Stotskiy V.V.

He graduated from the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (2015), specialization "geophysical methods of well research".
Post-graduate student, assistant of the Geophysics Department of the Natural Resources Institute .
Area of scientific interest: paleotemperature modeling.
Author of 12 publications.
Geological simulation and issues of petroleum fields development
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Prischepa O.M.
Article # 15_2017 submitted on 04/12/2017 displayed on website on 05/10/2017
14 p.
pdf  Zoning of the shale oil area belonging to the southern part of the Koltogor-Urengoy paleorift
The search for “shale oil" remains an urgent task for Western Siberia, where the Upper Jurassic Bazhenov Formation is widespread. The developed infrastructure of the southeast area defines these lands as priority for zoning and allocation of prime areas. In tectonic terms, the studies are confined to the Koltogor-Urengoy paleorift and its framing structures. According to the geothermal criteria, the centers of generation and accumulation of Bazhenov oil have been identified in situ. The integral indicator of the density of generated oil resources is calculated, taking into account the time of the main oil generation zone and the geothermal temperature in this zone. Areas with high prospects of prospecting for "shale oil" are distinguished.

Keywords: shale oil, Bazhenov Formation, paleotemperature modeling, oil resources density, Koltogor-Urengoy paleorift, Western Siberia.
article citation Isaev V.I., Lobova G.A., Starostenko V.I., Stotskiy V.V., Fomin A.N. Zonal'noe rayonirovanie neftenosnykh slantsevykh tolshch yuzhnogo segmenta Koltogorsko-Urengoyskogo paleorifta [Zoning of the shale oil area belonging to the southern part of the Koltogor-Urengoy paleorift]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2017, vol. 12, no. 2, available at:

   Ermakov V.I., Skorobogatov V.A. Teplovoe pole i neftegazonosnost' molodykh plit SSSR [Thermal field and the oil and gas content of the young plates of the USSR], Moscow: Nedra, 1986, 222 p.
   Fomin A.N. Katagenez organicheskogo veshchestva i neftegazonosnost' mezozoyskikh i paleozoyskikh otlozheniy Zapadno-Sibirskogo megabasseyna [Catagenesis of organic matter and oil-and-gas of the Mesozoic and Paleozoic deposits of the Western Siberian Megabasin], Novosibirsk: INGG SO RAN, 2011, 331 p.
   Goncharov I.V., Samoylenko V.V., Oblasov S.V., Fadeeva S.V., Veklich M.A., Kashapov R.S., Trushkov P.V., Bakhtina E.S. Tipy i katagenez organicheskogo veshchestva bazhenovskoy svity i ee vozrastnykh analogov [Organic matter types and catagenesis of the Bazhenov Formation and its age analogues]. Neftyanoe khozyaystvo, 2016, no. 10, p. 20–25.
   Illarionova L.V., Kokorina M.S., Isaeva O.S. Pryamye priznaki neftenosnosti bazhenovskoy svity na territorii Tomskoy oblasti [Direct indications of oil potential of the Bazhenov Formation on the territory of the Tomsk Region]. Geophysical methods for subsoil exploration: Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation, Tomsk: Izd-vo TPU, 2016, p. 114–117.
   Isaev V.I. Otsenka vliyaniya tolshch vechnoy merzloty pozdnechetvertichnogo klimaticheskogo pokholodaniya na geotermicheskiy rezhim neftematerinskikh otlozheniy Zapadnoy Sibiri [Assessment of the influence of permafrost strata of late quaternary climate cooling of the geothermal regime of oil-source deposits of Western Siberia]. Neftegazovaya geologiya. Teoriya i praktika, 2015, vol. 10, no. 2, DOI:
   Isaev V.I., Isaeva O.S., Lobova G.A., Starostenko V.I., Fomin A.N. Ekspress-rayonirovanie materinskoy svity po plotnosti resursov generirovannoy nefti (na primere Nyurol'skoy megavpadiny) [Express zoning of the source rocks on density of oil generated resources (for example Nyurol Megadepression)]. Izvestiya Tomskogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta. Inzhiniring georesursov, 2016, vol. 327, no. 3, p. 23–37.
   Isaev V.I., Lobova G.A., Mazurov A.K., Fomin A.N., Starostenko V.I. Rayonirovanie bazhenovskoy svity i klinoform neokoma po plotnosti resursov slantsevoy i pervichno-akkumulirovannoy nefti (na primere Nyurol'skoy megavpadiny) [Zoning of the BazhenovFormation and Neocomclinoformsregarding density shale resources and primary accumulated oil (for example, NurolMegadepression)]. Geofizicheskiy zhurnal, 2016b, vol. 38, no. 3, p. 29–51.
   Isaev V.I., Lobova G.A., Osipova E.N. The oil and gas contents of the Lower Jurassic and Achimovka reservoirs of the Nyurol’ka megadepression. Russian Geology and Geophysics, 2014, vol. 55, p. 1418–1428. DOI:
   Isaev V.I., Lobova G.A., Osipova E.N., Sungurova O.G. Rayonirovanie megavpadin Tomskoy oblasti po plotnosti resursov slantsevoy nefti [Zonation of megadepressions of the Tomsk region depending on the frequentness of shale oil resources]. Neftegazovaya geologiya. Teoriya i praktika, 2016, vol. 11, no. 1, DOI:
   Isaev V.I., Lobova G.A., Starostenko V.I., Fomin A.N. Skhemy rayonirovaniya Ust'-Tymskoy megavpadiny po plotnosti resursov slantsevoy nefti togurskoy i bazhenovskoy svit [Zonation schemes of Ust-Tymmegadepressionconsidering density of shale oil resources of the Togur and Bazhenov source rock Formations]. Izvestiya Tomskogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta. Inzhiniring georesursov, 2015, vol. 326, no. 12, p. 6–19.
   Isaev V.I., Starostenko V.I. Otsenka neftegazomaterinskogo potentsiala osadochnykh basseynov Dal'nevostochnogo regiona po dannym gravimetrii i geotermii [Evaluation of the oil-and-gas potential of sedimentary basins of the Far East region according to the Gravimetry and Geothermy Data]. Geofizicheskiy zhurnal, 2004, vol. 26, no. 2, p. 46–61.
   Kontorovich A.E. , Fomin A.N., Krasavchikov V.O., Istomin A.V. Catagenesis of organic matter at the top and base of the Jurassic complex in the West Siberian megabasin. Russian Geology and Geophysics, 2009, vol. 50, no. 11, p. 917–929. DOI:
   Kontorovich V.A., Belyaev S.Yu., Kontorovich A.E., Krasavchikov V.O., Kontorovich A.A., Suprunenko O.I. Tectonic structure and history of evolution of the West Siberian geosyneclise in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Russian Geology and Geophysics, 2001, vol. 42, p. 1832–1845.
   Kurchikov A.R. The geothermal regime of hydrocarbon pools in West Siberia. Russian Geology and Geophysics, 2001, vol. 42, no. 11–12, p. 678–689.
   Lobova G.A., Popov S.A., Fomin A.N. Lokalizatsiya prognoznykh resursov nefti yursko-melovykh NGK Ust'-Tymskoy megavpadiny [Probable oil resource localisation for Jurassic and Cretaceous oil-and-gas complexes in Ust-TymMegadepression]. Neftyanoe khozyaystvo, 2013, no. 2, p. 36–40.
   Lobova G.A., Stotskiy V.V., Isaev V.I. Vliyanie paleoklimata na geotermicheskiy rezhim i realizatsiyu neftegeneratsionnogo potentsiala bazhenovskikh otlozheniy yugo-vostoka Zapadnoy Sibiri (Novosibirskaya oblast') [Influence of paleoclimate on geothermal particularity and on the oil-generation potential of the Bazhenov Formation (south-east Western Siberia - Novosibirsk region)]. Neftegazovaya geologiya. Teoriya i praktika, 2014, vol. 9, no. 3, DOI:
   Morozov N.V., Belen'kaya I.Yu., Zhukov V.V. 3D modelirovanie uglevodorodnykh sistem bazhenovskoy svity: detalizatsiya prognoza fiziko-khimicheskikh svoystv uglevodorodov [3D modeling of hydrocarbon systems of the Bazhenov Formation: details of the forecast of physical and chemical properties of hydrocarbons]. PRONEFT', 2016, issue 1, p. 38–45.
   Predtechenskaya E.A., Fomichev A.S. Vliyanie razryvnykh narusheniy na temperaturnyy rezhim i katageneticheskie preobrazovaniya mezozoyskikh otlozheniy Zapadno-Sibirskoy plity [The impact of faulting on thermal regime and catagenetic transformations of Mesozoic deposits, West Siberian Plate]. Neftegazovaya geologiya. Teoriya i praktika, 2011, vol. 6, no. 1,
   Zapadnaya Sibir'. Geologiya i poleznye iskopaemye Rossii [Western Siberia. Geology and Mineral Resources of Russia]. In 6 volumes. Vol. 2. Ed. by A. E. Kontorovich, V. S. Surkov. St. Petersburg: Izd-vo VSEGEI, 2000, 477 p.

Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 31_2014 submitted on 06/10/2014 displayed on website on 07/18/2014
24 p.
pdf  Influence of paleoclimate on geothermal particularity and on the oil-generation potential of the Bazhenov Formation (south-east Western Siberia - Novosibirsk region)
The review of researches about the influence of paleoclimate (a century level temperatures chart on the surface of the Earth) on thermal history of deep source rocks and its influance of its generation potential is provided. Influence of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic climate on a geothermal regime of the Bazhenov Formation source rocks of south-east Western Siberia (Novosibirsk region) is estimated. The paleoclimate assessment on the basis of paleotemperature modeling verification results and identification by geotemperature criterion of paleospot of the Bazhenov oil generation in sedimentary sections of three deep wells which have been drilled in Bazhenov Formation on the Verkh-Tarsk area is carried out. The reconstruction of the thermal history of source rocks excluding paleoclimate won't be coordinated with "maximum paleotermometry" - vitrinite reflectance data and construct petroleum potential section. The local century course is recommended to be considered when determining of hydrocarbon resources by a volume and genetic method of the Tomsk, Novosibirsk and Omsk areas. Local century level temperatures chart of Earth's temperatures of the terrestrial surface, used at construction and reconstruction for the Southern Siberian paleoclimate zone, significantly contribute to ameliorate the oil resources prognose.

Keywords: paleoclimate, paleotemperature modeling, source rock, Bazhenov Formation, inferred resources, South-East of Western Siberia.
article citation Lobova G.A., Stotsky V.V., Isaev V.I. Vlijanie paleoklimata na geotermicheskij rezhim i realizaciju neftegeneracionnogo potenciala bazhenovskih otlozhenij jugo-vostoka Zapadnoj Sibiri (Novosibirskaja oblast') [Influence of paleoclimate on geothermal particularity and on the oil-generation potential of the Bazhenov Formation (south-east Western Siberia - Novosibirsk region)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2014, vol. 9, no. 3, available at:
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