Geological simulation and issues of petroleum fields development
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Khalimov E.M.
Article # 29_2014 submitted on 03/12/2014 displayed on website on 07/10/2014
12 p.
pdf  The necessity of consideration of geologic-producing parameters in the estimation of the hydrocarbon reserves
The creation and adaptation of geological and reservoir simulation models using recent data for the entire period of development, and the reservoir parameters and fluid are initially defined and constant. They change as a result of technological influence and absence of the accounting of these changes leads to decrease in degree of reliability of received 3D geological and hydrodynamic models. The dynamic model of the porosity ratio used to predict changes in the development of deposits, allowing to define the value of the ratio on various dates is proved. The comparison of the initial effective oil-saturated reservoir volume and initial porosity ratio defined with and without technological processes on their values is presented. The initial volumes of hydrocarbons deposits of a considered deposit are specified and account of technological changes of geological field parameters in the construction of geological and hydrodynamic models is proved.

Keywords: porosity ratio, deposits volume, reserves estimation, geological and hydrodynamic model of reservoir.
article citation Zinovkina T.S. O neobhodimosti ucheta tehnogennyh izmenenij geologo-promyslovyh parametrov pri podschete zapasov uglevodorodov [The necessity of consideration of geologic-producing parameters in the estimation of the hydrocarbon reserves]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2014, vol. 9, no. 3, available at:
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