Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 55_2008 | submitted on 12/12/2008 displayed on website on 12/16/2008 |
10 p. | Borovikov I.S. |
Funds of oil and gas fields on the territory of the Far Eastern region | |
On the territory of the Far Eastern region, the first oil field was discovered on Sakhalin in 1923. Since that time still 65 oil and gas fields were discovered on this island. In the 1980s the geography of discoveries expanded at the expense of Kamchatka and Chukotka. Sakhalin is a basic oil-gas-producing district in the region. Its oil production peaked at 2.7 million t in 1983, thereafter it has been decreasing steadily as well as gas production which peaked in 1989 – 1.9 billion m3. Apparently that neither new rare discoveries with lesser reserves on Sakhalin nor widening the geography of discoveries are not capable to have a marked effect on this tendency. Key words: field, reserves, oil, gas, ultimate potential resources, distributed fund, undistributed fund, the Far East. |
article citation | Borovikov I.S. Funds of oil and gas fields on the territory of the Far Eastern region // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2008. - V.3. - #4.- |