Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 45_2012 submitted on 07/23/2012 displayed on website on 08/30/2012
9 p.
pdf  Sedimentary cover of Dezful province (Iran) – litho-stratigraphic features and paleogeographic sedimentation conditions
The article deals with the litho-stratigraphic data of the top of Dezful province sedimentary cover, where the studied Lali petroleum-perspective block is situated. Two stages of formation of the sedimentary cover of the Dezful Embayment province, which include several cycles of different tectonic regimes, are analyzed. Seven Paleozoic formations, eighteen Mesozoic and twelve Cenozoic are allocated in the sedimentary cover. The presence of carbonate reservoirs, oil source rocks, clay and evaporite clap rocks, the absence of long periods of erosion, have created the conditions for generation, migration, accumulation and preservation of large hydrocarbon accumulations in the region.

Key words: sedimentary cover, carbonate reservoirs, litho-stratigraphic studies, petroleum potential, Dezful province, Iran.
article citation Makarevich V.N., Nekhaev A.A. Litologo-stratigraficheskie osobennosti i paleogeograficheskie usloviya sedimentatsii osadochnogo chekhla provintsii Dezful (Iran) [Sedimentary cover of Dezful province (Iran) – litho-stratigraphic features and paleogeographic sedimentation conditions]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2012, vol. 7, no. 3, available at:

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