Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 15_2011 submitted on 03/23/2011 displayed on website on 04/04/2011
26 p.
pdf  History of oil and gas formation and accumulation in northwest Siberian platform (historical, geochemical and structural analysis)
The history of oil and gas formation and accumulation in the northwest Siberian platform during formation of the region’s structure is considered; the comparative analysis of the Turukhansk and Igaro-Norilsk areas is conducted; the structure along with oil and gas potential prospects of the northwestern part of the Tunguskaya syncline are briefly described through the results of seismic-gravity-magnetic modeling.
Key words: northwest Siberian platform, the Tunguskaya syneclise, oil and gas formation, scope of hydrocarbon emigration, naphthyde manifestations, oil and gas formation centers, plac-anticlinorium.
article citation Bazhenova T.K., Kazais V.I. Istoriya neftegazoobrazovaniya i neftegazonakopleniya na severo-zapade Sibirskoy platformy (istoriko-geokhimicheskiy i strukturno-istoricheskiy analiz) [History of oil and gas formation and accumulation in northwest Siberian platform (historical, geochemical and structural analysis)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2011, vol. 6, no. 2. available at: