Geochemical research
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Bazhenova T.K.
Article # 31_2011 submitted on 07/12/2011 displayed on website on 08/16/2011
19 p.
pdf  Geochemical aspects of Lower and Middle Jurassic sediments of the West-Siberian plate in view of hydrocarbon potential evaluation
Data on macro-component content, concentration, distribution and catagenesis of dispersed organic matter in the Levin, Kiterbyut, Laydin, and Leontyev sections of the Lower-Middle Jurassic sediments of the West-Siberian Plate have been analyzed. Quantitative evaluation of oil-and-gas formation processing in these strata is presented.
Key words: organic matter, catagenesis, estimation of oil-and-gas formation, Lower-Middle Jurassic strata, West-Siberian Plate.
article citation Bostrikov O.I., Larichev A.I., Fomichev A.S. Geochemical aspects of Lower and Middle Jurassic sediments of the West-Siberian plate in view of hydrocarbon potential evaluation // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2011. -V.6. - #3.-