Guidelines for authors
Articles submitted for publication must be relevant, original, contain description of the main research results obtained by the author, and conclusions. The editors consider the submitted article in turn. After the "double blind" review of an article it is considered by the editorial board, which gives permission for publication. Date of publication of articles is presented on website. The author will receive an e-mail notification of the publication of the article.The following document should be submitted:
1) Paper (separate files: text, figures, tables, figure captions);
2) Application (download here). By signing the Application authors transfer the copyrights for publishing of articles to publisher.
3) Author's information (download here);
4) Expert opinion on the possibility of publication or recommendation from the organization, which indicated that the article does not contain information prohibited for open access;
All documents should be sent to the journal in paper form and in electronic form (by e-mail or on disk). The paper version has to fully comply with the electronic. In the case of non-compliance with the publishing terms the Editorial Board will not accept the article for consideration.
The following terms should be followed: Page setup: A4 format, all margins 2 cm, indention of 1 cm. Text of the article is performed in Microsoft Word, font Times New Roman, 12 pins, spacing - one and a half, justified.
Article should be structured as follows:
1) The author (s) last name, first name and patronymic, affiliation and e-mail addresses (left alignment);
2) Title of the article (bold, centered);
3) Abstract (prepared in accordance with guidelines for writing the summary);
4) Keywords (no more than 9 words or phrases separated by commas);
5) The text of the article, without the inserted figures and tables, not exceeding 10 pages;
6) References in accordance with BGN standard.
Figures should be attached as separate files cdr, jpg, or gif. Figure captions should be submitted as separate file "Captions" in the format of Microsoft Word.
Authors retain copyright without restriction and grant the publisher the non-exclusive right to publish the article for the first time. Authors of articles are fully responsible for the content of articles. The editors are not liable to the authors and (or) third parties and organizations for any damage caused by the publication of the article. The editors reserve the right to remove published article, if it turns out that in the process of publication of the article someone's rights or generally accepted standards of scientific ethics had been violated.
License terms
All articles published by the journal "Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika" can be used in accordance with Creative Commons license Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). This permits anyone to re-distribute and re-use a licensed work provided the original work and source is appropriately cited. Citation should include the article DOI. For more information please read Attribution 4.0 International License. The article license is displayed at the end page of the article pdf as follows:

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