Petroleum potential and development
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Podol'skiy Yu.V.
Article # 13_2013 | submitted on 03/15/2013 displayed on website on 03/29/2013 |
36 p. | Novikov Yu.N. |
Dynamic changes and current state of world oil reserves, production and consumption | |
The main changes in oil reserves in different regions of the world and main oil producing countries over the past 20 years are analyzed. The main changes in oil production and consumption in different regions and countries of the world over the past 10 years are researched and discussed. The volume of oil reserves, levels of oil production and consumption are examined. Possible projects are scrutinized, implementation of which may contribute to the increase in world oil reserves and its production levels in accordance with steadily rising levels of oil consumption.
Key words: recoverable oil reserves, production, consumption, regions and countries of the world, oil producers, oil consumers, promising projects. |
article citation | Novikov Yu.N. Dinamika izmeneniy i sovremennoe sostoyanie mirovykh zapasov, dobychi i potrebleniya nefti [Dynamic changes and current state of world oil reserves, production and consumption]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2013, vol. 8, no. 1, available at: |
DOI | |
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Novikov Yu.N. Protsedura i rezul'taty utochneniya i perescheta geologicheskikh zapasov nefti i gaza mestorozhdeniy neraspredelennogo fonda nedr [The procedure and the results of clarifying and recalculation of oil and gas geological reserves of fields of unlicensed area]. Razvedka i okhrana nedr, 2011, no. 4, p. 11-17.
Novikov Yu.N. Otsenka sostoyaniya i geologicheskoy obosnovannosti zapasov nefti i gaza mestorozhdeniy neraspredelennogo fonda nedr [Assessment of the current state and geological substantiation of reserves of oil and gas geological reserves of fields of unlicensed area]. Mineral'nye resursy Rossii. Ekonomika i upravlenie, 2011, no. 4, p. 17-23.
Popov A.P., Plesovskikh I.A., Varlamov A.I., Afanasenkov A.P., Pyr'ev V.I., Shelepov V.V., Poroskun V.I., Solov'ev B.A., Keller M.B., Lodzhevskaya M.I., Sudo R.M., Iutina M.M. Sostoyanie syr'evoy bazy nefti i gaza Rossiyskoy Federatsii [Current state of oil and gas resource base of the Russian Federation]. Geologiya nefti i gaza, 2012, № 5, p. 4-25.
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Statistical review of world energy 2012. British Petroleum.
Gafarov N.A., Glagolev A.I. Osvoenie netraditsionnykh UV-resursov v SShA: sovremennoe sostoyanie i perspektivy [Development of unconventional hydrocarbon resources in the United States: current state and perspectives]. Gazovaya promyshlennost'. Geologiya i razrabotka mestorozhdeniy, 2012, no. 11, p. 48-53.
Novikov Yu.N. Protsedura i rezul'taty utochneniya i perescheta geologicheskikh zapasov nefti i gaza mestorozhdeniy neraspredelennogo fonda nedr [The procedure and the results of clarifying and recalculation of oil and gas geological reserves of fields of unlicensed area]. Razvedka i okhrana nedr, 2011, no. 4, p. 11-17.
Novikov Yu.N. Otsenka sostoyaniya i geologicheskoy obosnovannosti zapasov nefti i gaza mestorozhdeniy neraspredelennogo fonda nedr [Assessment of the current state and geological substantiation of reserves of oil and gas geological reserves of fields of unlicensed area]. Mineral'nye resursy Rossii. Ekonomika i upravlenie, 2011, no. 4, p. 17-23.
Popov A.P., Plesovskikh I.A., Varlamov A.I., Afanasenkov A.P., Pyr'ev V.I., Shelepov V.V., Poroskun V.I., Solov'ev B.A., Keller M.B., Lodzhevskaya M.I., Sudo R.M., Iutina M.M. Sostoyanie syr'evoy bazy nefti i gaza Rossiyskoy Federatsii [Current state of oil and gas resource base of the Russian Federation]. Geologiya nefti i gaza, 2012, № 5, p. 4-25.
Krupneyshie neftegazovye proekty mira [The world's largest oil and gas projects]. Oil & Gas Journal Russia, 2012, December, p. 85-92.
Statistical review of world energy 2012. British Petroleum.