Raw hydrocarbon geoecology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Rogozina E.A.
Article # 37_2010 submitted on 08/16/2010 displayed on website on 08/25/2010
18 p.
pdf  Comparative characteristic of native biopreparations proposed for cleanup of soils and grounds from pollution
The comparative characteristic of biopreparations proposed by native organizations and firms for cleanup of soils and grounds from pollution by oil and oil products is performed. Mainly booklets were the sources of information. The comparison of these preparations was conducted on the parameters characterizing both the preparation itself and its efficiency in cleaning up the objects polluted by oil. The meanings of parameters selected for comparison change in a wide diapason, on some of them information is absent. It is indicated that the unified list of parameters-characteristics for the possible comparison of the worked out biopreparatios and estimating their competitiveness is absent. Information on the biopreparations of NAFTOKS series worked out at the VNIGRI and VNIISHM is presented.

Key words: soil, oil pollution, cleanup, biopreparations, cleanup efficiency.
article citation Rogozina E.A., Andreeva O.A., Zharkova S.I., Martynova D.A., Orlova N.A. Comparative characteristic of native biopreparations proposed for cleanup of soils and grounds from pollution // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2010. - V.5. - #3.- http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/7/37_2010.pdf