.
Stagg H.M.J., Reading A.M. Crustal architecture of the oblique-slip conjugate margins of George V Land and southeast Australia. U.S. Geological Survey and The National Academies USGS OF-2007-1047, 2007, Short Research Paper 109.
Teasdale J., Pryer L., Stuart-Smith P., Romine K., Loutit T., Etheridge M., Shi Z., Foss C., Vizy J., Henley P., Kyan D. Оtway & Sorell Basins SEEBASE Project, 2002, 55 p.
Totterdell J., Hall L., Hashimoto T., Owen K., and Bradshaw M. Petroleum geology inventory of Australia's offshore frontier basins. Geoscience Australia, 2014, Record 14/09.
Varova L.V., Leychenkov G.L., Guseva Yu.B. Tektonicheskoe stroenie kontinental'noy okrainy Zemli Adeli - Zemli Georga V i prilegayushchey abissal'noy kotloviny (Vostochnaya Antarktika) [Tectonic structure of Terra Adelie - George V margin and adjacent ocean basin (East Antarctic)]. Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki, 2011, no. 2 (88), pp. 69-80.
Dmitriev L.V., Bazylev B.A., Silant'ev S.A., Borisov M.V., Sokolov S.Yu., Bugo A. Obrazovanie vodoroda i metana pri serpentinizatsii mantiynykh giperbazitov okeana i proiskhozhdenie nefti [Generation of hydrogen and metan during serpentinisation of oceanic mantle ultrabasites and genesis of oil]. Rossiyskiy zhurnal nauk o Zemle, Moscow, 2009, vol. 1, no. 6.
Escutia C., Brinkhuis H., Klaus A. & the Expedition 318 Scientists. Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, 2011, Volume 318.
Galushkin Yu.I., Leychenkov G.L., Dubinin E.P. Sravnitel'naya otsenka generatsii uglevodorodov v vostochnoy i zapadnoy chastyakh morya Mousona (Antarktika) po znacheniyam otrazhatel'noy sposobnosti vitrinita [Hydrocarbon generation by the rocks of the Bremer Formation in adjacent areas of the nonvolcanic passive margins of Australia and Antarctica]. Geokhimiya, 2020, vol. 65, no. 1, pp. 92-100.
Gavrilov V.P. Geologiya i mineral'nye resursy Mirovogo okeana [Geology and mineral resources of the World ocean]. Moscow, Nedra, 1990, 327 p.
Geoscience Australia submission to the Senate Environment and Communications Committee “Inquiry into oil or gas production in the Great Australian Bight”. Geoscience Australia Submission 70, 2015.
Hayes D.E., Frakes L.A., Barrett P.J., Burns D.A., Chen P., Ford A.B., Kaneps A.G., Kemp E.M., McCollum D.W., Piper D.J.W., Wall R.E., Webb P.N., 1975, Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, v. 27, Washington, D. C., U.S. Govt. Printing Office, pp. 19-433.
Kemptona R.H., Bourdeta J., Gongb S., Ross A.S. Revealing oil migration in the frontier Bight Basin, Australia. Marine and Petroleum Geology, November 2019.
Krassay A.A., Cathro D.L., Ryan D.J. A regional tectonostratigraphic framework for the Otway basin. PESA Eastern Australian Basin Symposium II, Adelaide, 19-22 September 2004, pp. 97-116.
Leychenkov G.L., Guseva Yu.B. Perspektivy neftegazonosnosti osadochnykh basseynov indookeanskoy akvatorii Antarktiki [Prospects for oil and gas of sedimentary basins of Antarctic water area in the South Indian Ocean]. 70 let v Arktike, Antarktike i Mirovom okeane: sbornik nauchnykh trudov; pod red. V.D. Kaminskogo, G.P. Avetisova, V.L. Ivanova. St. Petersburg, VNIIOkeanologiya, 2018, pp. 379-391.
Leychenkov G.L., Guseva Yu.B., Gandyukhin V.V., Ivanov S.V. Stroenie zemnoy kory i istoriya geologicheskogo razvitiya osadochnykh basseynov indookeanskoy akvatorii Antarktiki [Crustal architecture and geological history of sedimentary basins of Antarctic water area in the South Indian Ocean]. St. Petersburg, FGUP «VNIIOkeangeologiya im. I.S. Gramberga», FGUNPP «PMGRE», 2015, 199 p.
Mann P., Gahagan L., Gordon M. B. Tectonic Setting of the World's Giant Oil and Gas Fields. American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Tulsa, OK, Memoirs, 78, 2003, pp 15-105.
Powell C.A., Roots S.R., Veevers J.J. Pre-breakup continental extension in East Gondwanaland and early opening of the eastern Indian Ocean. Tectonophysics, 155, 1988, pp. 261-283.
Roslov Yu.V., Pavlenkin A.D., Kremlev A.N., Efimova N.N. Seismic signs of fluid flow and associated hydrocarbon deposits. Geophysics, 2009, no. 2, pp. 26-30.
Sayers J., Bernardel G. & Parums R. Geological framework of the central Great Australian Bight and adjacent areas. Geoscience Australia Record, 2003/12, 2003. Canberra, pp. 96.
Smith W.H., Sandwell D.T. Global Sea Floor Topography from Satellite Altimetry and Ship Depth Soundings. Science, 1997, 277, pp. 1956-1962.
Stacey A, Mitchell C.H., Struckmeyer H.I.M., and Totterdell J. M. Geology and hydrocarbon prospectivity of the deepwater Оtway and Sorell basins, offshore southeastern Australia. Geoscience Australia, 2013, Record 13/02.
Stagg H.M.J., Reading A.M. Crustal architecture of the oblique-slip conjugate margins of George V Land and southeast Australia. U.S. Geological Survey and The National Academies USGS OF-2007-1047, 2007, Short Research Paper 109.
Teasdale J., Pryer L., Stuart-Smith P., Romine K., Loutit T., Etheridge M., Shi Z., Foss C., Vizy J., Henley P., Kyan D. Оtway & Sorell Basins SEEBASE Project, 2002, 55 p.
Totterdell J., Hall L., Hashimoto T., Owen K., and Bradshaw M. Petroleum geology inventory of Australia's offshore frontier basins. Geoscience Australia, 2014, Record 14/09.
Varova L.V., Leychenkov G.L., Guseva Yu.B. Tektonicheskoe stroenie kontinental'noy okrainy Zemli Adeli - Zemli Georga V i prilegayushchey abissal'noy kotloviny (Vostochnaya Antarktika) [Tectonic structure of Terra Adelie - George V margin and adjacent ocean basin (East Antarctic)]. Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki, 2011, no. 2 (88), pp. 69-80.