Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 53_2010 submitted on 10/12/2010 displayed on website on 11/18/2010
12 p.
pdf  Geological and geophysical interpretation in oil and gas field exploration in Omorinsk region of Eastern Siberia

The method of complex processing of geological and geophysical data in oil and gas exploration for prospective areas where conventional oil and gas recovery techniques of structural traps with further primary drilling are unacceptable has been proposed. Within Omorinsk oil and gas field the connection of productive wells with the areas («gaps»), characterized by the absence of propane gas emission, coinciding with the anomalies of seismic decomposition in fault zones considering structural and litho-facial factors has been revealed. These areas provide information on layer- reservoirs in the cross-section.

Key words: azimuth spread anomalies, anomalies of propane, field gradient, zone of faulting, correlation and spatial analysis, method of complex seismic decomposition, Omorinsky oil and gas region, Eastern Siberia.
article citation Berseneva N.Ya. Geological and geophysical interpretation in oil and gas field exploration in Omorinsk region of Eastern Siberia // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2010. - V.5. - #4.-