ISSN 2070-5379


Alternative title: Petroleum Geology - Theoretical and Applied Studies

Scientific electronic journal

The "Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika" (Alternative title: Petroleum Geology - Theoretical and Applied Studies) is a peer-reviewed scientific electronic journal published by All-Russia Petroleum Research Exploration Institute (VNIGRI) since 2006.
The prime focus of the journal is the high-impact original research in the field of petroleum geology of Russia and CIS.
The distribution form: open-access electronic periodical issue.
Editor-in-Chief: Vladimir V. Shimanskiy
Editorial office: Fayansovaya str. no. 20, building 2, letter A, 192019 St. Petersburg, Russia; tel:+7 (921) 966-62-83

The journal is included/registered/indexed in (transliterated as: Neftegazovaa Geologia : Teoria i Praktika; assigned ISSN: 2070-5379):