Offshore hydrocarbon deposits
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Margulis L.S.
Article # 64_2012 submitted on 10/15/2012 displayed on website on 12/06/2012
15 p.
pdf  Types of potential hydrocarbon traps and their areal extent in the western part of the Laptev sea shelf
Recent years have seen the discovery of over 50 local structures on the Laptev Sea shelf. Facies variations and intricate architecture of sedimentary sequences, their partition by displacements of complex kinematics determined the formation of different types of hydrocarbon traps. The evidence obtained from the seismic stratigraphic and seismic facial analysis as well as the structural mapping based on 2-D CDP reflection data has revealed the presence of structural, lithologic, lithologic/stratigraphic and combination hydrocarbon traps. The presented subdivision of hydrocarbon traps provides the basis for more efficient exploration during the early stages of studying exploration targets.

Key words: sedimentary basin, seismic sequence, displacement, strike-slip, normal fault, reverse fault, horst, graben, hydrocarbon trap, oil and gas play, oil and gas accumulation zone.
article citation Zavarzina G.А. Tipy potentsial'nykh lovushek uglevodorodov i ikh rasprostranenie v zapadnoy chasti shel'fa morya Laptevykh [Types of potential hydrocarbon traps and their areal extent in the western part of the Laptev sea shelf]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2012, vol. 7, no. 4, available at:
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