Geochemical research
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Bazhenova T.K.
Article # 31_2012 submitted on 03/26/2012 displayed on website on 06/26/2012
37 p.
pdf  Middle Paleozoic deposits of Andre-Dickson aulacogen (Spitsbergen) - geological and geochemical background for petroleum potential prospects
Some geological, geophysical and chemical data on the material composition, occurrence conditions and nature of organic matter of the Middle Paleozoic deposits (Bille-Fjord, Western Spitsbergen) are analyzed. It is shown that the formational characteristics of the Devonian strata have excluded the possibility of its finding in the basement of Svalbard plate and have proved its belonging to the undisturbed formations of sedimentary cover of rift depression (proposed name for rift depression - Andre-Dickson aulacogene). The evidence of absence of regional "Svalbard" unconformity, which was previously regarded as the base of sedimentary cover of Svalbard plate, is provided. The near-contact metamorphism was identified along the Bille-Fjord fault, caused by the powerful series of the Carboniferous mafic intrusions, which were previously regarded as a horst of the Pre-Cambrian rocks. The features of “hot” contact between this intrusion and the Carboniferous surrounding rocks are described. It is concluded that the Devonian and Carboniferous deposits that make up a single powerful sin-rift complex, represent a perspective object for oil prospecting and is associated with productive stratum of the same age of the Pechora-Kolva aulacogen in view of its characteristics, conditions of formation and location in the section. The presence of wet hydrocarbon gas, gas condensate and light oil in the section of coal deposits on the shores of the Petunia Bay is regarded as a result of accelerated maturation of organic matter under conditions of thermal effects of hot magma on the surrounding sedimentary rocks.
Key words: coal-bearing deposits, organic matter, Carbon, Devon, intrusion, gabbro, "hot" contact, gas, gas condensate, light oil, semi-commercial inflow, Spitsbergen, Bille-Fjord.
article citation Verba M.L. Geologicheskie i geokhimicheskie predposylki perspektiv neftenosnosti srednepaleozoyskikh otlozheniy Andre-Diksonskogo avlakogena (Shpitsbergen) [Middle Paleozoic deposits of Andre-Dickson aulacogen (Spitsbergen) - geological and geochemical background for petroleum potential prospects]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2012, vol. 7, no. 2, available at:

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