Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 26_2013 | submitted on 11/12/2012 displayed on website on 07/01/2013 |
14 p. | Ganiev R.R. |
Techniques and economic feasibility of prospecting and exploration of small oil traps in Tatarstan | |
The possibility of improving the methodology and economic feasibility of prospecting and exploration of small and low-amplitude Pashiysky-Timan deposits on the well-explored territory of Tatarstan was investigated.
Key words: methods of prospecting, deposit, trap, Devonian deposits, exploratory drilling, seismic profiles, economic feasibility. |
article citation | Ganiev R.R. Metodicheskie priemy i ekonomicheskaya tselesoobraznost' poiskov i razvedki malorazmernykh lovushek nefti na territorii Tatarstana [Techniques and economic feasibility of prospecting and exploration of small oil traps in Tatarstan]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2013, vol. 8, no. 2, available at: |
DOI | |
Ganiev R.R. Razrabotka metodicheskih prijomov poiska i razvedki malorazmernyh lovushek nefti v pashijsko-timanskom produktivnom komplekse [Development of techniques for prospecting and exploration of small oil traps of Pashiysky-Timan productive complex]. Georesursy, 2012, no. 2(44), p. 19.
Hisamov R.S., Gatijatullin N.S., Tarasov E.A., Ekimenko V.A., Vojtovich S.E., Liberman V.B. Geologorazvedochnye raboty v regionah s vysokoj opoiskovannost'ju nedr [Exploration in areas with high level of exploration]. Editor R.S. Hisamov. Kazan': «FJeN», 2010, 274 p.
Larochkina I.A., Minibaeva S.M. Puti povyshenija jeffektivnosti geologorazvedochnyh rabot v Respublike Tatarstan [Ways to improve the efficiency of exploration in the Republic of Tatarstan]. Georesursy, 2008, no. 1, p. 5-7.
Filippov V.P., Aksjonov A.A., Fursov A.Ja., Gomzikov V.K., Kuznecov S.V. Metodika uskorennoj podgotovki zalezhej nefti k razrabotke [Methods of accelerated preparation of oil deposits to the development]. Editor Filippov V.P., Aksjonov A.A. Moscow: RMNTK «Nefteotdocha», 1996, 196 p.
Hisamov R.S., Gatijatullin N.S., Tarasov E.A., Ekimenko V.A., Vojtovich S.E., Liberman V.B. Geologorazvedochnye raboty v regionah s vysokoj opoiskovannost'ju nedr [Exploration in areas with high level of exploration]. Editor R.S. Hisamov. Kazan': «FJeN», 2010, 274 p.
Larochkina I.A., Minibaeva S.M. Puti povyshenija jeffektivnosti geologorazvedochnyh rabot v Respublike Tatarstan [Ways to improve the efficiency of exploration in the Republic of Tatarstan]. Georesursy, 2008, no. 1, p. 5-7.
Filippov V.P., Aksjonov A.A., Fursov A.Ja., Gomzikov V.K., Kuznecov S.V. Metodika uskorennoj podgotovki zalezhej nefti k razrabotke [Methods of accelerated preparation of oil deposits to the development]. Editor Filippov V.P., Aksjonov A.A. Moscow: RMNTK «Nefteotdocha», 1996, 196 p.