Economy, information technology, resource management
Section editor – PhD in economics Krasnov O.S.
Article # 12_2012 submitted on 10/19/2011 displayed on website on 02/13/2012
12 p.
pdf  Optimizing management procedures for improvement of oil production efficiency in the context of micro- and macroeconomics
Optimizing of activities of oil production enterprises aimed at improving their efficiency is carried out using organizational and economic control methods, implemented through management procedures (including methodological, organizational, technological, economic, and regulatory methods), as well as the state participation in the development and promotion of research-and-development projects. Implementation of two-level management system is necessary in the context of microeconomics.
Key words: management procedures, innovation use, tax legislation and regulations, research and development.
article citation Yartiev A.F. Sovershenstvovanie upravlencheskikh mekhanizmov povysheniya effektivnosti dobychi nefti na mikro- i makrourovnyakh [Optimizing management procedures for improvement of oil production efficiency in the context of micro- and macroeconomics]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2012, vol. 7, no. 1, available at:
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